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The king was comforting his son when the spring months appeared and they still had not found his missing wife and child. They had fought to regain territories with neighbouring kingdoms in order to carry favour in their search. A full blown war had broken out between Dreconton and many kingdoms it was attempting to take control of. All underestimating the size of Cedmond's army and the lengths he would go to, the extent of his brutality had shocked many.

"Your majesty!" Beric burst through the doors of the kings study.
"I asked for privacy and time with my son!" The king angrily reprimanded, shielding his upset son so he could compose himself.
"Forgive me. I know. But you will want to hear this.....bring them in!" He called out
The prince stood up watching two Drecontonians being manhandled into the room along with a shy looking Drecontonian girl.
"Gently!" The prince reprimanded "are you alright miss?" He asked concerned "women do not fight in his army! If they are warriors they are used to defend the women and children left behind while the men battle! Why have you detained this girl!" He angrily bellowed at the man in kings uniform.
"Because....girl, speak!" He demanded, shoving her shoulder lightly
"Inara....Inara....errr....Inara say my Roland.....my Roland child....grow....wait....Roland come." She struggled out
"You have seen my Inara!" The prince gasped, the two men struggling against the soldiers, ranting angrily at the girl who looked visibly scared of them, flinching away.

"Gag them!" The prince ordered "it's alright. You are safe here. I will not let them harm you. Were you their prisoner?"
"She does not speak Erathernian" Beric interjected "she only says the same thing repeatedly."
"My Inara!" The prince grinned "I am Prince Roland. Inara taught you these words. As a message?"
"Message" the girl nodded keenly on recognition of a word "errr....prince Roland swim" she struggled out "name tree"
"Name tree? Oh my word! Father this girl is a friend of Inara's! I saw her swimming with her and a group of friends, on our visit to Dreconton. When we married. When you saw me sneak out. I saw them. They have their names carved on a tree by the lake. She is a friend of Inara's! I am sure of it! Untie her! Now!" The prince rambled out

"My Inara is well?" He placed the girl in a chair speaking softly "child is well?" He demonstrated a large belly on his stomach, the girl giggling at him, nodding. "Thank the lord." Roland cried out gleefully "what else did she teach you? More words? Anything?"
"Errrr...map!" She declared
"Fetch a map, quickly" the king spread one out on his desk waving her and the guards over. "Where did you apprehend them?"
"It was here your majesty" the guard pointing "they were being rough handed with some prisoners. They were rounding them up and transporting them in a wooden wagon somewhere."

"Where Inara?" Prince Roland asked gesturing at the map
"Inara" the girl pointed repeatedly at the map "Cedmond.....new home, Dreconton big fire. Dreconton inara" she pointed again.
"He has moved his people into the kingdom of Fraghorn!" The prince turned to the two dreconton soldiers "Fraghorn? Is that where you were taking these women?"
"Some young men too, not just women" the guard pointed out "actually a few older ones too. A mix your highness."
"Loyal...princess Inara" the girl spoke up, rolling her sleeve to show the prince "Inara. People peace. Fight peace. My Roland come. Safe all"
"She has massed an army of rebels against her father." The prince smiled proudly "she has loyal followers that want peace like she does. That's my girl"
"More people?" The king pointed to the girls arm that held a symbol
"hide." She pointed to where the guards had found them.
"She told those who could not fight to hide father. To protect them."
"Hide. My Roland very brave. My Roland come. Safe all"
"Yes. Yes I will help you. You have my word."

"My Roland hurry" the girl flustered over to the prince "errr child soon."
"She is ripe already?"
"Child soon.....man....errr....married....soon....swive... child soon."
"He's marrying her off! I knew it!"
"It is an old wives tale that coitus will bring on birthing pains if they do not occur naturally, son. If the child is reluctant to make an appearance. He is still sticking to his ways. He will only allow it if she is married."
"We have to make a move. Before it is too late. Let us mass our army and search for the rebels. They may have a way in."
"I agree. This girl is to be well cared for, see to it Beric. Well done my dear. You have done your princess proud." The king praised "your name?"

"I have no doubt father, I remember the name from the tree. Inara has spoken her name before to me, many a time. Now I know why. She always would say Sahar Inara Digory. She meant she was as close to this girl as I am to Digory. They are childhood friends and she is loyal to my Inara not Cedmond." The prince nodded "thank you Sahar"
"Quimby, Inara. peace. Prince Roland, Inara. Peace?" She asked "peace my Roland bring."
"Yes. I understand. I know of her and Quimby's plans for peace for your people, I will offer you the same. I love Inara. She is my wife." He patted his heart "Inara, love Inara....is Inara well?" He asked trying to get more information. "Cedmond treat Inara well? Inara well no sickness? No....errrr Inara is.....oh my goodness it is like I have stepped back a year trying communicate with my Inara. It is times like these her progress shines through father."
"That it does."

"My Inara is well?" He asked again
"Inara child soon....Inara...weak....Cedmond angry......Inara no....Inara no......ummm....Inara love my Roland....no marriage only my Roland"
"She has refused to denounce our marriage, our love for each other. The marrage to the man. Good man? Bad man? Dangerous?"
"Danger" she nodded "errrr" she balled her fist lightly punching the prince in the shoulder.
"They are beating her! Even though she is with child! That is it. We move at sunrise!" The prince stormed out "I am coming my Inara. Hold on a little longer my love."

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