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Roland and The king made their way across the snowy courtyard discussing the frosty encounter between Eris and Landy Stephanie. They weren't sure what Eris wanted other than cut out lady Stephanie's tongue when she tried to speak directly to prince Roland. Other than that she just stood silently staring through the bars before storming out, giving Roland another harsh slap across the face.

Inara ran across the courtyard into Roland's arms weeping. "Hey now. What are these tears for?" He tried to raise her face
"Inara?" Her mother ran out after her worriedly. Comforting her in their mother tongue.
"What did you say! Nothing happened Inara I assure you I didn't even speak to her! Father you think her mother has told her something about you know who?"
"Your highness" Digory nervously stepped out, wringing his hat in his hands "I umm. I don't know what happened. I swear....she was there when I locked up last night. I heard nothing in the night."
"What has happened?"
"Netta is missing" he looked down at his feet "forgive me your highness. I have people out searching for her as we speak. She is easily recognisable."

"She got out?" The prince asked, rubbing Inara's back to calm her.
"No.....stolen or....let loose. There are no fresh tracks, the snow fall must have covered them over. She is the only one missing. The others are untouched. There is....writing on the stable wall. In blood."
"Savage doxy" he whispered "i take it she can not read" he kept his voice quiet. "I have my stable hand washing it off before anyone else sees. This was deliberate your highness."

"Inara?" The prince raised her face to look at him "I am very sorry"
"No. I promise. She has not left her cell."
"Father find Netta!" Cedmond appeared with five of his his men on horseback.
"We have men out looking" King Orsis reassured
"Dreconton horse sacred.  Cedmond men track horse good. Go!" He sped off at considerable speed
"We will find her" Roland comforted Inara "come let's get you in out of the snow and warmed up."

"Your majesty...." Beric hurried after them "I have just heard. This could be trouble brewing. Not only for the upset it will cause the princess but her father.....if they find the horse has been harmed....they are sacred, it is a serious crime in their culture to harm one. Punishable by death."
"I know" the king nodded "let us hope it is only high jinx. Aimed at upsetting the princess or retaliation for the boys sentence. His father accepted his wrong doing. Many disagreed with his punishment."
"He is lucky he is not hanging" the prince scoffed "if it were up to me he would be. If I tell her father he will gauge the boys eyes out, cut off his manhood as well as his hands. I have been reading up.....perhaps I should tell him. Do you think she has?"
"I think she told her mother everything that has occurred. She knows not to upset her father and to be careful what she tells him. He could blame you for allowing it happen or he could champion you for saving her. I am not sure which way he would go."

"My Roland?" Inara asked the prince in a whimper
"I am here. You are going to be alright. I know what Netta means to you. We will find her."
"Witch!" She angrily scowled "witch Netta!"
"No" he sighed shaking his head "Inara? Let witch go?" He asked, she furiously shoved him away, ranting in Drecontonian "shushhhh" he tried to hold her and pull her back in "shushhh listen to me!" He looked worriedly at Eris "let her go....then gone....understand? Gone forever."
"No let go! No words?" She asked confused
"Inara and Roland forever. Understand? You and I are forever....for all the suns and moons. Let her go and she will never come back. Let me send lady Stephanie away for good and then she will not trouble you anymore. Please. For me."

"Roland....Roland like witch?" Inara teared up, pulling away gently "Roland no love?" She held her heart wounded by his words
"Yes I do! I love you. Roland Love Irana. No love lady Stephanie! No want see her. Lady Stephanie go away, no see again" he wafted his hands in an attempt to explain. "Far far away." He wafted more obviously
"Death witch no see"
"I can not undo what happened but....her presence here is still making you upset. I do not want that. I want Inara to be happy. Understand?"
"Death witch, Roland mine, Inara happy"
"I can not do that. I am loyal to you, my wife, my Inara. I am yours. Lady Stephanie does not matter anymore."
"Inara matter! Witch! My Roland! Witch death! My Roland mine!" She protested "mother!" She pointed at her mother "no happy! Mother witch death. Roland mine! Mother no happy!"

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