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"Here" the prince threw some bundled up bloodied sheets at the advisors gathered in his fathers grand meeting room "satisfied on what you have heard and seen?" He asked annoyed.
"The marriage is official. Put the royal seal on it. Well done prince Roland. Crack out the good stuff!" An advisor nodded proudly, sending for celebratory drinks
"Son? All alright?" The king asked quietly
"I don't know. I have to get back to her" the prince shook his head "it is degrading!" He pointed at the sheets "hang them on the flag pole why don't you! The princess' innocence for all to see!"
"Son...it is just tradition. Better than having this lot gawping at you during the moment like the old days!"
"Thank goodness you got rid of that. This is not what I wanted."
"I know. Well done son"

"Do not congratulate me like I have just won a duel! Like taking Cedmond's daughter's innocence is another win for your never ending war. Toasting to her loss of innocence is....disgusting! I am returning to my wife. I want no more discussion on the state of our martial relations. From now on it is private matter between me and my wife. Is that understood!" He demanded angrily at the gathered men "I said is that understood!" He bellowed loudly "and whoever said he's taming the savage into submission outside my door, laughing at her, cheering and claiming victory against Cedmond! see yourself out and do not return, you cold hearted arrogant cads!"

"Son. I dealt with him. He has been dismissed. Did she hear?"
"Of course she heard! She was confused enough as it was! Without this lot jeering from outside the door like they were betting on a dog fight for sport! My wife is no laughing matter and you know how upset she becomes at being called a savage!"
"Son, come away. Let us go talk privately" the king pulled at his arm leading him to his personal library "you alright? Answer me truthfully"
The prince shook his head, breaking down into tears.
"Oh son. Come here" he pulled him into an embrace "talk to me. What's this all about. I can tell your anger is true but there is something else behind it."

The prince got up walking to the window, watching the rain fall against the glass, feeling the weather appropriate for the events of the day. "She....she would not even look at me father" he whispered out "it's not right. I feel like I have taken advantage of an innocent little girl. Which is not me."
"No it's not. You are a good man Roland."
"Then why do I still not feel like one, I feel even more of a scoundrel than before." He wiped his cheeks dry "she...she cried father, at that cad's words, at their jeering....at me. She just wanted it over with. She was confused. She did not understand my comforting words. I tried to kiss her and she pulled away, turning her face from me. She did not understand my questions of concern for her. I should have stopped." He shook his head
"I will ask Beric. I know he said kissing is not in their culture."

"It is not that...it is....she is my wife!" The prince leant on the cold glass. "I should not scare my own wife. That moment should have been.....more romantic, more intimate, more....co-operative at the very least. She just lay there and took it. I just know that if one of my many sisters had survived birth then....I would not want what just occurred in that room to occur to them. That I would beat the husband that did that to them. Took their innocence for political gain in a....degrading manner. That is all I could think of. I am your only child, mother suffered many losses in her life, I was her miracle child. The only one to survive. She would be so disappointed in me. From my actions on my wedding day to what I just did....I feel like I am letting her down. She would know what to do wouldn't she. She would have taken my young bride under her care."
"That she would."

"She asked you to Roland. You had her permission. I know what you are saying and I know my son, if she asked you to stop you would have done, regardless of who was listening in."
"She should not have to ask." Roland shook his head sadly "I knew she was not enjoying it, I knew she was unhappy, I knew she was only doing it to keep me safe from her father, Still protecting me even after everything. For peace. She did not want it. Nor did I. She is very beautiful father. I have no complaints in that department, I had no trouble rising to the occasion with that beauty laying bare before me. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on, her beauty stunned me when we first met, I was not expecting it. The rest of her does not fall short either. I always thought, even if an arranged political marriage, the girl in question would at least....lust after me. Not be scared of me. Of course love comes with time but to bed my enemies daughter for the greater good, for political gain and oneupmanship over Cedmond ..... felt wrong. Very wrong. She is innocent in all this mess. Just a young girl barely of age bless her."

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