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King Osris rode along at the front of the welcome party, prince Roland plodding along slightly behind him, looking around eagerly for any sight of his mystery bride. The king halted the party at the mountain pass that looked out over the kingdoms vast green meadows.

"Your highness, they are approach from the east. Yonder, I see the flags."
"Make sure ours are raised high." The king instructed "stay mounted until they stop."
"Is that....the flag of Dreconton!" Prince Roland asked shocked to see their enemies flags approaching at speed "it's an ambush! The Barbarians are on our soil! Ready yourselves!" He called out to the kings soldiers, drawing his own sword "father, retreat. We will run them through!" He raised his sword, jeering up the kings army.
"Lower it now! And swiftly! All of you, stand down!"
"Father! The Barbarians are...."
"If you do not wish your tongue to be cut out by king Cedmond I suggest you do not refer to them as barbarians! You will address him as king Cedmond and bow to him. Understood."
"He is no king father! He is parading as one, he is a savage! I am not bowing to any Drecontonian!"
"You are marrying one, so put that away before they see."
"Inara is a Dreconton Barbarian! A savage!"
"Last warning! Fall in line."

The king trotted forward meeting the leader of the kingdom of Dreconton, the pair greeting each other begrudgingly. The two kingdoms had been at war with each other for generations, the violence and bloodshed escalating with each passing year. King Orsis wanted peace for his people but didn't want to surrender their land or surrender on the battlefield. They both dismounted their horses waving their parties forward.

"This is my son prince Roland." The king gestured to his son to join him
"Daughter" king Cedmond pointed at a majestic looking white horse "Inara"
The king waved over his linguist to translate their conversation. Prince Roland stood, half listening, staring at his soon to be bride, trying to get a good look at her. She wore a large cape, with the hood pulled up, not descending from the horse she sat straddled upon, primitive reins made from rope in a firm grip in her dainty looking hands.
"Son, look away. You are angering her father." The king nudged the prince
"Do I not get to at least meet her!"
"Now I know why you have kept her identity a secret." Prince Roland muttered quietly

"No like?" King Cedmond asked confused
"Son. Be careful." The king turned to whisper "their reputation is not overplayed."
"Welcome to the kingdom of Erathern." Prince Roland bowed his head politely. "I look forward to meeting princess Inara."
"Inara" king Cedmond correct his poor pronunciation "for you. Gift." He waved a man over with a wild horse leading it to prince Roland, handing over the rope. The prince looked again at Inara and the rest of the party realising they all rode bareback.
"It is a sign of respect" king Osris' adviser Beric stepped forward, he was a well read scholar and an expert on Dreconton history and tradition.
"You like?" King Cedmond asked patting the horse proudly "good horse. Strong. Breed good. Give many foals."
"Yes, he is impressive." The prince nodded, flinching at the wild horses enthusiasm, trying to keep a hold of the rope tightly.

They remounted riding back to the castle, all those who they passed along the way either ran in fear at the sight of the Drecontonians or stood gasping at the sight in disbelief that the king himself would be riding side by side with their mortal enemy.

"Digory! The prince called over the stable master. See the horses are well looked after. Especially our guests."
"Our guests!" Digory gasped
"Indeed. I am as surprised as you." He muttered "this one is to stay with us, he appears to be wild." The prince struggled to hold his new steed.
"Aye sir. Your bride is...."
"Apparently" the prince scoffed "I will come to the stables to check all is well when I get the chance. Make sure no one messes with their horses. They are sacred in their culture apparently."

The prince followed his father inside, he could tell the guests were not being welcomed with open arms, he shook his head at the thought of their reaction once they realised they were the arriving wedding party. Prince Roland stood awkwardly in the grand room, watching the hooded figure by her fathers side, wondering how she was feeling about this. At just eighteen she was merely a girl, being ripped from her home to marry a man she had never met.

"Prince Roland, come son" the king waved him over after an hour of animated discussions.
"You like?" Cedmond was asking again, he hoped his bride spoke more of his language or at least spoke more than a few savagely grunted words.
"We would like to see the princess." The king informed his guests "remove her cloak."
"No" king Cedmond held his hand up "no see"
"I am not signing anything until we have proof you have bought what we agreed upon. Not just in wedding dowry. My son has the right to see his bride."
"No. No see."
"Then no marriage!" The king snapped "understand? No peace. No sign. No agreement."
"Inara. Come" her father beckoned her "we leave."

"Your highness, may I try. In his native tongue." Beric intervened, calling the interpreter over
"well?" The king asked impatiently "he can't expect us to agree to something without seeing the goods. My son is not marrying a ugly wench."
"Miscommunication your highness. He thought you were asking to see all of her. It is tradition for the groom to lay eyes on her face first. Privately. If he likes what he sees then we move forward, he merely thought you were asking her to remove her clothes in front of everyone."
"Go ahead Roland. Use my personal library" the king pointed, the prince walking over, holding the door open for Inara. Being warned not to touch her.

"Hello" the prince greeted "I am Roland." He waited for a response, nothing came. A few silent minutes past until she lowed the large hood of her cape. "Oh crikey" the prince exclaimed, taken a back by her beauty, he wasn't sure what to expect but the sight before him wasn't it "Roland" he pointed at himself.
"Inara" she pointed at herself
"My pleasure Inara"
"Inara" she corrected annoyed when he pronounced it incorrectly.
"Forgive me. Inara." He nodded, thinking of something to say and how to say it "you don't understand a word I'm saying do you?" He chuckled, she looked cluelessly at him "you will learn." He looked her over in more detail, she was wild looking, untamed hair, her eyes were captivating with freckles on her nose, her body covered over with her cape, her small bare feet covered in dirt poking out  "you are happy? To be my bride?" He asked
"Inara" she pointed at herself "Rolarnd" she pointed at him.
"Almost" he laughed lightly "Roland" he said it slower
"Roland." She nodded laughing with him, looking around, Roland noticed her looking at the vast amount of books, taking one from the shelf to show her, hoping pictures would aid him, knowing full well Drecontonians could not read or write.

"Horse" she pointed eagerly at a drawing. Then pointed proudly at herself
"I noticed you are a good rider, bare back as well not even side saddle. You like horses?" He asked pointing to the picture again
"Netta" she pointed out of the window towards the stables "Inara ...Netta"
"Netta? It is the name of your horse? The majestic white one. She is impressive. Mine is the black one with the white tipped ears." He pointed "Talon. I have had him since he was a foal."
"Foal" she nodded pointing at her horse again
"You too? Well it seems we have a love of horses in common." He smiled, then remembered she was Dracontonian . A barbarian savage. An enemy. His father was making him marry an untamed savage. "Come" he demanded storming out "she will do father." He announced "she is more than fair of face and looks to be around eighteen."

"You like?" The king asked his daughter, pointing at the prince. Inara, looked at the prince confused then at her father saying something in an annoyed tone. "He will do" the king nodded "eat" he demanded "food"
"Yes. Follow these people they will show you where you are to sleep then we will eat." King Orsis gestured. "Well son, I heard laughter from both of you, that is a good sign."
"How could you" the prince snapped "a barbarian savage! She may have a fair face, it does not change what she is!"
"Just do your best. She is young, impressionable. You can win her over. Mould her to your liking. Tame her. From the look on her face she feels the same."
"She doesn't even wear shoes!" The prince protested "I do not speak Drecontonian! Nor will I! She acan not understand a word I am saying! A savage father? What am I to do with an untamed savage barbarian bride? Our people will not accept this union."
"They will. They must. Our army grows low in numbers, we can not continue fighting, we will loose. This is our only hope at peace. If you show your distaste they will pick up on it. Go ready for dinner. Remember what I said. Best behaviour. He will slit your throat without a second thought if you upset his only daughter."

"She may slit mine while I sleep!"
"Sleep with your dagger and one eye open then." The king snapped, he felt the pressure for this to go well, however he also adored his son. The only thing he had left of his beloved Queen. "Forgive me. I understand Roland. I do. We will find ways around any issues that arise. You have mine and the advisors full support. I am apprehensive myself, especially going into Drecontonian territory. It could be a trap. I am aware of this. So we need you to win her over."
"I will try. I little warning so I could prepare would have been nice!"
"I could not risk you doing a midnight flit on me to avoid it." The king laughed with his son

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