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Roland spent a week healing, enjoying the attention of his wife who was caring for him. Despite being in pain, he had had a good week, with no arguments, no face slaps, no slamming of doors bar one scolding when Inara insisted he stay in bed when his presence was demanded, Inara angrily shooing Bellford away from her husband and out of their room, ranting at Roland while marching him back to bed.

"Son" the king knocked on the prince's door "son it has been over week! You have to come out sometime!"
"I am perfectly content where I am currently father"
The king heard the giggles of the prince and princess
"When you are done come to the banquette hall! It is not a request."
"I will be out shortly" the prince giggled again "I am not currently decent. My wife definitely isn't. I am enjoying the view I have from here."
"Son! You are becoming a little brazen!"
"My wife is dressing father, we have just bathed" he laughed loudly "she will not let me dress myself so I have to wait until she is done first. We will be out shortly."

The king shook his head walking away to the banquet hall.
"Father?" The prince hobbled in leaning on his wife "you wished to see me."
"You are looking better but exhausted."
"I am" he sniggered, leaning down to his wife "kiss." He demanded with a smirk "good girl"
"Sit, eat with us."
"Inara, sit, eat." He offered a chair, hobbling into the one next to her. He sat back, Inara cutting up his food feeding him.
"Son, you are perfectly able to feed yourself! She is your wife not your servant!"
"The wolf bite and the wound the stag made on my arm with his antlers are sore" he smirked gesturing for more food, Inara nodding feeding him eagerly "besides I get scolded if I try. I think it is a cultural difference father, she is caring for me in my recovery. Apparently that means she must do most things for me. I am not complaining. Inara. Come." He demanded pulling her face into a passionate kiss "Inara eat. Fill your belly my love, keep up your strength, you will need it." He smiled rubbing her stomach

"Yes my Roland" she nodded obediently "Inara eat food."
"Good girl. Tell me what you have" he nodded at her plate "words."
"Errr carrot...chicken...." she pointed "potartoss...."
"Uh..." he stopped her "potatoes" he corrected
"Potartoes yes. Very good." She nodded "my Roland like potartoes. Errr no word." She pointed
"Flower?" She asked confused "Rose? Snowdrop?"
"No" he chuckled "different flower. Eat this flower. It definitely does not smell as sweet as a rose." He laughed "well done. Good girl. Eat."

"You know she is your wife and not your hound." The king complained "do not command her like an animal."
"Inara?" The prince asked smugly "happy?"
"Yes my Roland. Inara happy." She nodded "potartoes for my Roland." She went back to feeding him
"Thank you. Potatoes not potartoes. It is one word that will not stick for some reason. She is perfectly happy. So what do you want father?"
"Your injuries? The physician is coming and I wish for you..."
"I am fine! Inara is caring for me. very well I might add."
"You can still not walk properly! You will see him. It is not a request."
"Fine, but he will have to fight off my wife."

"Secondly we still need to discuss the events of last week."
"What is there to discuss?"
"do not play the fool with me."
"What would you like me to say. You wanted me to fix the situation so I did."
"I do not approve."
"Well neither do I, but you are the one that arranged my marriage to a Drecontonian."
"I was not the one caught red handed with my trousers round my ankles balls deep in a strumpet on my wedding day!"
"I have apologised repeatedly. It is a mistake I will not be repeating and will regret for all my days. There was no other way to fix this. Are you telling me you discovered one in my absence? No? Then leave the whole mess in the past. I have prayed to god for forgiveness day and night. I am fully aware my actions are out of character and unpleasant. It turned my stomach to witness."
"My Roland?" Inara asked stroking his face concerned
"Everything is alright Inara." He smiled, wrapping an arm around her. "We should return home soon."
"Agreed." The king nodded "we will put this mess behind us." The king sighed

"Everything else alright?" The king asked, tucking into his food
"Perfect" the prince blushed, stroking the back of his wife's head "I have never been happier despite the pain I'm in."
"She has been fine?"
"More than fine. You know who has not even been mentioned once all week. Have you not noticed her feet father?" The prince smiled smugly as everyone looked under the banquet table to see Inara's feet wearing over sized knitted bed socks. "It is a start. I am proud of her father. Her vocabulary grows daily. She is warming to our ways. Trying her best and that is all I can ask of her. It will take time and patience. She even bathes with me. She does not wait for a rain shower to clean with." He chuckled remembering finding her naked in the rain "my beautiful bride is happy, I am happy, what more is there to say."

"It is good news son. I hope you are not copulating in animal blood still."
"No father" he laughed "just the once. We are bound by blood now" he held up his hand, unwrapping the fabric binding "Inara, hand, show king, show father."
Inara nodded unwrapping hers, placing it in Rolands palm "mine now" he pulled her into another steamy kiss, his hand wandering to her backside
"Save it for the bedroom son."
"I am eager to return to it."
"Like I said you are becoming brazen"
"Like I said you had me marry a Drecontonian princess." He retaliated mockingly
"Fair point. Still. Reign it in. If the physician says no coitus then you are to obey him."

"My injuries do not stop me from being with Inara father."
"We know! We've heard! Like I said reign it in!"
"Fine...but like I said she is caring for me and will not permit me to do much myself. Including coitus! I am eager to get back on my feet, so I can be with her. So I can take care of her. As should be. I intend to return the many favours she has gifted me this week." He smirked, stroking the back of his finger on her cheek "they have strange ways but I have to say they are enjoyable....Inara, come. We will return to our room...bed." He gestured his palm to his face laying it like he was sleeping.
"Bed. Yes My Roland. my Roland...rest...heal....strong." She nodded
"You will not be resting" he sniggered pulling her back into him, kissing her neck making her giggle and blush.
"Rest...Inara make happy my Roland. Rest." She patted his hand
"You make me very happy my Inara. First swive then rest."
"Roland!" The king slammed his fork down
"Father, let me know of arrangements to return. If any wants me I will be under my wife" he jested, hobbling out of the room.

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