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Roland rose early one morning, meeting Digory with their horses, readying to leave.
"Are you sure?" Digory asked mounting his horse "when they wake to find you gone. When she finds you gone."
"I know what I have to do. My wife needs me."
"Are you sure this is what she needs?"
"I am sure. I have my resolve set, I want my Inara to be happy. I need to fix my mistake. I have left my father a note. Let's go before I change my mind. Leaving her behind is a difficult decision and not one I have made easily, or take any pleasure in doing. But I must." He checked his weapons. He took one more look up at the window of his room where he'd left his wife sleeping, before kicking his heel and riding off with his friend.

"Roland!" The king ran out after him "son! Roland! Stop!" The prince looked back briefly before speeding up more.
"What has he done?" Bellford ran out "do you want me to go after him?"
"No. No, I need you here and you will not be able to stop him, here, he left me this. How do I explain this to the princess? She will not understand and believe he has left to be with lady Stephanie."
"Are you sure he hasn't?"
"Yes!" The king said firmly, then watched his sons horse disappearing into the fog. "Yes I am sure. He has no feelings for her and has more lust for his wife than he's ever experienced before. He is frustrated that she will barely let him near her anymore. He wants Inara and according to this he will stop at nothing to get her back."
"But to go to Dreconton, alone, with only a stable master as his right hand man. It is suicide. What is his plan? Tell Cedmond the truth? He will kill him. Slowly, very slowly and painfully then come to claim his daughter back, it will be a bloodbath!"
"I do not know his plan. He only says that he will fight for his marriage and do whatever it takes to win her back. He's a smart boy. He says he will do his best not to disturb the peace agreement, that his resolve is to keep her safe and prevent Cedmond taking her back to Dreconton, if he can not win her back that he wishes to at least try to find a way for her to live happily in our kingdom somehow. All he has asked is that we look after her in his absence and do not let them take her or let her go after him."

The king and Bellford made their way back inside solemnly, filling in Beric and the few others they had bought with them. Trying to decide what to do.
"I can not believe he just left her here!" Beric said annoyed "how are we to tell her he is gone!"
"My Roland gone?"  Inara asked timidly from the door way
"My darling girl come in." The king shuffled her reluctantly into the study.
"Where my Roland? Horse Talon gone."
"He has had to leave for a little while with Digory. He will return soon."
"Moon? Sun?"
"No not by tonight, or tomorrow. I do not know how long. You will be safe here with me until he returns. Understand? Inara is to stay with me. He has left you in my care."

"My Roland....go? Leave Inara?"
"No. He is coming back"
"My Roland......" she looked into the kings eyes a tear rolling down her cheek "he go her? Woman. My Roland go?"
"No. No. Not at all. Inara! Come back! I would not lie to you! Inara!" He followed her when she fled. "Darn it. I knew.... so did he, it's why he left without saying goodbye to her, to avoid the confrontation."
"Are you sure he has not gone to his lover?" Beric asked
"I am certain....send a man to where we hid her away. Double check. Discreetly." He ordered "lock up the stables and place a guard at her door day and night. Incase she tries to follow him or go home to her father. Oh Roland what have you done now boy." The king shook his head.

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