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Late to bed after hours of dancing and gift giving, Roland tossed and turned in his uncomfortable bed, yawning at the sixth time he woke that night. He saw figures moving outside so stood, arming himself to investigate incase a strike was being planned. He watched on surprised to see Inara sneaking out of the castle. Wondering where she was going, fretful she may try to escape in the middle of the night and they would be blamed, he followed her. Looking around uneasy at the unfamiliar surroundings.

He followed her all the way to a lake, seeing a group of similar aged people waiting for her, striping down when she reached them jumping in the lake, larking around. He watched on intrigued, they seemed playful, carefree, not like the barbarians he knew of. He stayed for an hour, just watching on from behind a tree. One by one the group leaving to return, leaving Inara alone, swimming around, floating while staring up at the moon. He stepped out and sat by the foot of the tree continuing to watch her and the moon reflecting on the lake until she spotted him. He raised his hand waving and smiling at her reassuringly. She swam over stepping out, the water dripping from her hair, that the prince noticed for the first was made up of long curls that swirled in long dark strands to her waist line. She wore what he presumed was a simple white slip of an undergarment, stopping at her knees, clinging to her figure that was usually hidden under the unflattering garments she wore.

"You like to swim?" He gestured his arms
"Swim" she nodded, chattering from the cold
"Your friends?" He pointed in the direction they left. She looked confused then pointed pulling him to a tree with etched names on it, hers among them, two crossed out with a line. "Friends" he nodded, pointing "why crossed out?" he pointed to the two names
"Death. Blood. Erathern."
"They died in battle. It is why to you want no more bloodshed. It took two of your young friends. I know Drecontonians learn to fight young. I have heard of boys as young as eight years old fighting in you fathers army. I am sorry for your loss."
"Swim?" She asked pointing at the lake then himself. He looked around warily "Roland safe. Roland. Irana. No...no..." she pointed at the names shaking her head
"They are not coming back you mean. Alright. Why not." He nodded stripping down his outer clothes running with her and jumping in, the pair both joyfully laughing and swimming around, splashing each other playfully.

He watched on worriedly when she climbed some rocks, making a running jump of the edge to dive into the water.
"Roland?" She asked swimming over to him pointing to the rocks
"Are you challenging me? I guess you are trying to figure me out as much as I am you. I have no fear of heights or water. I am impressed, you are bold and fearless aren't you." He swam out, jumping and diving in. "I have made you smile" he grinned holding her face tenderly "you have a beautiful smile Irana. You were not what I expected, your beauty took my breath away." He looked down at her hand on his chest, exploring, her touch light, again not what he expected from a savage. "We will navigate our way through this. Together." He smiled running his thumb over her freckled nose and cheeks, making her blush "I like these" he smirked "you have a lot of hair" he laughed running a curled strand all the way to the tip. "When this is combed out I bet it is as beautiful as your other features. We should get back. Before we are missed. He swam out, pulling on his clothes, escorting her back "Goodnight Irana. Sleep well"
"Moon" she pointed up at the sky "good" she nodded
"A full moon is a good sign? Well. Lucky us." He tittered, waving at her before going back to bed.

He was awoken a few hours later by the king shaking him "son, get up. You are required urgently."
"I'm awake, I'm awake" he yawned getting dressed
"You are going hunting with Inara" the king explained. "Irana waiting outside with your horses."
"It is a tradition. You must bring back a deer for the ceremony tonight." Beric appeared to explain "just the two of you."
"Well this should be interesting. Wish me luck" he mounted his horse.
"The king says you are under his protection and his daughter is a strong fighter. An excellent hunter. That she will take care of the delicate prince and protect him." The interpreter tried not to laugh
"Tell him I can take care of myself and am not delicate." The prince insisted, looking confused when the king Cedmond and princess Inara both laughed at the interpreters translation. "What is funny? Are they mocking me!" He asked angrily

"He says tonight you will become a Drecontonian and prove yourself worthy of the princess. If you are weak you will not survive the night.....the princess is scolding him, telling him not to...do something.....that it is not necessary and peace is more important.....that she only agreed if he kept his word for peace, to not harm you or the king and start a raging war in the process.....she is saying if he is forcing her to do this and spend her life miserably with this man and his strange people then he must promise her not to......oh....I errr....not to harm....I think this a private conversation." the translator flustered
"Do what you were bought here to do!" The king demanded
"It appears she was betrothed to another."

The prince watched Inara pull her horse away from her fathers angry wrath and speed off, the translator telling him to follow her, saying the king was shouting that she was in trouble when she returned. He kicked his heel trying to catch her up, eventually pulling up beside her. He gave her a sad smile and nod to say he understood, he could see her tear stains and felt sorry for her. He never thought he'd feel sorry for a savage and here he was wanting to comfort one, not having a clue how to. Inara nodded back, wiping her face dry. She smiled mischievously, kicking her heel speeding off, going faster, looking back and smirking at the prince who smirked back in understanding, joining her racing.

"You ride well" the prince nodded impressed when they eventually dismounted
"Slow" she laughed pointing at him
"I let you win." He laughed, knowing full well he didn't. "You hunt?" He pointed at her bow, she nodded walking off drawing it. "We must find a deer?" He asked "you know a...deer" he made antlers on his head with his hands making her laugh.
"Deer" she copied him, nodding away "shush" she held her finger up, hiding behind a bush, pulling him with her
"I see it" the prince pointed "no?" He asked when she stood up shaking her head "not the right one? It is a doe...are we looking for a stag?" He rambled on getting no response. "I'd ask if you wanted to talk over what just occurred but it would pointless."

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