Chapter Twenty-Three: Disasters Without Panties

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*Dirty Content*

I could tell it was going to be a bad day. For one, I woke up in my bed naked. For another, I wasn't alone.

"Did you move me here?" I asked the idiot that was snuggled to me.

"Yeah" he sighed, holding me tighter.

"Why am I naked?" I asked, sitting up on the bed. He smiled lazily at me, closing his eyes.

"Because I thought I deserved a little reward for dragging you up here. You know baby, you've gotten heavy" he said, smile still on his lips even after I smacked his arm. I scoffed.

"I am not heavy!" I shouted, hitting him again with a pillow. I was sensitive about my weight.

What woman wasn't?

"Whatever you say babe. But you weren't the one who had to lug two hundred pounds up the stairs" he turned over, showing me his naked back. I glared at him, hoping he was teasing. But what if he wasn't?

Was I getting fat?

I grumbled while getting out of bed. I didn't want to go to work. I felt like crap.

"When did you bring me up here?" I asked. I was curious to know how long I stayed up. I was so absorbed last night that I hadn't noticed the time.

"Around four in the morning. You know, it's not healthy to sleep so late. You should be getting more rest. You won't be any good to your client if you're asleep on your feet" he told me, the contempt for my job not concealed at all. I rolled my eyes.

"Don't be melodramatic. I'll be fine. I always am" I told him carelessly, picking out a black pencil skirt and a red blouse for the day. Just because I felt like it, I added a pair of lacy panties and a bra to match. I didn't want to think why I wanted sexy underwear today.

"It's things like that that make me think you really can't take care of yourself" he muttered, giving me a foul, dark look over his naked shoulder. I winced.

I knew that I used to be helpless but I liked to think that I was over that.

I didn't bother to respond to that. First he calls me fat (I hadn't figured out if he was joking yet) and then he tells me I can't take care of myself. Independence was incredibly important to me. He knew that. So why was he acting like this?

I went to my bathroom, slamming the door close.

First thing I did?

I weighed myself. I hadn't gained a pound. In fact, the stress was making me lose weight.

But that hardly mattered.

Did Dean start to think of me as ugly? How would I cope with that?

I climbed in the shower, thinking that Sam would never insult me like that. He needed me desperately. He was like the baby I never got to have.

God, I was thinking about this way too much.

I just tried to enjoy the shower. My love life could wait until after the trial.


"Someone looks sexy" his husky voice, that I barely heard over the hum of the fridge, made me turn around. He was completely naked.

I felt my jaw drop. Oh God. My knees pressed together, my weight supported by the counter behind me. Jeez. I don't think I'll ever get over how sexy he was. I bit my lip, feeling myself get wet and ruin the lacy panties I chose to wear.

Fuck. Me.


He came closer and I closed my eyes, feeling his intoxicating warmth penetrate me just the way I liked. I was always freezing. But he always ran hot. So damn hot.

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