Chapter Fourteen: Sticks and Stones...

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Walter came over at about nine at night. That suited me fine, I was about to go to bed anyway. Maybe tonight would be a good night and I wouldn't even have to see him. I started to relax. I couldn't find another escape for tonight and I hoped against hope that perhaps it wouldn't be too bad.

Mom was in a fit, trying to make the living room just a little presentable. It was where they spent most of their nights.

I was in my room, not really caring about anything other than getting some sleep cause I had a test in the morning.

The window was wide open, due to the heat. I didn't like to leave it open since we were on the first floor and someone could potentially get in but I had no choice. It was hot enough to bake me alive inside this place.

It was about to be ten o clock when I finally started to doze. I had trouble relaxing, hearing my mom and that weasel outside.

But I hadn't accounted for something.

I only had to see Walter about once every two weeks and I usually wasn't even here when I knew he'd be over, just to be safe.

“Get in here, brat!” my mom yelled. I knew she meant me so I dragged myself up wearily, not looking forward to seeing Walter again.

“Yes?” I asked, already falling asleep on my feet.

I felt Walter's shrewd eyes on me, not missing a single detail about me. Including that I was basically asleep on my feet.

“I know how much you hate this place” mom told me, “I hate it too”

“Okay?” I was wondering if this was going to turn out as bad as my gut told me it was.

“Walter offered to let us move in with him” mom told me excitedly.

I was awake in milliseconds.

Live with Walter?! I couldn't!

“I'm sure that Walter can't afford to keep us both at his place” I tried to talk her out of it.

“Oh, come on. Don't be naïve. I'll still work. But now you can go straight home. You won't need to stick around when I work. You should be happy”

This couldn't be happening.

“But I don't think Walter wants a kid to hang around his place” again, I tried to talk her out of it.

“Are you kidding? Walter loves you as if you were his own” mom looked happy, a fevered gleam in her eye that told me she was high and wouldn't listen to one word I said.

I just let it go for now, not wanting to talk to a brick wall. Besides, Walter's eyes were on me intently and I had never felt so uncomfortable.

I'd try to talk to her when he left.

And so I left without another word, walking to my room in silence. Mom giggled.

“See? I told you she likes you” I heard her say to him as I closed my door.

I gritted my teeth against the tears that wanted to spill.


I was starting to doze again, thankfully. It was around midnight now and I've done nothing but worry about life with Walter.

I couldn't do it. I just couldn't.

I hated that creep.

I heard something strange, a very light creaking, but I dismissed it. This building, and it's occupants, made all sorts of noises at night. Surely it was nothing. I'd gotten over my fears of creepy noises a long time ago. It was probably mom anyway, up to get a midnight drink.

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