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The prince watched his wife nursing their daughter, with a contented smile on his face, listening to her hum a Drcontonian lullaby.
"You ready my boy?" The king walked in "oh forgive me" he turned to walk out
"My wife does not mind" the prince laughed "they nurse openly. As long as you do not linger your gaze inappropriately on her chest it is accepted to nurse as the babe requires, regardless of where we are and who is there. She will just whip one out so to speak" he tittered
"Well, at least she is nursing well. That is the main thing. It is a very good sign. She a bonnie wee thing son."
"That she is....are there many mumblings father? On my daughter in general or the fact I still do not have an heir?"
"From what we heard last night when we past your bedchambers you have already made a start on your efforts for another stab at it" the king laughed, the prince blushing
"She is healed over nicely, both of us have regained our strength, wounds have healed. we both were in a romantic mindset. Despite the lack of sleep."

"It is why we have a nursery and wet nurse."
"She will not have it and I have to say....I have enjoyed having them both close after being apart for so long. Believing I would never see them again, never meet my child. I can not bare to be apart from either of them for long. The novelty of having them back in my arms is yet to ware off. I sat in the rocking chair with my daughter in the early hours, settling her after a feed, to let my Inara rest. A moment of pure happiness washed over me father."
"Laying with your wife after so long will do that to a man."
"Behave" the prince blushed again "I'll admit I was eager for it but that is not what made me happy. Me bonnie wee thing is thriving. She is strong. She is beautiful beyond words. I have kept her hidden away long enough. It's time. I have to admit father that I am a little terrified to step outside the safety of the castle walls with my precious little one."
"No harm will come to her. Now....what do you think?" He held up a dress "for my little Narah. Your mother made it for your sister. I think she may fit in it now. Ready for the summer festivities."
"It is beautiful thank you." The prince took it sadly "I wish she was here."
"She is my boy. In here" the king patted his sons chest then his own "her spirit lives on in Narah. I truly believe she was with us that night."

"Hello my little one, you are all smiles for you grandfather this fine sunny day, you are getting so big already" the king gladly took his granddaughter that was being offered to him "hello my darling girl" he kissed Inara's cheek "you look radiant in red."
"Red yes" Inara nodded "red, for.....good....good...." she sighed in frustration
"It's alright. Take you time" the prince encouraged his wife "the new interpreter arrives today. At last."
"Speak my Roland! Me. Inara! No interpitter!" She scolded
"I know" Roland laughed "I explained he will not always be with us. I think she thought he would be at my side day and night father. She became quite upset at the prospect."
"Privacy!" Inara scolded again
"Yes my Inara. You are right, some words you can only speak to your husband, to your wife. They are not for other ears."

"Red Narah bring good health" she nodded proudly, showing off her dress "red, for Narah meet people."
"See your mother is clearly with you still" the king smiled pointing at the small red dress in his sons hand. It was my Narah's favourite colour, Inara. Hence why your husband always wore red breeches as a small boy. She always had red flowers in our chambers." The king smiled sadly, kissing his granddaughters head "my sweet little thing. Your grandfather is besotted. I will send for red flowers to be bought in here for you....from your grandmother."
"It is good to hear you speaking of her in detail father, at length, not just a fleeting comment or memory. With a smile." The prince's sadness was clear to see. "May I request one of her portraits father? A small one. From storage. I would like Inara to have one. So she knows what her grandmother looked like."
"I will see to it. I have the perfect one in mind. Now then my little beauty, you get yourself ready and I will see you outside. Wolf" the king whistled "come boy. Let's get you a red colour sorted. I will change also. The royal family will all be in red today."

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