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The prince waited impatiently with the king for their guests to join them, wanting to enter together. Their attention was drawn down the corridor at raised voices arguing.
"It would seem the savages are not happy about something."
"You need to stop using that word to describe them so you do not do it in front of them by accident." The king scolded "here they come. Best Prince Charming son, do me proud."
"She looks petrified, her demeanour has changed since earlier. She was smiling, she is now scowling" the prince observed
"You're right, she is more than just a little fair of face son." The king observed "she is stunning"
"Scrub the dirt off her and put her in proper attire she might scrub up" the prince grumbled, not wanting to give his father the satisfaction of telling him he indeed found his bride attractive "she is still not wearing shoes!"

"Food. Eat" king Cedmond nodded at the king
"Yes. This way. My dear, welcome to the castle. This will be your home. We will take good care of you.....please translate" he instructed to his linguist. The king looked on puzzled when the girl went to run away, her father grabbing her waist to stop her, growling angrily at her, lifting her off the floor, her legs kicking and flailing. "Is there a problem?" The king asked his linguist "did I offend her?"
"No...I....Err..." the linguist turned his back to the guests so he could whisper "it would appear the girl did not know of the marriage. She has just been informed. That is what the argument was about."
"He didn't tell her she was to leave Dreconton?"
"Apparently not. She thought she was just accompanying her father to peace talks."
"Behave" king Cedmond demanded "go. Prince. Make happy." He shoved his daughter forcefully, she stumbled into the prince, hitting the ground by his feet, the prince failing to catch her even though he tried.
"Sorry" the prince helped her to stand up "I....food? Eat?" He gestured with his hands "it's alright. I won't hurt you." The prince was startled when Inara spat in his face ranting angrily in Drecontonian, thumping his chest with her clenched fist.

despite being disrespected by his future bride and the fact she was Drecontonian, the prince was surprised when he found himself stepping in front of her to stop King Cedmond striking her after he'd scuffled with this daughter, kicking her while she was on the ground. He held up his hand to try and communicate with him "no" he said firmly "no. Understand? No." He turned to pick her up off the floor again. She struggled and flinched, eventually standing when the prince did not give up "calm" he gestured "Roland, Inara" he pointed between them "understand? Inara mine. Inara safe. No harm. Translate please. Tell her not to do it again but she is safe with me, as my bride she is safe and I will not harm her. That she does not need to fear me. That I will not allow anyone else to harm her including her father."
"I am very proud of you son"
"Well. I may not be happy about this but apparently neither is she and I am no savage. We do not beat our women. He kicked her! I will not stand for it in the castle. If you want me to do this you make that clear to him that he follows our rules while he is here. That he will not lay another finger on her or be rough handed."
"Tell him" the king nodded "I agree. We shook on an agreement not to shed blood on this trip. That includes with his own people. We will raise her to our standards not lower ourselves to theirs. Remember she is only just eighteen Roland and she knows no different."

"Food. Eat." King Cedmond demanded angrily.
"Come Inara" the prince offered his arm, she looked at him puzzled. He took her arm guiding her along.
"Horse?" She asked him
"Are we eating horse? No. I understand it is against the rules for you. They are sacred."
"Yes you said" the prince nodded "you wish to see your horse? Or do you wish to escape on your horse?" He tittered, pulling out her chair for her "you will sit next to me so we can get to know each other better." He gestured for her to sit.

"So proud" the king nodded "I said it would not be easy, I had faith in you."
"She does not understand a word I am saying father!"
"She will pick it up. She seems a smart girl. Curious in nature. She is stunning if a little...wild looking. The hair could do with a little taming. We will introduce her to the concept of a comb and a bath." The king smirked.

The feast began, much muttering occurring around the room. The prince looked to his left to see the Drecontonians eating with their hands, chomping at their food like wild animals. He looked down to see his bride watching him curiously. He smiled showing her his fork, demonstrating.

"Fork" he held hers up "eat. Food. Fork." He demonstrated again "spoon" He continued their private conversation, pleased she seemed interested at least.
"Knife" she pointed
"Yes that's right. To cut the food. Look. Cut."
"Cut" Inara slid her finger across her throat
"Oh I see. Yes, but no" he shook his head "look. Knife" he showed her his dagger, sliding his finger across his throat "and knife" he demonstrated with the cutlery "different. But also the same. I understand it is confusing. They are for eating with, they are not weapons, do not be afraid."

"Eat" king Cedmond nudged his daughter pointing at her plate "it good" he nodded at the prince "it pig?"
"Yes. Gammon." The prince nodded. He watched Inara pick up her food chomping on it, looking around the room, seeing all eyes on her, he tried to help her out. He offered his fork with food on to her mouth "eat" he proffered, she hesitantly opened taking the food "you like it?" He asked, receiving a nod.
"Inara. Dance." King Cedmond stood up announcing to room "daughter. Me" he pounded his chest proudly. His party pounding the fists on the table and cheering "Inara, dance. For prince. Great Honour"
"It is a custom" Beric appeared whispering "he wishes his daughter to dance for the prince to gain his.....well the literal translation is lust, but I think this dance is more to show off his daughters beauty."
"Please. Go ahead" the prince gestured with his hands, Inara shaking her head, looking around the room nervously. "No harm. Safe. my Inara is safe with Roland" The prince took her hand gently, standing up and leading her by the hand to the centre of the room, backing away.

The prince stood watching Inara dance, her father and his men providing the beat, singing in Drecontonian. When she finished, she stood with her bosom heaving, out of breathe, to a silent room. The prince stood up straight and clapped, others joining his lead.
"Come Inara" her father called her back. "You like?" He asked the prince
"Yes, very much. Thank you Inara." He bowed his head politely

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