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The king had every man and boy old enough to wield a weapon massed at the border where they found the Dreconton rebels, who gave them a heroes welcome, cheering and chanting Roland's name.

"They are pleased to see you more than me son" the king laughed at the many gifts his son was being offered, taking a chunk of stale bread, nodding thankfully at the man offering it. "I think she sent word to her followers somehow that you would be coming."
"Aye. I think she did. She is a smart girl my Inara. She had a plan to bring peace with Quimby long before our marriage was arranged. She must have had a loyal following ready to take action."
"Prince Roland!" A man limped forward, being patted and jeered by the men "pleased you come" he shook the princes hand eagerly "me Vito" he patted his chest
"You lead this army?" Roland asked
"Yes. Army. Inara Vito...errr brother father."
"Nephew? You are her nephew? Your father is one of her brothers?"
"Yes yes. Free Inara return to Roland. On honour" he patted his fist on his chest "Vito rule Dreconton. Rule peace."
"I see. She has handed the torch to you now you have come of age. Thank you. You have our army at your disposal. We brought many men."
"It is good" Vito nodded smiling happily "come come." He waved them over to a tent

They looked over the plans they had, trying to understand each other best they could.
"Waitings here!" Vito gestured with his hands, disappearing
"I think they are saying she is being held in a castle father but how we get in and where in the vast castle I do not know. There are many places she could be being held." The prince looked over the primitive drawings. "My Inara is a much better artist" he chuckled
"Here this boy he speak you" vito pushed a nervous young boy forward gently
"You speak Erathernian?" The prince asked
"A little" the boy nodded "Eris make learn."

"What can you tell of us of Inara? Of my child?"
"Inara held in dungeon castle. Brought out to...parade. Show off. So people's believe she....no loyal you."
"I see. Is she well?"
"Not well prince no." He shook head "errrr Inara loyal prince Roland. Loyal peace. People very proud" he patted his chest with his fist. Vito copying him with a proud look
"Aye" the prince reciprocated their gesture, thumping his fist on his chest "very proud of my Inara. Tell Vito that I love his aunt very much and have come to return her home and aid peace for your people. That what started as a political marriage turned into love."
"Yes he know" the boy nodded "Inara very large" the boy sniggered geturing a large belly with his hands, receiving a tap to the head from Vito who laughed "child come soon."
"Yes I know. The marriage to this man? When is it to take place do you know?"
The boy translated to Vito "the....errr.....marriage begin today.....complete tomorrow."
"Then when move now." The prince nodded

The prince nervously mounted his horse saying a silent prayer.
"Only kill Cedmond if he attacks you son."
"If he has laid a finger on my wife or child I will kill him. Painfully." The prince drew his sword "watch out for arrows, it is their preferred method of combat."
"As soon as you have her, retreat. Son, look at me. As soon as you have her you take her out of the battle field to safety. Understood. With or without me or your men. Your child is your priority. Not only for you, but he is our best hope for peace. You leave the rest to us. Your mission is to find the princess and take her to safety. We will clear the way for you" the king moved his horse in front of his son. "I have faith in you Roland. Make sure my grandson lives to see peace."
"It is a promise father. If you promise not to sacrifice yourself needlessly. Once I have her, you retreat also."
"He is right your majesty" Bellford moved closer "he will need you. His mother's death haunts him still, you can see it in his eyes" he whispered at the king, who looked back woefully at his son "he needs you there to guide him. Good or bad."
"Very well. But Cedmond is mine." The king drew his sword.

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