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When it came time to leave the prince was uneasy. Two days and the agreement was settled however he still was marrying a Drecontonian, a Drecontonian that he'd spent little time with and knew little of. Now about to embark on a journey into enemy territory. He saddled his horse in the stables, looking at the wild one he'd been gifted hoping he wasn't going to offend by not riding it.

"You are off then?"
The prince spun around smiling "lady Stephanie. What do I owe this pleasure?"
"I came to see you off.... A Drecontonian? Really?"
"Her name is Inara. Yes, she is a Drecontonian princess, unfortunately." He huffed patting his horse
"I am sure your father knows what he is doing."
"I hope so. An alliance of this significance is also extremely delicate. I need to make her happy....somehow."
"You know how to make a lady happy your highness" she flirted, he smirked, blushing profusely "I am already missing the summer."
"Autumn is well and truly upon us."
"That is not what I meant." She stepped in closer "I miss you."
"I know but...." he was cut off by lady Stephanie kissing him.

They pulled away when they heard a creak of the stables doors seeing Inara standing watching them. The prince stepped forward to talk to her cursing when she turned and ran away from him.
"Forgive me I shouldn't have...."
"No! You shouldn't!" The prince scolded angrily "I told you this can not happen. I told you to stay away! Darn it! If she tells her father what she saw....forgive me, I should not have kissed you back but this ends here. I will not have my peoples blood on my hands. I have to go find her. I mean it. Keep your distance."
"If you can not resist me then that should tell you something."
"Yes that I'm weak and I need to do better. Now stay away or I'll have you married off outside of the kingdom so I do not have to see you at all."

"You don't mean that. You don't love that barbarian savage! You never will! How could you marry that! It's an abomination."
"Hold you tongue!" The prince growled angrily "by the time I return she will be my wife so you show her respect. This doesn't happen again. I don't want to marry you. I don't love you. I never did. Lust and love are two very different things. You should learn the difference. I may not love her now but that does not change the fact that we will marry."
"Just because you marry that thing doesn't mean...."
"Yes. It does. You know who her father is. He could rain hellfire down on us! All of us! I told you from the start that this thing between us was no more than pleasures of the flesh and would be over as soon as my bride was chosen. You are not my only conquest! Do not be a fool and think I fell in love with you or that you were my first lover. You were an easy option for a frustrated prince. I knew of your reputation, you cam highly recommend when I was looking for one last summer of fun."
"You do not mean these things you are saying, you are just trying to push me away!"
"I have to go stop her. I mean it, stay away from me and stay away from Inara. It is over."

The prince ran frantically around the castle grounds looking for Inara, spotting her animatedly speaking to her father, he feared the worse, that he was too late.
"She looks even more upset today" the prince jumped at the king walking up behind him "must be hard knowing this is the last time she will return for sometime. Coming to an unfriendly kingdom she knows little off and does not speak the language. I have sympathy for her."
"As do I. She can not help where she was born or who to. That is how I am trying to look at it. It is proving hard to see past the fact she is our enemies daughter or the fact that he is stood smugly in the Queens gardens. I feel like he thinks he has won this war. Maybe she plans to assassinate me on our wedding night."
"The thought had crossed my mind." The king smirked "she's fiery. I expected that. You are not marrying a wall flower."
"No. I'm not."
"Then again, I would not have picked a wall flower for you" the king whispered teasingly

The prince nervously turned to greet Inara and her father when they approached. Looking at the wound up princess with sympathy, thinking if it was the other way around how he'd feel walking in on her kissing a lord days before they were to be married.
"You like?" King Cedmond proffered his daughter forward asking the prince for the hundredth time this visit.
"Yes. Yes I do" the prince nodded "she is very beautiful."
"Inara.....strong." Her father nodded proudly trying to communicate "loyal. Good girl. Good hunter. Inara keep horse. Netta."
"Oh. Yes, of course." The prince nodded, smiling at the princess who didn't smile back, blankly glaring back at him, like she borrowing into his soul with anger.

The prince mounted his horse next to the princess. lady Stephanie was stood with a small crowd watching on. He had sympathy for her too, she'd clearly fallen for him even if he'd made it clear from the start that their affair could not last or go anywhere between them, he knew his father was already in negotiations for a marriage match and did not approve of lady Stephanie. One last summer of fun was all he wanted. He had no other intentions, choosing someone he thought would not get attached.

"Eyes" Inara tapped her eyes annoyed, glaring at the prince
"Eyes?" he asked pointing to his own, watching Inara turn to scowl at lady Stephanie "oh. Yes. I mean no. I'm not looking at her. Forgive me. What you saw....you can't understand me. Never again. Understand?"
"Knife...Cut" Inara ran her finger along her neck, glaring back at lady Stephanie. The prince gulped. "Inara...Roland" she pointed between them. He gave her a worried nod. "No happy" she shook her head
"I'm sorry" he apologised again "she means nothing to me. You are to be my wife Inara. Can we start again?" He sat waiting for an answer "darn it, you don't understand, why I keep waiting for an answer I don't know."
"No...." Inara thought for a moment "no Inara..." she closed her eyes frustrated. The prince trotted closer to her, reaching for her hand
"My Inara" he told her squeezing her hand
"My Roland" she squeezed it back tearfully "no home no happy" she looked around at the castle with a wary glance
"It will be. I promise. I will do my best to make you happy. You have my loyalty."

"Bellforn!" He called over to his kings advisor who he'd known since birth, a close personal friend of the king. "Lady Stephanie Coleman" he nodded at her "she is banned from the castle. See to it."
"Yes your highness. Are you sure?"
"Yes. Very. Remove the temptation please. By any means necessary to you."
"As you wish."
"I will see you in a little over a week then I guess. Wish me luck. I'm going to need it."
"Keep your guard up and your wits about you."
"I will."

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