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The prince and Cedmond battled in hand on hand combat, the battle between royal prince and savage king went on for hours.
"He is becoming weak, this can not go on for much longer your majesty." Beric warned worriedly
"I believe in my son. Cedmond is older, he is tiring as well. He has him on the back foot. Get in there my boy" he called out when the prince got in a series of upper cuts, making Cedmond stumble. "Son look out!" He called going to run forward when the sun shone on Cedmounds new wife's blade as she circled close to the prince, raising it. Beric held the king back, pulling his head away "my boy" he wept. He looked up at the gasps, the dagger in his sons hand, driven through Cedmond's heart, the prince twisting it for good measure, Cedmond's new wife dead on the floor with an arrow between the eyes. The king looked behind him to see Inara standing with her bow aimed still, breathing heavily. "My darling girl. Good girl. Good girl Inara. Thank you. We will finally get peace now my sweet girl. For peace."
"No." Inara lowered her bow, dropping it to the ground, stumbling weakly into Digory's arms "for love" she looked directly into the kings eyes
"Yes. Yes my darling girl. For love." The king tearfully kissed his daughter in laws forehead.

Vito hurried forward, holding Inara up, helping her walk to Roland. The prince was knelt catching his breath his hand still firmly on the dagger, his mind not quite believing Cedmond was truly dead and would rise to catch him of guard if he moved.
"PEACE!" Vito cheered the crowd on, raising Roland from the floor holding his arm up high "KING OF WOLVES!"
"Inara" the prince held his wife's face with his bloodied hands "for love."
"For love." she nodded kissing him, the crowds on both sides cheering. "Inara people love my Roland" she giggled at him. He looked up to see the celebrations, the last of those not falling in line being rounded up. He smiled widely, nodding at his proud looking father, who nodded back at him. He'd achieved peace at least for now.

The prince made his way out of the castle, returning it to the rightful owners who thanked them, pledging their allegiance to peace with both Erathan and Dreconton.
"Let's get you cleaned up soldier" Digory helped the prince into a tent "would have been easier in the castle."
"I am where I belong. Amongst our people. We are united now. Through my love for my wife and son." He smiled at his wife being attended in the tent. "I am not afraid to slum it. To show respect. They expected me to bring her back to their base. Now patch me up. No doubt Inara will be fussing over me when she is well enough. I wish to be by her side so hurry up" he laughed

The prince hobbled his way over to his wife once he'd been cleaned up a little, taking a seat on the floor next to her.
"Inara I...."
"Shush my Roland" she smiled sleepily, pulling him down to lay with her
"You wish me to lay with you a while? Well I do not need asking twice" he lay down, opening an arm for her to roll into him, kissing her hair "it sounds like celebrations of victory and peace are a foot."
"Many days" Inara smiled against his wounded bare chest, stroking it
"I see. Then they will not mind if we sleep to rest our sore aching bodies" he smiled contently, pulling a knitted blanket over them "child well?" He asked rubbing them gently
"big! Very big!" She giggled into him
"Indeed" he laughed back, entwining their fingers "they have grown. They will be here soon Inara"
"Yes soon. Not yet my Roland. Soon."
"Aye. You tell me when they are ready my Inara. My love. My life. My everything."

"You are back where you belong and she is already sleeping son" the king stood contently watching them "not long now my boy, not by the look of her"
"Not at all" the prince laughed "they are very active father, if you wish to feel, she will not mind. Their culture encourages it, to show the child love and affection. To encourage them to grow and to know their clan. We are their clan now."
"That we are son" the king knelt feeling her stomach "indeed, a strong kick. Rest now my boy. I will have food sent in. Your body will need to heal. She will need rest. We are piecing together events. She refused to marry that man. He was sent to....bring on your child. Tame her into submission. In their law, she is a fallen women by staying loyal to you when she knew you had been adulterous, that she lay with and is carrying your child regardless of this fact. They have no respect for fallen women. Even though they keep them as pets for their unmarried men's entertainment. Something Inara and Vito will change. They believe your child to be a demon, a product of you living in sin. Your timing could not be better.  She fought against him. the prisoners that you freed, They have been describing her bravery, her strength, even in her current condition, she fought against him, against others, against her father, fought to protect the women's no children he held prisoner, used herself as a shield, in true Inara fashion" the king laughed along with his son "she did you proud son."
"I know she did. I could not be prouder."

"My worry is settling in again father. Look at her" he kissed her hair "you would not think under here she carries wounds and pain. She is simply happy to be back in my arms."
"I am surprised your own pain is holding off"
"I am fine. Exhausted but fine. All the healing I require in this moment is sleeping peacefully on my chest."
"Then sleep it off" the king kissed his sons forehead "my boy has become a man. He is king of wolves."
The prince playfully let out a sarcastic quiet howl at his father. The king laughing reciprocating.

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