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The prince stood waiting for the princess by the carriage, he was hopeful she'd allow him to stay the night after their encounter yesterday but alas it was short lived and he spent the night alone again after another shouting match between them.
"I have sent the midwife into see her son" the king placed blankets into the carriage "you were right to raise concerns on her discomfort. Are you alright?"
"yes father of course. I am in no hurry to gain an heir. It is not why our arguments end the way they do, it is not my intention to create an heir from these encounters, just...to be with her. I am not preventing the fact but it is not the intention. I am just concerned, she is not one to complain over these things usually and she was clearly doubled over in pain."

"any news on my wife?" Roland asked the midwife when she appeared
"She bit me!" The woman complained, rubbing her arm
"Please forgive her she..."
"Is a savage animal! She wants locking up in a cage!"
"Do not speak of the princess that way!" The prince snapped "she simply misunderstood your intentions and was scared, if you had this attitude towards her it is no wonder! See yourself out" the prince stormed off angrily leaving the king to sort it out.

"Inara?" He frantically called "inara!" He ran into her room "oh my Inara. It's alright" he knelt down next to where she was cowering in a corner. "You really did bite her didn't you." He wiped the blood from her mouth.
"No...no...no savage." Inara whimpered out "no...no....animal...no cage!"
"I know. Believe me I laid into her. No one is putting you in a cage, I promise. Are you feeling better? Are you still in pain?" He held her stomach
"Son?" The king knocked lightly "a word. In private if I may."
"I will be back. Do not worry. I will not let any one hurt or harm you."

"What is it father?"
"The midwife believes.....she believes she used an implement on herself, to rid herself of your child."
"No! She wouldn't do that. She would not let her examine her so how does she know?"
"I am merely passing on what she said. Apparently that is when she bit her. When she accused her of killing the prince's unborn child."
"Inara?" The prince hurried back inside "Inara...did you do something? Pain." He pointed "something is wrong? Tell me."
"No child"
"Was there a child?" He asked hesitantly "child in here" he pointed
"No. No child" Inara said worriedly shaking her head

"Did you hurt yourself?" He asked her timidly "how do I ask this father" he looked over his shoulder at the king "why did you bite the midwife?" He gestured, pretending to bite his arm
"No savage" Inara shook her head, pointing at herself "women say Inara savage"
"So you bit her?"
"Touch" Inara shyly tapped between her legs "no touch."
"You didn't want her to touch you"
"Only my Roland touch"
"That's right" he smiled, tenderly stroking her face "no child...before. Was there a child now gone or simply no child?"
"No understand words"
"I know. Do not get upset again. I ummm....." he tried to think "bleeding" he pointed "bleeding late? You understand late? No? I ummm Roland's child. In here. Did you remove it?" He watched her confused face "take out child?" He tried "Inara want my child?" He asked timidly "sad because you want my child?"
"No child" she shook her head

"You do not wish to bare my children?.....father perhaps...."
"Inara my darling girl?" The king crouched taking her shaking hands "tell me, child death? Inara Kill Roland's child?" He asked
"Father kill, father kill child. No child" she shook her head "my Roland? No child? Father kill make war."
"He wants to kill my child not raise it himself?"
"Inara....no happy" she shook her head
"I know. That is why we are going away. For a fresh start."
"Inara no happy, Child no grow. No love no grow" she pointed at her belly "bleed...no child"

"I will have the midwife charged with false accusations against the princess. She has not rid herself of your child Roland. I am sure of it. She is just fearful that her father will take your son when you have one."
"I will protect our son when he arrives. If he arrives. You have my word. Do you understand what I am saying? No?" He asked when she shook her head "all I want is my Inara to be happy again. That is all I want."
"Woman no touch" Inara said firmly "say...say....My Roland.....child....woman. No Inara. Inara savage no child my Roland. Inara no good. No child grow no good. Make my Roland sad. Roland child woman? Woman make my Roland happy?"
"My anger is boiling over once more father. She is saying that the midwife told her I have a child with you know who. I do not. Inara I do not have a child with her or anyone."
"Perhaps....son do not be upset but perhaps she lost a child, it can happen early on. She may have only been a few days or weeks. Perhaps that is what she is trying to say."
"Perhaps, either way it was not meant to be father. I can understand why god would think us not ready or worthy to receive such a gift."

"Go....go sea?" She asked holding up her flashcards
"Yes. Yes my sweet girl, let's go. Let's put some shoes on though. It is cold out. Inara! Do as I blooming well say!" He scolded "put them on! Now! Do not kick me!"
"Son keep your temper in check. Inara for me, put them on. Good girl"
"No like"
"I know" the king laughed "she looks like she is a child learning to walk all over again. It must feel strange to her."
"No tell father"
"It will be our secret"
"Secret" she nodded "promises"
"Yes we promise."

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