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The unannounced Drecontonian visit had been a tense one. Cedmond declaring they were leaving and refused to join the Erathern Yuletide celebrations, declaring them demon worship. The prince had to watch on as his wife said a tearful reluctant fairwell to her mother, neither wanting to part. His mood was not lifted when she moved herself out of their marital quarters the moment her parents had left, retreating back to her old room. She had not spoken to him in days, even when her parents were still there, at night she would not even lay next to him, only keeping up pretences in front of her father. she did not join the Yuletide celebrations, he was concerned about how little she ate. Sending food to her room when she refused to leave it. Barely touched food being sent back.

The king, the prince and Bellford were gathered at a carriage waiting to oversee Lady Stephanie's release. The prince didn't want to see her but also wanted to see for himself that she was gone for good. Despite her pleads, he refused to acknowledge her. He looked up at Inara's window when Lady stephenie threw herself at him, in floods of tears begging him to not send her away. Trying to force his lips onto hers. He could see the shadow of his wife watching on. He shoved lady Stephanie away from him without a single word.

"She's gone now son" the king whispered sadly
"She will be back to cause me trouble and I only have myself to blame."
"She is being sent far from here son. I have a marriage match waiting for her that her father was keen on after the scandal. It is not the first she has been caught up in, rumours were plenty, it is why I warned you of my disapproval."
"Thank you. I will always be looking over my shoulder though as will my wife. She still exists and her departure does not change what occurred between us. I chose her because of her reputation father. I know my limitations. She also knew. I do not know if she fell for me or she just thought she would get an easy life as the prince's lover, well cared for."
"I would imagine a little of both."
The prince looked up at the figure in the window "has she spoken to you since they left?"
"No. No one has heard her speak a single word since her mother departed."

"What would you have me do father?" The prince sighed, trudging through the snow. "I will do whatever it is you wish of me."
"I want you to mend your marriage!"
"I am not sure I can. Our differences are too great. I have tried father, believe me, I am limited on what I can do, we can not talk out our differences can we." The prince shook his head "perhaps some distance. Perhaps I should go away for a while. Give me a royal duty to for-fill. She will be happier if I am not here."
"You are daft as a brush sometimes. where exactly do you think her mind will think you have gone. After seeing your lover off? Hmmm?"
"You are right. She will think I am going to be with lady Stephanie. My presence here is not helping that's all. She is missing Netta. She has lost everything and is alone."
"I may have a solution to that. Go see Digory. Go on"

The prince trudged his way miserably to the stables, calling for his friend.
"Been expecting you your highness. She gone?" Digory asked, the prince nodding sadly "you are sad to see her go?"
"I am sad it has made no difference. I am glad to see the back of her. I wish I had never met her. I made a mistake getting involved with a woman that clearly did not understand my situation. I thought she did, like the others. I had no feelings other than lust and that is something I am regretting giving into. She has asked me several times to set her up as my mistress, I should never have gone near her and made my way through the maids instead like my cousin did."
"We all make mistakes Roland, I am not sure having your wife living in a castle full of your conquests would be any better Roland!"

"anyway I take it the king sent you. Over here." He lead the way to Netta's pen "what do you think. Took some doing finding a pure white one."
"She is beautiful...but she is not Netta." He shook his head
"I am not suggesting that we pretend otherwise. She will know. I thought it might help. The king asked me personally to seek her out. She's fast. Young. As Spritly as Netta was."
"Thank you, I will walk her out. See if it will entice her down if she sees her." The prince took the rope leading the horse out to the courtyard, standing looking up at the window. "Come on Princess. I know you are there watching me." He muttered under his breath

The prince led the horse back to the stables, Inara appearing a short while after, Digory smirking and winking at the prince.
"She is not Netta, but is a very fine horse. She is for you. A gift for my princess." The prince took a step back gesturing towards the horse. Inara walking over to the pen.
"She likes her" Digory whispered "apple princess?" He offered her one, Inara taking it.
"Thank you" she whispeed out, feeding the horse the apple
"You are very welcome" the prince smiled sadly at her
"Netta gone?"
"Yes. I am sorry. She is not coming back."
"Yes" she nodded stroking the horse before walking away.

"Wait" the prince grabbed her arm "stay a while." He asked gingerly "she has gone now. So stay a while and try to mend this with me. At least let me comfort you."
"Never gone" she pointed to her head and heart "night. Roland Come"
"I will come and see you tonight. Yes. I would like that. I will have a meal bought up. Just the two of us. No distractions. Some privacy."
"Swive. Child. Go home" she said shortly
"No" he said firmly
"Swive. Child. Inara go home!" She stated annoyed
"No. No and no!" The prince retaliated in equal annoyance, Digory trying to blend in and remain unseen, sweeping the hay.

"Pig!" Inara snapped at the prince
"Savage!" He snapped back at her "I did not mean that. I.....Do not slap me!" He swiftly held her arm as she tried to slap him
"Stop it!"
"I said no!" He grabbed her other raised arm
"Pig! Pig! Pig! Pig!" She continued to wind him up, struggling against him, trying to kick him
"Infuriating!" The prince snapped back, looming over her, both of them heaving with anger "exhausting! Stubborn! Contumacious! Naive! God damn Beautiful!" He heaved, forcing his forehead on hers, holding her head in place "mine" he growled at her "my Inara! My princess! You will only ever be my princess, I am not letting you go! You hear me! No! Not now. Not ever." he crashed his lips to hers, kissing her wildly.

Digory tiptoed out of the stables, glancing back at the pair, laughing to himself knowing where this was heading.

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