Chapter Four: The Ideal First Date

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Sam's POV

I had been passed out when my doorbell rang. I wiped the drool off my face and staggered over to the door. Standing on my doorstep was Melissa, one of my other regulars. I frowned, wondering why she was here.

“I heard about you and your wife. I'm so sorry Sam” she said, having an expression of sympathy on her face. My frown dug deeper. Something smelt fishy here.

“Thanks. I guess” I muttered. She walked up to me and played with the opening of my button up shirt that I've been wearing since Rose left. She shot me a seductive smile and leaned in.

“I could make you feel better” she offered. I made a noise of disgust and pushed her off me. So that's what this was about. Now that Rosie left me, Melissa wanted a shot at me.

“No thanks Mel. I'm trying to fix things with her and cheating again would not be a good idea” I said firmly, expecting her to just let it go. Melissa was a very passive woman. Not like my passionate Rose. She narrowed her eyes for a brief minute because lighting up her face again. Too late, I had seen her sour look.

“You've never rejected me before” she whined, pressing her boobs into me. I made another sound of disgust. I couldn't even think about touching Melissa. The thought thoroughly disgusted me. I pushed her away.

“Well I am now. Just leave Melissa” I told her, intending to slam the door in her face and continue my drinking and moping. But I had underestimated her.

“Sam please” she said in her bedroom whimper, pushing her breasts up and shirt down. I covered my eyes before they could get burned.

“What the hell! Put those away!” I exclaimed, though I had seen them enough times before. She made some sort of sound that I couldn't really identify.

“Come on Sam. You know you want to” she murmured, pressing up against me again. She was partly right. Any other time I would be banging her already but now the thought repulsed me. How funny was this, I cheat on my wife our whole marriage and now that she left, I can't touch another woman.

“Just go” I said in a strangled voice. She took the tone for desire and smirked and she pushed me in the house.

“Not when I still have work here” she said, voice husky and full of lust. She went on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to mine, seeming not to realize that when I jerked away that I didn't want her touching me. I couldn't take any more of this, it was clashing horribly with the hangover I was sporting, so I picked her up. She giggled, thinking I was going to carry her to a bed but I took her outside and left her, mouth and eyes open with shock, on the doorstep. This time I slammed the door close before she could even react. Now if only Rosie could've seen that, I'd be golden.

I threw myself in my chair and popped open a beer, looking at some photo albums. There were pictures of every milestone in our lives and I cried like a baby when I saw them. I hadn't known about them, hadn't realized that Rosie took the time and care to put all our pictures in order and decorate the books. They were beautiful and mostly were of me since she was the only one who ever bothered to take a picture. Some were of her but they were mostly ones that she took of herself or some that another third party took of us together. I smiled at the ones she took of herself. They all had her looking goofy and beautiful. Most of them where of her belly when she was pregnant. She had only been a few weeks but she took a picture every week to note a difference in her appearance, delighted when she found some. She had lost the baby after about two months or so. I'm not entirely sure when. It destroyed her and I hadn't been much help. I didn't know about it because she wanted to keep it a surprise for me after that first month and the baby hadn't really seemed real to me. I guess I was just a monster for not caring more. And than all the cheating... I didn't deserve her.

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