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As the weeks and months rolled passed the prince slowly found his stride in his marriage, in his new role of a husband. Inara becoming quickly accustomed to the Erathern language and their strange ways. As the end of summer rapidly approached the prince became nervous knowing he had to take her to see Cedmond. He sat in a fraught meeting with his father and the royal advisors going over plans.

"It is not wise to send them alone." Beric shook his head
"I agree" the prince sighed "I will do it, of course I will however I do not want the princess' safety compromised. Not only in Deconton, the journey alone, we could be ambushed and I am only one man, my Inara can fight but still..."
"You will have an armed escort, you may have to leave them at the border however" the king rubbed his chin "something feels off. I do not like it. His last visit was fraught, Inara wept for days. Eris did not join him last time. There must have been a reason. Perhaps he knows she has been helping us. I am surprised they have visited often. It is not what was planned in the agreement. I....hello my darling girl, come in, come in" he waved Inara in who was knocking politely at the door "we are just discussing your upcoming trip home to Dreconton."

"Princess?" Bellford asked the nervous looking princess "what is it?"
"My Roland speak." She nodded at the prince
"Of course" he rose to his feet to join her "are you alright? You look pale again my love. Did you eat?"
"Yes my Roland"
"Do you have an opinion on our trip? Something we should know? You may speak freely or you wish for privacy?"
"No privacy my Roland! Behave!"
"No. No my love" he chuckled with the rest of the room at the blushing princess "privacy does not always mean for that purpose! Speak to Roland or Roland and the king?" He asked still chuckling.

"No go Dreconton" she shook her head
"I know you do not want to. I have told father this. You have been trying to persuade me for weeks not to go. But we must. It was agreed with Cedmond as part of our marriage agreement."
"No go!" She protested
"We have to! I will keep you safe."
"No" she shook her head "no safe! No go! No....no father...no Cedmond let Inara return my Roland to Erathern."
"You think he will not let you leave? Why?"
"Inara stay Erathern." She said nodding her head determinedly

The prince sighed loudly "father? Your suggestion?"
"We can invite him here, say she is not well enough to travel." The king shrugged "postpone the trip. Bide us more time. I do not think it wise to send you alone."
"Yes" Inara nodded "Inara no travel." She shook her head "no safe....no travel. Dreconton...wife...no travel"
"Your mother?" prince Roland looked confused "Dreconton women and wives are permitted to travel Ianra. Your mother has on several occasions, you yourself traveled here when we first met."
"No. No travel....wife.....no travel, no safe....errrrr." She patted her stomach "no travel. Stay Erathern."

"Oh.my.word" the king scraped his chair "fetch the physician, the midwife, the nice one. Son! She is telling you she can not travel in her condition!"
"Her condition?" The prince asked "you mean....Inara! You are with child!" He grabbed her stomach in shock "Roland's child in here?"
"yes my Roland!" She jumped excitedly on her heals "make my Roland happy." She poked his dimple giggling "child! My Roland child."
"Father!" The prince turned still in shock "oh my goodness, she has been pale and feeling unwell! She is with child! Oh my goodness with all the preparations...her bleeding is late! Her menses are late! It should have come in weeks ago! I am to be a father!"
"I think your son has gone into shock" Bellford guided the prince to a chair. "Let's have it confirmed before we start celebrating."

The prince and king paced anxiously outside the royal bedchambers, the prince sighing and grunting in annoyance at the sound of his wife's protesting, grumbling at not being permitted entry to help her understand.
"Well?" The king stepped forward when the physician and midwife stepped out.
"Congratulations your highness" the midwife smiled at the prince
"She is carrying my child?"
"She is carrying somebodies child" the physician grumbled under his breath.
"You watch your mouth!" The prince angrily pinned him to the wall by the throat "I will see you hang if those words leave your mouth again! Understood!"
"Leave. You are to tell no one of her condition." The king tossed a pouch of gold coins at the physician.

"Son. Calm yourself." The king comforted his son "come on now no tears. All those who are important to you know she is loyal to you. Take no notice of small minded people."
"Yes father" the prince nodded "I want the midwife moved into the castle, to be on hand day and night." He paced again
"Son...that is not necessary. It is early days."
"If they had got here sooner then perhaps mother would still be alive! The same goes for my sisters! I want a midwife on call day and night until my son arrives and is safe in my arms. Until I know she is well and has survived the ordeal."
"Son...I know the fear you are feeling. I felt it every time with your mother. If it will ease your fears then I will see to it."
"Yes. Please" he nodded, blowing out a breath

"my heart is pounding father." He grabbed his chest, wincing "I feel like I can not breathe"
"It is panic, that is all." He guided the prince to sit on the floor "take some deep breathes. She will be fine as will your son or daughter."
The prince nodded tearfully "memories of that night haunt me father. Her screams. Your cries of anguish. Your pleading for help. The blood. So much blood. My sisters small deformed body" the prince broke down.
"Hush now. She is young and healthy. It will not happen again."
"We have taken so long for this moment, what if it is a sign that something is wrong? I can not loose her father, not now."

"My Roland? No happy?" Inara creeped out concerned
"Very happy" he nodded up at her, offering his arms for her to join him "Roland very happy" he nodded rubbing her stomach "I love you.......my mother." He whispered
"Inara...understand" she nodded, holding him while he cried "be brave my Roland." She kissed his head repeatedly as he often did hers when she was upset making him giggle.
"My darling Inara." He shook his head giving her a kiss "I love you"
"Inara love Roland. No go Dreconton" she shook her head "no safe"
"I promise I will keep you both safe. This here is a blessing" he placed his hands on her stomach smiling
"blessings" Inara nodded "made from love, grow strong."
"Yes. Yes my Inara, they will. I will take very good care of you, you are carrying my child inside you Inara! I can not believe this day is finally here."
"My Roland? Inara very.....hungry. Yes. Food, hungry."
"You are eating for two my love you may have what ever it is you wish for."
"Apricots" the prince laughed "not apricoots"
"It is almost as endearing as her pronunciation of potatoes." The king kissed the top of Inara's head "bless you sweet girl."

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