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Roland true to his word on his return created a small piece of tranquility in his marital quarters, filling it with plants and nature, ensuring fresh cut flowers were always displayed, waking each day to bird song coming from the walk in avverry he had commissioned that could be viewed from their bedroom window. He returned one afternoon from a trip to over see a dispute between farm owners with a surprise for his wife who he doted on.

"Inara?" He called into the stables "Inara my love are you in here? Digory?"
"She is asleep" Digory poked his head out of the pen he was tending "in with snowdrop" he nodded "I covered her over and let her be."
"Thank you Digory. She has been fine? Nobody upset her today?" He asked keenly, hoping for a no.
"She came with me to fetch the deliveries, supplies for the horses. She was fretful of your absence....there was one comment. She rose above it. First time she has not responded as a head strong Decrontonian."
"What was the comment?"
"That she was a savage that had bought a curse on the kingdom."
"The bad storm last week?" Roland asked, shaking his head "honestly. It is not he first storm we have had in the kingdom. They can not blame bad weather on her or our marriage. Thank you, for taking care of her for me."
"Any time."

"I see you bring more gifts" Digory smirked "you spoil her"
"As a husband should, as a prince should his princess" Roland chuckled "she is missing her mother again. She has been tearful. Despite being in good spirits. I will go wake her. Perhaps I will take her on a ride."
"She likes snowdrop but she is not Netta. She does not provide the same comfort."
"Perhaps I will ask her mother to bring a Dreconton wild foal, or bring one back when I take her to visit. I am not looking forward to it, if I am honest."
"You have time to prepare."

Roland knelt down softly next to Inara, stroking her face to wake her "Inara? Inara my love I have returned."
"My Roland?" She smiled with her eyes closed
"Aye, it's me. Wake my beautiful princess, I have a gift for you."
"Flower?" Inara sat up yawning
"No. Not a flower today. Here for you." He placed a pup in her lap "hound" he pointed "Roland and Inara's hound."
"Hound! Beautiful! My Roland, thank you" she scooped the pup up lunging at her husband for a kiss which he happily obliged "name....wolf!"
"A fine name" Roland smiled fondly, kissing her again

"Inara, Roland, go..." she pointed towards the castle gates "go...out."
"You wish to leave the castle? Are you sure, our last attempt did not go well." He held her cheek sadly, he knew she was aware of the hostility some of his people still held towards her. "I do not want you to be upset. Or to get hurt. I know it is hard to stay within the safety of the castle walls. You are used to freedom of your fathers land. I am sorry."
"Go...out....ride...Talon....go...." she pointed again more obviously
"You wish to ride with me? On talon rather than next to me on snowdrop? You will feel safer in my arms?"
"Yes my Roland. Ride my Roland"
"Ride with my Roland" he corrected at her, smirking at the sniggers from Digory "means very different things my Inara, you must remember the word with."
"With yes. Ride with my Roland, talon, go..out....see....see...Inara need...." she thought hard.

"Take your time." Roland smiled sympathetically, he was proud of the progress she had made and the effort she put in to learn his language in order to communicate "you need something?"
"Yes. Need....go see....ummm.....see....river! Fish!" She excitedly exclaimed, finding the words she wanted. "Fish! Cook my Roland."
"Cook for my Roland" he laughed kissing her "you like to cook for me don't you my love. Very well. Let us go introduce the king to the new royal pup. He can watch him while we are out. Let me arm myself if you wish to go alone? Privacy? You wish for privacy? Roland and Inara?" He asked "no guard?"
"No guards" she shook her head "errrr privacy" she nodded, smirking shyly with a flush to her cheeks

"I see" he smirked back, kissing her seductively "I know exactly where you wish to go." He spoke against her lips "I will take you back to our special secret place my beautiful Inara. We will cook out under the stars tonight....then I will take you in the grass..." he kissed and sucked at her neck, being sure to leave a territorial mark, something he knew she liked, standing in front of a mirror admiring them, learning it was a sign of love in her culture to mark your lover so others knew they were spoken for "and in the warm water of the river.....up against that large tree.....bent over under the moon like a hound takes his bitch." He pulled her hips towards him "that is what you want?" He asked in her ear "you want your Drecontonian lover not your Erathern prince."

"My Roland?" Her quivered breath hitched "Inara like." she murmured
"I know" he grinned mischievously "you may not understand my every word as of yet but you understand my tone. Don't you. It is clearly what you want." He hungrily kissed her, grabbing between her legs under her dress "I can feel your arousal dripping through. Let us go. I will see to your needs. As long as you dance naked under the stars for me again like last time."
"Dance for my Roland. No waitings" she shook her head "miss my Roland"
"Digory!" The prince called "close your ears and keep yours eyes adverted or step outside for me" the prince laughed
"Don't disturb my horses your Randy devil" Digory laughed, climbing the wooden ladder to the loft to complete jobs out of sight. He took a peek over the ledge at his friend " you will not create an heir that way your highness." he laughed lightly
"I said do not look!" The prince laughed "she likes it and allows me. Now if you don't mind. Some privacy please!"

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