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The prince passed out, coming too to darkness, wincing he reached for his chest, pulling out the arrow, screaming out in pain. "Talen!" He called trying to get to his feet "Talan!" He looked around, blurred memories of his horse being taken along with his wife. He cursed under his breath, hobbling along in pain. He was sure a bone broken in his leg from his fall.

It took some time but eventually he limped his way back to the castle, collapsing and crawling through the open gate.
"Roland!" The bloodied face of Digory appeared looming over him "Roland? Can you hear me? Quickly! He's injured. Get him inside."
"No. Inara. Must go to Inara. Horse. Need a horse."
"Inside now, carry him. He's lost a lot of blood. Send for the physician!" Digory ordered guards. Roland being carried in past a commotion of wounded people before passing out again.

"Inara" the prince mumbled coming too
"Your majesty he's waking!"
"Roland? Roland my boy? Open your eyes son. That's it."
"Father?" Roland asked groggily "father you're alive! I thought I had seen you for the last time."
"Takes more to get this old dog in the ground. Wounded but healing as are you."
"Inara, I must go to her" he tried to sit up, wincing and crying out in pain
"How you managed to crawl your way back here with your injuries, it is a miracle. Lay back. You must rest."
"No I have to find Inara!"
"You can not even stand. You will open your wound again." Bellford stepped in "we have people out looking. Now tell us everything. She is alive?"

"Cedmond took her. She made a bargain to spare my life if she went with him. He double crossed her. Her screams father. She must think me dead. My child, he's taken my child. He will kill them both. I must go to them I promised I would come for them, that I would find her and bring her home. How long have I been out?"
"Two weeks. It is the first you have been fully awake and not rambling incoherently." The king mopped his sons fevered forehead "you have a fever, your wound became infected. You are lucky to be alive."
"Two weeks! My Inara! I must...." he cried out in pain again when he went to get out of bed.
"Stay!" The king demanded "when we are both healed over we will lead the battle to get your son. You have my word."
"My son! What about my wife! It may be too late for her by then! Father please."
"You have my word. I have the army out searching. They are hiding them somewhere and have made moves on other neighbouring kingdoms, we have allies."

"Eris said our marriage was reinstated as long as I consummated it the right way, which I did! Clearly! She is carrying my child! He killed his own wife! He will not hesitate to kill Inara."
"He wants the child born first. That gives us time."
"Why wait until it is born to only kill it!" Roland squeaked out emotionally
"Because....it is crueler. If you want the harsh honest truth. Either that or he plans to kill Inara and raise the child, blame her death on you and our kingdom. Raised with hate in his veins and a fire for revenge, he will grow to be a force to be reckoned with. All I know is we stand no chance until we are healed and we gain numbers in our army. In our allies. I have written and informed many of Cedmond's actions. Of your missing child."
"And wife! Do not leave her out like she is not as important! You know my Inara is loyal to me and not her father. I gained her loyalty and her heart. You know it. It was not a trick if that is what you are all insinuating. Her screams and cries of terror as she was dragged away are proof that she was loyal to me."
"I know" the king kissed his tearful sons head

"let us pray for her safe return and your child's well being. She is a smart girl."
"She is also headstrong and stubborn! If she thinks me dead she will be heartbroken! He thinks our marriage null and void. What if he marries her off to another? A Drecontonian brute! A savage barbarian. She will fight against him father. He will harm the babe if he is forceful and she resists! You heard them with their wives and whores when we stayed. They were heavy handed and brutish with their women. You have seen with your own eyes that he has struck my Inara. She is in danger!"
"I know. I know my boy. We will get her back. Leave us" the king demanded the room

"let it all out Roland. Let your tears flow for your loss. That's it, I have you."
"My Inara it is all my fault! My mistake with that harlot is still not over father. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"
"I know, I know. You paid your penance in more ways than one. We must stay positive, we must stay strong. Regain our strength so we can fight for her."
"We promised our marriage would bring peace and now it has brung war."
"No, it delayed war. War was always coming Roland. If we get them back your son will still bring peace with him."

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