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A full battle a foot in the grounds surrounding the castle, the prince tried to stay focussed on his mission. He jumped down from his horse charging the castle gates next to Vito. He watched the Drecontonians start to climb, following suite.
"Son be careful" the king sliced his sword through a guard "open the gates when you are over. We will cover you."
The prince gave his father a nod, a hand appearing above him to help him over.
"Brother come" Vito called, heaving the prince up, patting his back impressed he had followed them. "Go, Inara" he pointed "men gate" he gestured to the battle going on below them that Vito's men were clearly winning
"I am with you Roland" Digory heaved himself up "that way" he pointed "along the castle wall, go."
"We Bring Inara, child, bring home." Vito hugged the prince "for peace. For love. Vito men loyal to peace. To Inara."
"For peace and love. I think he is coming with us Digory" the prince ran along the stone wall, dodging arrows "do not look down I know you do not like heights" the prince sniggered at his childhood friend.

The three men battled their way through the castle, taking out as many of their enemies as they could.
"Roland good fighter" Vito panted out, nodding impressed "strong. Good."
"Not so bad yourself Vito" the prince nodded back "considering you clearly sport an injury." He pointed at Vito's leg that he limped on.
"Errr....born." He patted his leg "Cedmond say weak. Cast out....Eris save Vito. No kill. Send far. Eris, Inara see Vito outlands. Say bring home Inara Queen."
"He cast you out....my Inara planned on bringing you home, when she married Quimby."
"Quimby. Yes. Good boy" Vito nodded, slicing his sword through the gut of another guard "love Inara."
"I know he did"
"Inara love Roland more." Vito smirked at the prince "Eris send word Vito."

"So you know details of my marriage?" The prince continued his conversation while sword fighting
"Roland man. Vito man. Vito understand. Inara woman. Foolish."
"She is many things but not a fool" the prince shook his head taking out another guard, hammering his boot at a locked door. "Perhaps naive to the ways of men before marriage. It was my mistake. I was small minded. I did not respect your beliefs when I should have. I believe us still married."
"I am not sure how much of this conversation you are both understanding of each other" Digory laughed "watch out!" He charged behind the prince
"True. Vito? Inara Roland wife."
"Erathern wife yes. Dreconton wife....no."
"But Eris said..."
"Eris say what need to. For Inara."
"I see. This could be a problem" the door cracked open with a bang

"Child born good....mother god forgive. Mother god bless."
"The birth of a healthy child from the two of us is a sign of my redemption to your people?"
"Does Inara know this?"
"Inara believe married. Must believe married. No tell" Vito paused their run down the spiral stairs to hold Roland's neck firmly "Inara know no wife, child born sleep. Mother Heart break, kill child. Must not know. Mother Heart full love bring child. Mother heart break, child heart no beat." He patted his stomach "child must be born good. Strong. Or no wife. Inara believe Roland death, child no move. Vito send word. Tell Inara Roland live. Strong. Will come. Mother heart mend, child move again. Grow strong."
"There was a problem with my child? I understand your beliefs. She will never know. Eris spun me a tale in order to create our child, she knows her daughter well. She was laying with me but she was not happy in doing so, after the fact, I never forced her vito. She felt a shame because she believe us not to be wed anymore, living in sin. On my honour she will not .....I hear her!" The prince charged down the steps.

"Inara!" He called out "Inara!" He heard the screams and tears of terrified people
"Inara! Can you hear me? Inara!...help me get this door open!" He flung his body at it with force, the two men joining him "hold on Inara! I am coming! Inara! Answer me! Anyone! Is Inara here?"
The three men fell through the dungeon door, scrambling to their feet.
"Free them!" The prince pointed to a cell of people
"Inara!" One pointed to another door speaking Drecontonian
"man Cedmond marriage Inara" Vito pointed to the door "Inara!" Vito thumped his fist trying to open the door shouting angrily in Drecontonian.

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