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"son! I just heard what happened. Is she alright?" The king ran in to the Princes martial quarters out of breath
"I think so. Shaken up. Shivering. She can not get warm."
"You. stoke the fire! Draw the curtains. Light the lamps, fetch more blankets." The king fussed "Inara, are you alright my darling girl?"
"No. No. No. knife. No stop. No....."
"Not in trouble" the prince kissed her forehead softly "very brave. all she had was a carrot and grooming brush. I nearly killed the blighter then and there father. I had to restrain myself."
"Are you alright son? You look shaken up yourself."
"I...yes I am alright. I....I was afraid father, for her safety. Not because of what her father would do but.....just afraid. I....I do not know what I felt. I have not ever felt it before. I cannot explain how I am feeling in this moment."
"Good" the king nodded
"Yes good. Everybody out."

"Keep her warm Roland. I will have broth sent up with some warm milk. Alright now irana? Roland is going to take care of you."
"My Roland" she nodded in a shiver
"Should I send for a physician? She does not usually feel the cold."
"Body warmth son. Shirt off, skin on skin will warm her up in no time."
"I will try. I may get another slap."
"I don't think you will this time." The king winked "you wanted romance. You just saved her from unwanted hands and she is leaning on your arm for comfort and warmth. Go with it."
Roland looked down noticing his wife snuggling up to him, a small smile playing on his lips. He cupped her face in his hand tenderly.
"I will keep you safe....father if I had not been there.....I hate to think how far he would have gone. She is strong but..."
"Son, she is fine. Take a breath. That's it, big breath. You have had a good week, made progress, this is proof of that."

Roland waited until the extra blankets and food had been bought in, locking the door for privacy.
"Inara?" He asked cautiously "let me look after you? Do you understand? Cold. Inara is too cold."
"Cold. Yes. Inara cold." She nodded
The prince stripped his shirt off "warm...see" he took her palm placing it on his chest "Roland is warm. Hold Inara, keep her warm"
"dreconton" she nodded, lifting the covers on the bed
"They do this at home too? In Dreconton"
"Cold. Inara cold. Inara....Inara...."
"Is scared?" Roland asked, climbing in the bed "not of me? No scared of Roland?" He asked
"Scared. Yes Inara scared. Cold. Man. Bad man. Scared Inara." She nodded "Roland safe Inara. Very brave. My Roland very brave."
"Not really, here...take this off and cover over with the blankets, lay back on my chest to warm up. That's it good girl. Well done. You are understanding me more and more with each passing day. Here have some broth. It is chicken"
"Chicken! Chicken bird!"
"That's right" he spooned the broth to her mouth "open, eat. It's food. To warm you up. Spoon, remember? Well done."

Roland lay with Inara asleep on his chest for hours, listening to the crackling fire, the wind howling outside, his fingers lightly stroking her bare back and her long hair, the fact it reached all the way to her backside amusing him.
"You are very beautiful" he whispered down at her "I am sorry I hurt you. I am sorry you had no choice in this. Or warning. I am sorry you were ripped from your home. I am sorry for my betrayal and disrespect. I am sorry for everything. I promise you have my loyalty from now onwards. I will take very good care of you my precious little one. You are young and afraid. You do not deserve the cruelty you have so far been handed in life. You and I have bought peace to our people, for now at least. We did what others could not. I wish you understood me. One day you will and it will be easier. You are no savage." He leant down kissing her head "you are my little curious beauty. My smart, brave, loyal, beautiful Inara. We come from two completely different worlds you and I. Yet somehow....."

"Roland?" Inara asked
"Yes Inara? I did not realise you were awake" he smiled down at her
"New word"
"Which one?"
"Ah. I see" he smirked "can I show you? Roland show Inara a kiss?" He leant down, pulling her chin up gently, softly attaching his lips to hers "a kiss" he muttered at her lips, kissing her a little more eagerly "you like?" He asked, staring into her eyes. She nodded, blushing "good. I like too. Only kiss Roland. Understand?"
"Understand" she smiled nodding, nuzzling into his bare chest "more kiss?" She raised her head again making him laugh and smile
"Of course. If you want to."

Prince Roland smiled as he kissed his wife, feeling something he had not felt before in any lustful encounter he'd had.
"Kiss make my Roland happy?" Inara asked smiling happily, running her finger over his face, playing with the large dimple in his cheek that only appeared when he smiled deeply with true happiness.
"Very" he nodded kissing her again. "Kiss body?" He asked, running his finger over her bare skin "like this" he kissed down her neck
"Inara like" she groaned out with pleasure, Roland smiling against her skin
"Me too"
"Say please" he hovered over her teasingly "more kiss? Say please Roland"
"More kiss please roland"
"Good girl" he smirked continuing to kiss her body, enjoying the sound of her pleasure

"if this pleases you so much, I hate to think what other sounds I could make come from my beautiful princess." He giggled against her skin
"No stop!" She tapped him
"And there's my feisty Drecontonian" he laughed louder
"No stop! More kiss!"
"I'm kissing! I'm kissing!" He smiled, hungrily kissing her lips

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