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Four days of celebrating before the two kingdoms bid fairwell to return to their lands. Promising visits to be made soon. The prince rode along with his wife placed firmly in front of him, plodding along slowly to make it comfortable for her.
"I can see why she said women in her condition do not travel usually. At least not on horse back" the prince laughed when they had to pause again at the princess's request "alright my love? Here water." He held it to her mouth to sip "good girl"
"Inara? Do you wish to rest a while?" The king asked, she shook her head, indicating to walk on.
"It will take a while at this pace, I'm glad I sent the men on" Bellford laughed "I suggest we stop and eat soon before it gets too dark."

They traveled on a while until Inara became animated at a lake, asking to stop.
"Careful my love" the prince helped her down "you alright?" He asked concerned "I have you. Slowly does it. Let us get some food in you....just what we need, spring rain" he looked up annoyed "let us shelter under the trees." He guided her along. Fetching some food for them.
"Son?" The king bit into an apple "your wife is on the move" he pointed
"Inara!" He called "where are you going?" He ran after her. "Stop, wait. Where are you going? We have clean dinking water. What do you require? Do you....." he paused looking down "father" he strung out worriedly "there is a puddle of water by my feet and it is not from the rain!"

"Her waters have broken?" The king ran over "oh Inara my darling girl. Child coming?"
"Yes. Water." She pointed at the lake, grimacing
"It is why she wished to stop Roland. It must have been the motion of the horse....unless you partook..."
"She is very hard to resist and I do not believe in old wives tales father! She was fine when we left! We have been apart some time, can you blame me!"
"Oh son. It is recommended by the physicians themselves, for stubborn babes that do not want to make an appearance. You fool"
"Forgive me I...Inara forgive me I....We are both still recovering, I was not over zealous father! It was an affectionate encounter not a lustful one!"
"Still could be the horse. There is a reason women in her condition do not usually ride horses."

The small group of men paced back and forth by the trees, discussing what to do while Inara panted and grimaced in the water of the lake in the near distance.
"I have sent for a physician and midwife."
The prince peered worriedly round the tree he was lent anxiously on "I do not think we have time to wait father, that one was far louder and pained than the previous, the birthing pains are close together" he forrowed his eyebrows "father.... I.....I can not do this...."
"You can and you must." The king took a firm hold of his son "look at me boy. She is doing this the Dreconton way. So only you can aid her now."
"She is starkers!" The prince looked again at the sound of his wife calling him "I need to go to her father. Do I have your permission to do this her way?"
"Of course. Go. I am here."
"We are here" Digory stepped forward with Beric and Bellford.

The prince stripped his clothes, jumping gently into the lake "I'm here my love" he held his wife's head to his "you are doing well. Good girl. Tell me what to do. I do not know what to do."
"Speak of love." She screwed her face up
"To our child? Yes of course. That's it, hold on to me." He pulled her in to kiss her "I love you Inara, you can do this. I love you my little one. It is time to come out and meet your father. I am anxiously awaiting your arrival. You will be loved by many. Your Mother and I will hold you close." He rubbed her belly "father!" The prince called worriedly when Inara cried out loudly "I do not know what to do! What do I do?"

"Reach your hands down Roland" Digory ran over "Inara it is only I" he stroked her hair, she gave him a nod "Roland reach down between her legs"
"I feel...I feel the babes head" the prince looked up wide eyed at his friend, panic washing over him. He worriedly looked at his blood covered hand and the red stained water that was appearing around him "I can not loose her."
"It is normal, now put your hands back or I will jump in and do it and she may bite me for my efforts!" Digory said firmly "now you feel the head?"
"A little, not fully. The tip"
"She's crowning. Alright Inara Roland has him. Get ready to catch him my friend, he will arrive in a hurry once the head is out. Now Inara, Give it all you got, push, understand? Push down"
"Push my love. That's it."

"Does it usually take this long?" The prince worried "she has been baring down for some time Digory!"
"You try pushing out a melon sized head through a small opening" Digory smirked
"Oh my word, I have his head, his head is out!....take a rest my love that's it" he placed his forehead on hers and a kiss on her lips "I love you, do not leave me. Please. Digory she is still weak from her ordeal! She is tiring."
"Do I have your permission your highness?" Digory shuffled behind the princess, Roland nodding, watching his friend support his wife up under her arms.
"Again? Alright, push Inara!" Roland encouraged

The prince caught his child haphazardly, hurriedly pulling them out of the water. "I have you, I have you"
"Hold them to your chest, rub their back" Digory informed "you are lucky I have many sisters."
"They are not crying. They look blueish." The prince panicked
"Inara?" Digory held her up, calling for assistance "Inara stay awake for me, I know you are exhausted."
"Give them here" the king jumped into the lake fully clothed "hold up your wife." The king slapped the babes backside "come on, just like my little Roland. He was reluctant to take his first breath too little one. Come on."

Inara wearily took the babe back, ducking them in the water, going under with them, resurfacing, sucking on the babes mouth and nose, spitting out the contents. A large cry ringing out that bounced of the trees. The king pulling his son in both crying tears of joy and relief.
"Daughter" Inara smiled at Roland, offering the babe
"I have a daughter? I have a daughter!" He cried out loudly for all to hear "a little princess, Father!"
"Narah" Inara nodded at the prince looking for approval
"Narah? You wish to name her Narah?" He asked wearily, looking at his father "this name is not spoken in the castle Inara. How did you know it was my mother's name?"
"Mother Narah?" Inara asked holding the babe to her chest to suckle
"Yes. You did not know?"
"No" Inara smiled at the king joyfully "queen of wolves....Narah. My Roland is King of wolves."
"I see" Roland rubbed the babe's head, moving Inara into his arms

"I am sorry Inara we can not..."
"It is a fine name" the king placed his hand on his sons shoulder "princess Narah. Welcome to the world." He kissed the babes head.
"Father are you sure? You requested the name not be spoken as it caused you too much heartache to hear it."
"That it did. Now it brings me joy. Your mother is clearly still with us son, watching over you. It is a sign. She was here with you this night when you needed her the most." He smiled "help has arrived....and you are starkers as is your wife" he laughed "we will wait for you by the trees. Well done Roland. You did it. I am proud of you my boy." He patted the prince's cheek

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