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Inara lead the way to a small structure next to the castle, showing them where they would stay. The prince felt all eyes on him as they walked, finding himself in Inara's shoes. he was only going to be here a few days, she would have all eyes on her permanently. The savage princess the kingdom were already calling her. She stopped at the entrance, thinking then bent down tapping her feet, pointing to their shoes.
"It is their culture to be bare foot, so they can walk on the soil of mother earth." Beric explained
"No" she pointed inside the stone structure. "Home" she gave a sure nod "father no"
"Ah I think...." the translator paused asking Inara in Drecontonian "I was correct" he started to take off his shoes "the king has granted special permission for shoe wearing for ourselves but not inside."

They stepped inside, Inara taking Roland's hand gently pulling him to point and show him things. The king smiled, his advisor nodding at him in approval.
"She is coming around now she knows she has no choice. She is clearly making an effort with him. I think she likes him."
"I think once he gets past the fact she is Drecontonian.....let us hope. I see a little something there. He can not deny that she is a beauty." The king nodded
"Roland" Inara patted a bed
"Thank you" he smiled trying not to look to disrelished at the primitive living space.
"Horse" she held up an animal hide
"Yes, I can see that" he laughed lightly, it was the one word other than no she was confident in knowing so used at every opportunity. Randomly patting her or his horse on the journey saying horse, nodding at him, waiting for a smile and nod in response.
Inara thought hard for a word, plucking a feather from the bed, holding it up to show him.
"Feather. From a bird."
Inara nodded pulling him to the wall pointing to the image of a bird painted on the stone
"Bird" Roland smiled pointing "feather" he took it from her fingers.
"Bird. Feather." She nodded

"You will be sleeping on a bed of feathers tonight son. We have straw it would seem" the king smiled at his son fondly
"Please father take mine. You should have..."
"I believe the groom has the special bed son. It is fine. Remember do not offend them or try not to. From look on her face I think she may have been put in charge of preparing your room for your visit and now understands why. How are you feeling?"
"A little better. She is in the same boat as me isn't she."
"No, she is a worse position than you. You get to go home. She does not. May I suggest you try to soak up as much of her world while you are here. It will help you in the long run, to understand your bride, her ways that you will find very strange, it will also help you and us help her to settle in her new home. Little things like taking off your shoes before going into your marital quarters will go a long way to show her respect. The Drecontonians are very big on respect. The small things will go a long way."

"I will try my best father. Oh. She is leaving. The language barrier is currently our biggest blockade. I am sure there is plenty she wishes to say as will I over the coming weeks that are not for the ears of an interpreter. As you say respect is an important thing not just for them but us. I am sure discussing certain topics will seem....inappropriate with a man standing listening."
"I get what you are skimming around. I have little advice for you son. Other than try and pick up signals that do not require words. It is the only thing I can think of."
"Do they consummate marriage the same way as we do? I mean, I do not want to force her. Even unwilling brides will lay and do the minimal required but if she struggles against me I do not think I can do it father, savage or not."

"I see" the king nodded "then...I am in agreement, yes you will have to try. It is not legally binding in our kingdom unless you consummate it. It can be annulled unconsummated. The last thing we need. I will not lie to you, An heir would cement the fragile bond we will create with them through this marriage. However. I am proud of you for thinking of this. We will count on discretion, not until she is willing. As is our law anyway."
"I will be respectful. Does Beric know of their customs in this area? So I do not have to ask her directly and embarrass her."
"I will ask him I'm sure he does. He is as happy as pig in muck right now. Seeing first hand all the things he has learnt over the years in a bid to aid our fight."

The party rested a while until they were summoned to the main building that king Cedmond called his castle. They sat on the floor to eat, unsurely joining in eating with their hands, with little other choice.
"Tomorrow my daughter will wed this prince of gentle birth." The translator interpreted Cedmond's speech "Creating peace between us. As long as my girl tells me she is happily in love this time next year when she will return to bring in the winter. If he fails to make her happy, if she returns harmed we will strike our enemy down and tear their hearts out to feast on." The translator gulped, the gathered members of the family and kingdom cheering loudly, banging their wooden cups on the ground. "If she sends word that he seeks his pleasure else where I will ride to the lavish castle he presides in like a peacock and...." the translator looked at the king worriedly "oh dear"
"Continue. This was not in the agreement. He only said he must be faithful in his marriage."
"He will gauge out his wandering eyes, cut of his manhood and wandering hands, slice out his tongue and feed them to his father the false king."
The prince and king looked around at the energetic celebrating, the prince landing his eyes at the worried looking princess.
"He is not done.....he will hunt down the prince's trulls....and drag them back here to be....pillaged and hung for all to see that we are the true kings of this earth and they are nothing but plagues on our beloved Mother Earth."

"Well....that was vivid" the king looked at his worried son "I do not know what to say son. I knew this would be difficult and delicate for all involved."
"He is addressing you directly" the translator tapped the prince to get his attention "he is asking you to stand." The prince nodded and stood up "he is telling you that without love no man is a king. That the love of a women will make your roots bury deep into the ground so you are steadfast to weather any storm and grow you to such heights that no man can rise above you. That the love of a woman will make him a mighty king and turn him from a boy to man."
The prince nodded at Cedmond
"He asks you to start the ceremony."
"What? Now? Here?"
"You must show your love for her. If he is not satisfied that you love her, then there will be no marriage ceremony tomorrow."

"I do not know her! How am I supposed to prove I love her when I don't!"
"Place your forehead on hers, look in to her eyes and hold her tenderly, lightly rubbing your nose on her face. Like the king is doing to his queen. Look." Beric nodded "it is their way of kissing I suppose would be the closet comparison. The eyes hold a lot of symbolism for them. Love is displayed and shown through and in the eyes. I do not know how you fake it. You have to convince him somehow."
"I think she knows you are faking as she is. Look she is holding her hand out for you. Go. Guards are armed. If it goes south we retreat, fast." The king advised

The prince stood nervously, holding the princess' face to his, staring into her eyes.
"Inara. Roland" she whispered at him "peace"
"Aye. Peace" he whispered back
Inara reached to lightly touch his face and hair, shuffling her body closer to his "is good? Roland safe Inara"
"Aye is good, Inara is safe with me, Inara safe with Roland." the pair smiled in a moment of mutual understanding between them, cheers breaking out followed by dancing around the fire pit. "Is that a yes we are going ahead?" He asked Beric
"You have impressed. Cedmond says his daughter heart has chosen it's match and the celebrations can commence. Oh...it seems you need to join the dancing your highness." The interpreter pointed at Inara waving him over to join her.
"he is to sit on the throne and they are to honour him with dance and gifts. This may take a while." Beric laughed watching on. "It is fascinating."

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