Chapter Twenty-Two: Excuses, Excuses

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Dean's POV

I finally did it. I finally got a job of my own. Can you guess what it is?

I had gotten the very important, prestigious job at Target. You can envy me. Honestly though, I did like it. The people I worked with were nice and there was a girl who usually worked near me who constantly made a pass at me. I found it funny and I didn't take it seriously. Who would? She was cute but she looked like the flimsy type. I liked girls who had long, curly black hair and golden eyes. I don't think any other type would do. Not anymore.

So Clair, the girl who worked with me, didn't stand a chance with her brown hair and gray eyes. I'll admit she was hot but she just wasn't Rosie.

I walked to my last class, not worried about being super late because that teacher was seriously in love with me. Okay, maybe she wasn't actually in love with me but I knew I was her favorite student. Only a few months ago, we used to screw pretty regularly. She was really hot for a teacher. And I had fun doing that whole 'naughty teacher' fantasy.

“You're late” she glared at me when I walked in. I smirked.

“So?” I asked, sitting down at my desk with that cocky smirk firmly in place. Her eyes promised me that there would be consequences for being so late but they certainly wouldn't have anything to do with school.

The lesson was pretty pointless. At least I thought so. Mrs. Adams really couldn't teach worth a damn but she was really strict and she loved to fail students. That's the reason I started banging her. She exchanged one A for every time I made her come.

Needless to say, I kept her very happy for a very long time. But I considered myself a taken man now. I had to actually try in class, which I thought might just kill me.

Still, I let my mind wander while she droned on in the front of the class.

It's been a week or so since Rosie's been living with me and it hasn't really worked out the way I thought it would. As a matter of fact, this arrangement only proved to me all the more that Rosie was truly a weird girl, completely different from the rest.

Here I was, the player of the century, and she had managed to wrap me around her pinkie. I mean, I've never had a girlfriend before she came along. I never even wanted one. The thing that struck me as weird was that Rosie wasn't taking advantage of this. She never made a move toward me, she never bragged about how she managed to bag a player without even trying. Nothing. She did nothing. The fact that she lived with me, her unofficial boyfriend, seemed to mean nothing to her. She slept in my bed, turned away from where I was sleeping on the floor. She made both of our meals but only ate what I made her eat. Otherwise, she barely acknowledged that I was there at all.

And I found that weird as hell.

I know that I sound like the worst kind of egotistical bastard but come on! Women threw themselves at me on a regular basis! Why didn't she?

My thoughts of self pity were broken off by Mrs. Adams who assigned us all book work for the rest of the hour like a truly lazy teacher.

Her heels made that stupid click-clack noise on her way to her desk and she called me up. I gritted my teeth and went up there, feeling as if I were facing the gallows.

“Can you stay after class please?” she didn't actually ask but I thought I would answer as if she did. I leaned back on my heels and answered.

“I can't, Mrs. Adams. Sorry” I smiled at her infuriated face.

“I'm afraid I have to insist” she said and that was that. I couldn't outright deny a teacher I used to screw. I sighed. I would be late to pick up Rosie and she might get away again.

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