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The king was confused when Cedmond did not appear as arranged that day, or the next. The princess was visibly upset and struggling to find the words she wished to warn them of her suspicions. When she heard the commotion that woke them in the middle of the night she knew she was too late.

"Roland! Quickly, the castle is under attack." Digory ran in
"Come my love, easy now. Stay by my side" Roland held up a robe for her, tying it
"Father attack" she worriedly shook in his arms
"Arm yourself Digory" he throw a sword at his friend "stay with us" he grabbed another "the king will have his own protection."
"They sent me this way. They set the stables alight and freed the horses. They are blocking off escape routes. Hurry."

They hurried along the stone corridors, fighting off the few Dreconton stranglers that had managed to get through.
"Stay behind me Inara" the prince shielded his wife. "Down the back staircase Digory" he pointed. They made it to the back courtyard where the king was mounting his horse.
"I managed to round up a few your highness." Digory explained helping him and the princess up onto Talen before mounting himself onto another horse.
"Father" Inara pointed worriedly
"Surrender daughter now!" Cedmond demanded
"Never!" The prince held her to his body tightly "she is mine!"
"No marrage" Cedmond growled before ranting in Drecontonian

"Inara what is he saying?" The prince asked
"Mother. Dead" she tearfully gasped "father know woman. My Roland woman no married Inara must return."
"I paid my debt!" The prince called out "we are married still under your laws as well as ours."
"King no pardon. No marriage. Prince No loyal. take back daughter!" Cedmond angrily yelled
"No! I will not return her! She is my wife! She carries my child!" The prince called out, drawing his sword
"Child!" Cedmond glared at his daughter growling angrily
"Translate my love, what is he saying?"
"No child...no child live...no peace....agreement break. My Roland break agreement. Take Inara back Dreconton, grow child, kill child no marrage, child no right. Demon child."
"He is saying our child can not live because he thinks he is spawned out of wedlock. It is untrue! I am married to your daughter under our laws and I paid my debts under yours. This is no demon child! He was made from love." He held Inara's stomach
"Bring woman!" Cedmond demanded.

They watched as lady Stephanie was dragged in, tied up with rope, being pulled along the ground by a horse.
"That is not my child!" The prince protested at the obvious condition lady Stephanie was in "I thought Eris said she would bare no children?" He asked Digory
"She obviously did not succeed."
"Father I swear to you that is not my child. Inara it is not my child. Listen to me...."
She cut him off shouting angrily at her father in Drecontonian
"My love. I swear to you...."
"Run" she looked up at him with fear in her eyes "my Roland run no fight. Please. For child. Keep safe. Must run. Now."
"Retreat!" The prince kicked his heal "go boy, fast as you can. Father, we must retreat. We are outnumbered."

The king drew his sword "go. We will hold them off. Head for the coastal castle."
"No father I will not leave without you!"
"Go! Now! It is a direct order from your king! Protect the princess and your growing prince at all costs. Do not stop, do not look back!"
"Go! ...I love you son but you have to go! Your child is our only hope for peace. Go!"
"Forgive me"
"I love you father, may god be with you. I will see you at the castle" he kicked his heals riding off at speed. Resisting the urge to look back.

He did not get far before being intercepted by Drecontonians. Being backed into an ambush, surrounding them from all sides.
"No!" Inara held up her hand at the bows pointed at Prince Roland "no!" She went to dismount
"Inara no! What are you doing?" He held onto her tightly
"Safe my Roland" she tearfully nodded at him
"No! I forbid it! Do not surrender yourself. Stay with me"
"No choices." She shook her head seeing her father approaching, calling out in Dreconton "Inara love Roland. I lovings you"
"I love you my princess. No, no, do not get down" he held tightly, loosing the battle "Inara.....I will come for you. Understand?" He held her face to his, kissing her, both shedding tears "I will find you. Promises."
"Promises" she nodded tearfully "keep child safe. My Roland come."
"Yes. Stay safe. I will come for you. I will find you, I will bring you home, both of you."He rubbed her stomach, helping her down gently.

Inara let out an almighty scream when her father drew his arrow hitting the prince, Roland falling from his horse. He looked up blurry eyed, dazed, to see the view of his wife being manhandled onto a horse while she screamed reaching for him. The horses disappearing in a cloud of dust.

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