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The prince was very nervous, getting ready for the marriage ceremony, listening to Beric giving him a swift lesson in the procedures, or at least the parts he knew of. When Inara appeared with a bowl of blood drained from the stag she'd slaughtered, he gulped nervously.

"This is witch craft father. I do not think God would be pleased that I am doing this."
"Repent when we return. You are not to take your wife before you marry before God as a witness son."
"Cedmond will check come morning" Beric looked at the king worriedly
"Leave it to me" the prince said surely
"Son....you will anger...."
"I said leave it to me and trust me that I will not bring Gods wrath down on our kingdom but also keep her father happy. Let's just hope she understands." He looked down at the clueless girl, screwing up his face at the blood being painted on his bare chest in patterns. "Leave us please. I will be out in a moment."
"Should I fetch the linguist?" Beric asked
"No. I am fine." The prince stood his ground.

"Inara....." he raised her face to look at him "safe" he looked her directly in her eyes "with me you are safe. I know this is not what you want, nor I. We will make the best of the situation we find ourselves in. We may not love each other but we can live a life together. I promise I will do my best by you. I see now that you are giving up everything for your people ..... peace?" He asked rubbing her cheek, wiping her tear away
"Peace" she nodded, picking up a wreath placing it on his head, adjusting it "crown" she nodded proudly, the prince looking up laughing lightly, it was like no crown he'd ever seen.
"Crown" he nodded "I wonder what you will make of my crown back home.....will I do?" He spun around with his hands up, smiling when she nodded. They'd had a pleasant day spent privately together. Attempting to bond.

The prince made his way over to the larger building, people jeering in a mix of excitement and disgust. He nervously stepped into the large room as he had the previous afternoon, seeing it was decorated with bright flowers, scattered petals and coloured powder covering the floor, he had to admit it looked breathtaking if unusual. He searched the room for his bride, spotting her standing by her father in a simple white dress he would normally associate the peasant girls wearing in the village. Her brother stood with a venomous stare, he wondered if he would make another move now he was unarmed.

"Drecontonian's strong" Cedmond pounded his chest with his fist "beautiful" he stroked his daughters face.
"He is saying that the inadequate prince wants to marry his beautiful strong Drecontonian daughter to strengthen his weak kingdom and his pathetic bloodline." The interpreter whispered "the princess is saying that he has tricked her. Your highness I do not like this....he is saying the prince will be sacrificed and prove once and for all that Dreconton rules over all."
The prince stood his ground, looking unbothered, he knew the worst thing to do was to show fear. A boy appeared, nervously looking around.

"You must fight this boy." The interpreter continued "he is....he is the one she was betrothed to. She is asking her father to show mercy. He is refusing....oh dear...." he gulped when Inara was shoved to the ground "it is a fight to the death. If neither takes the kill then she dies. It is a sign that she is unwanted, undesirable. This is....barbaric your highness."
"They do not get their reputation from nowhere. Or get called the barbarian savages. Son....forgive me....let us walk away."
"I do not think we have that choice father" he looked at the blocked door. "If I do.....she will die. I am not sure I can have that on my conscious. She did not ask for this father. You sort a marriage between us. She has done no wrong, look at her, she may be feisty but she is petrified, that is the look of a girl that knows her fathers words to be true. It does not look like they will let us just walk out of here anyway."

The king watched on in horror as his son fought for his life with nothing but his bare hands. A dagger placed on a stone they were both trying to reach.
"It is war if your son dies here" Beric whispered
"Something Cedmond knows too well. It was his intention all along. I have faith in my son. He wants peace and from what I can gather from Inara, she wants it too. My son is right, she has done no wrong, he returned from his hunting trip hopeful they would at least get along."
The prince reached the dagger first, the two rolling on the floor tussling for the weapon. The prince looked down at the young boy, he looked terrified. "Father...I can not do it" he heaved out with the knife pressed against the boys chest "I have no qualms with this boy."

"Kill me" the boy whispered out quietly "he kill Inara. no let live. Kill me. Take Inara far from here. Keep safe."
"You understand me?" The prince whispered. The boy looking over tearfully at Inara, the prince looked up to see the king had a blade pressed to Inara's throat, her long braided hair clasped in his clenched fist.
"Keep Inara safe. Love. Inara....special. Love her. Keep safe. Promise."
"I promise. I will keep her safe for you." The prince whispered in the boys ear, feeling his hands being pulled away from him, the boy helping him take the kill by pulling the dagger into his own chest.

Inara wept loudly in a cry of pain, running over, falling to her knees. The prince watched on out of breath as she cradled the dying boy speaking softly to him, nodding at his words, looking up at the prince briefly. the prince nodded at her to say he understood that he was telling her the same as he had told him.
"Prince strong." Cedmond nodded impressed
"You have one final test then you can marry her and take her from here." The shocked interrupter translated, the prince was confused when Inara was dragged out forcefully.
"Wait! Stop! Where are you taking her! You are being heavy handed again!"
"you have to get to her before....before the hungry wolves do. She is running for her life. They have set hungry wolves on her. Caged, tormented and kept hungry, eager for a feed. He says he will keep his word on the agreement if you can save her and survive the night."
The prince grabbed the dagger from the dead boys chest, running out into the dark night, following the sounds of howling. This is not what he thought getting married would entail.

He spotted inara's white dress running through the trees, speeding up. He killed two wolves with his dagger another pouncing on him, biting down on his arm. Inara circled back fighting the wolf off of him so he could kill it. The pair sitting puffing out of breath, silently staring up at the stars.

"I am sorry" the prince whispered out
"Aye. Peace" he nodded finally looking at her "you ready?" He asked offering his hand. Inara ripped open one of the wolves smearing her hands in its blood, wiping them on Rolands cheeks, he copied doing the same to her. "Here I have you. You're safe now." He scooped her up in her arms, carrying the exhausted princess back. "It's alright, I have you" he tried to reassure her.

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