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Roland reluctantly followed the physicians advice to refrain from copulating with his wife and rest. Taking the medicine he left for him. Inara becoming annoyed trying to care for him her way, not understanding why they would not permit her or why Roland was resisting her advances all of a sudden, or asking for attention.

"My Inara do not be sad. I will bring you back to the sea again. It is time to go home." Roland limped along towards the carriage.
"She is not happy to leave son?" The king asked arranging blankets for the journey
"I am not sure. I do not think so. The castle holds many bad memories. she is still not happy about the medicine the physician left. She has her own that she makes with herbs and spices father."
"Inara?" The king held out his hand for her "all will be well. Roland needs the medicine to be well again."
Inara looked around avoiding the kings gaze.
"She does not agree with you. It is what she does when she disagrees but doesn't want to argue or does not have the words to do so." Roland smiled fondly "it is endearing is it not. She will avoid looking you in the eye and pulls that adorable face that she is making."
"Step inside Inara, keep warm. Spring is on the way, it looks like rain." The king held out his hand, helping her into the carriage, smiling at her baggy over sized socks gathering at her ankles.

"You are looking better. I take it you are following the physicians advice and resting up."
"Yes father. As I promised you. Inara is confused but I think she understands. She is still being affectionate with me. I think physical touch is important in Dreconton. I have distracted her with a few things I have learnt over the years father......she is a little off sorts this morning."
"Nothing serious I hope, do you want..."
"Her menses came in this morning." The prince muttered out discreetly
"It will happen when the time is right son. Have faith and give it time. It is not like you have not been putting in the effort. Unless the Drecontonian way of doing these things is very different."
"Not at all" the prince laughed, blushing. "I am educating her. She only knows the basics. She is a fast learner. I enjoy making her happy in all senses. She allows me to give her pleasure as well as receive it, just in my current state I think she thinks it is her duty to do all the work. I am sure when I am recovered she will be teaching me a few things too father."
"I will make sure to avoid walking your bed chambers" the king laughed "she is well though?"
"She was upset is all. She woke in a panic over it. I managed to reassure her I was not angry with her over our lack of success or the mess on the bed sheets" he chuckled "father....thank you. I know I was apprehensive to begin with, angry even over your choice of bride however with each passing day I feel like it is a pairing that was meant to be."
"I agree"

"Things are still...difficult." Roland sighed out "differences between us, the language barrier..."
"You are overcoming them Roland. I knew you would. You have exceeded my expectations son. Not only have you managed to pull this off for your kingdom and for peace, you have found love along the way. However unconventional." He tittered."just remember who you are, do not get lost along the way Roland. If you slip too far into Drecontonian ways then you are letting Cedmond win the war despite winning the first battle for his daughters heart. Be cautious."
"I assure you my wife maybe from a barbaric place and raised by a barbarian king however she is no savage father. I believed she was once and that was my first mistake. She has a heart of gold. She is tender, loving, caring. She wishes for peace but has also found love in a place she thought she never would. We have ripped her from the only thing she knows and in my opinion she is doing blooming marvellous" The prince smiled proudly at Inara watching him intently through the carriage window, making sure he was not sending her away and staying behind without her "she wants better for her people and does not believe in her fathers harsh rule. She misses home still, her mother, her friends, her beloved Netta. That is to be expected. I know things are not going to be plain sailing from here on in, just because things have been better. I am still reading up on Dreconton history. I believe it is helping....I wish to furnish our marital quarters on our return. Make her feel more at home."

"You have my approval...within reason." The king added with a warning glare
"There is much beauty in her culture father, it is not all blood and gruesomeness." The prince laughed "I wish for more indoor plants. More nature. Perhaps a pet or two. Animals are held in high esteem in Dreconton, not just horses....I was thinking some birds? A new hound perhaps? I have not had one since Renton passed some years ago."
"He was your mothers hound" the king teared up "I could not bare......yes. It is a good idea."
"I did not mean to upset you father."
"Not at all. Your mothers memory lives on through you, you are doing her proud son. A pup for the princess. Shower her with attention Roland...not just the bedroom!" The king teased climbing into the carriage, a wide smile growing across his face when Inara's face lit up, laying down in Roland's lap, his sons fingers twirling and running through the long ringlet curls of her hair to the tip then affectionately, mindlessly repeating his actions. One hand holding her stomach, stroking it tenderly to comfort her. He remembered a similar carriage ride with his new bride after loosing there first child only four months after their marriage. How he'd comforted his princess the same way his son was his. "It is a nice sight to see son" the king smiled at the prince.

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