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A sleepless night for all in the castle incurred that evening. The prince readied himself once more for his wedding still unsure if it was even going ahead. He'd been wracked with guilt all night and hadn't slept a single second.
"Morning son" the king stepped in. "I owe you an apology"
"What for? you did not cause the trouble it was me."
"Indeed. However I agree with you that I should have trusted you enough to tell you who she was in advance. So you could be prepared. For my mistake I am sorry."
"Thank you father. Apology accepted. I understand your reasoning. I really do. I apologise again for...yesterday."
"It will be hard to come back from such a betrayal. The fact it was your wedding day....it is the ultimate betrayal to a bride."
"It is and I assure you I am feeling the guilt of my actions. I regret them."

"Good....she has agreed to go through with the marriage. Begrudgingly. For peace and peace only. I think you have little chance of gaining an heir from her which will cause us trouble down the line. I think you've ruined any chance of winning her over" the king sighed sadly "you will not win her heart or even her friendship after this. I am not sure who I feel more sorry for, my son or daughter in law. if only your mother were here."
"She would not be happy with me either. Rightly so. You were right to say what you did and it has plagued my thoughts since. She would be more than disappointed in me. I miss her"
"Me too son. Me too. Ready yourself. Let's get this over with before she changes her mind again."
"Yes father."

"father? Lady Stephanie?"
"Is in the dungeon for the time being. I took Inara there personally to show her. She spat at her. Goodness knows what she said but she even had me shaking in my boots."
"It does not feel right. We both did what we did."
"True. However she came in search of you not the other way around and no matter how disappointed I am in you I truly believe that my son would have kept his word to stay away from her. He would not have sought her out."
"No I wouldn't. It does not excuse my behaviour. You were correct in calling me weak. On my wedding day! How could I do such a thing."

"She knew what she was doing son, she did not lock that door. She wanted to be caught. To stop the wedding. She fell for you. It does not excuse what you did. Do you have feelings of love for her? Even small ones? Be honest with me."
"No. No I do not. Nor have I ever had them. It somehow makes this worse."
"I agree. You have thrown away any chance you had of happiness with your bride for a fleeting moment of pleasure. She will remain in the dungeon until we can come up with a solution. King Cedmond was not jesting when he described what he'd do to you and her. As far as I can tell she wants retribution for the betrayal but also wants peace so will not tell her father. Unless you have seeded a child out of wedlock then all hell will be unleashed. It is something she will not stand for or accept."

The prince stood waiting for his bride, everyone muttering about yesterday's events. Inara appeared walking angrily down the aisle in an Erathern wedding dress, her hair tamed and styled like a lady. her face did not match the attire, it was angry, venomous, disgusted, it was obvious she was not happy which only caused more mumbling from the congregation.

When the ceremony ended the prince turned to kiss his bride, instead receiving a harsh slap across the cheek and a mouthful of spit in his eye. Inara turned on her heals stomping back out, ripping her new aristocratic looking hair style out as she did, tossing the expensive jewels they had dressed her in like they were nothing more than lumps of coal. The prince stood watching on, helpless, embarrassed and ashamed.

"Hold your head high son." The king patted his back, guiding him out "come on. It went better than I thought it would. At least she showed up."
"Just your wedding night to go and you will be all legally wed, your highness" an advisor nodded, holding a door open.
"I wish for privacy tonight. She is already upset. I do not wish to embarrass her further. It is not done the same way in her culture it is a private affair, I wish to respect that."
"Beric, Bellforn and Myself will take up position outside his room as witnesses. I will excuse everyone else." The king declared surely.
"No offence your majesty but this hangs on more than your word on the matter. The full council will attend as witness. So there can be no doubts and we can stand witness to the fact. Your word alone will not carry enough weight."

"Father....I will not force her" Roland flustered worriedly when they were out of earshot "you saw her disposition! It will not happen tonight, I am not even sure if she will permit me to sleep next to her let alone anything else! I am not even sure will ever permit me to consummate this."
"If only we could communicate with her. Tell her to fake it." Bellforn rubbed his chin "leave it with me. I have an idea. However the longer you go without an heir the more suspicion it will arouse and her father will also suspect he has not taken her as a proper wife. He will think you have deceived him. I will bide us time. Go, enjoy your feast"

The prince sat on his thrown looking around for his bride "father she is not here."
"Here she comes son. She has changed back into her more simple Dreconton dress. Our attire must feel strange to her, restricting, she will get used to it."
The prince shot up to greet his wife, Inara walking straight past him to sit on the smaller thrown next to his. Helping herself to food, chomping at it angrily.
"Here. Fork, remember? To eat with?" Roland offered her one, smiling when she took it from him, then flinching away when she went to stab him in the thigh with it.

"You like Inara?" The king asked ignoring the incident trying not to draw attention to it "it is turkey"
"Try the beans, you may like them." Roland tried again, offering her a bowl of green beans. She shoved them into his lap. "You don't like beans. Duly noted." Roland remained calm, picking beans off his lap "wine?" He offered the jug towards her goblet, pouring some "please do not pour it on my head" he giggled along with his father.
"Pig" she snuffed at him
"No turkey" he pointed "bird, remember? Bird...feather...turkey." He held up a turkey leg
"Pig" she snuffed louder at him
"Son I think the comment is directed at you not the food. She is calling you a pig, for your behaviour yesterday." The king whispered at his son.

"I am sorry" Roland took her hand gently "do you understand? I am sorry......Inara is my wife."
"Do not think of her. It is over."
"PIGGGGGGGGG!" She screeched into his face, the grand hall falling silent, watching the savage princess's bosom heave with anger with her face inches from the prince's, with pure rage and anger present in her face.
"Step away princess" a royal guard stepped in grabbing her arm, covering her mouth to stop her screeching, he did not expect her to spin around and take his sword, pointing it at him.
"Inara no!" The prince stood up "put it down! Now!"

"No....no....no touch!" She declared "man. No touch."
"He is not going to harm or touch you."
"Roland." She said shortly "Inara. Roland"
"I am the only one allowed to touch you?" He asked "that is true but he was just...."
"Put it down! Now!" Inara yelled at the prince
"What? Put what down?"
"Son I think she is just repeating your words, hoping they are the right ones." The king stood up to address the room "go back to your meal! The princess is confused. Do not gawp at her!" The king bellowed at the guests

"Inara?" The king held out his hand for the sword "give it to me please"
"Father?" Inara tearfully asked
"You want to see your father? Cedmond?"
She shook her head, more tears falling "Father?"
"Me?" He pointed to himself "yes. Yes I am your father now too. I will take very good care of you."
Inara dropped the sword with a mighty clank, running into the kings arms, sobbing.

"Inara?" Roland rubbed her back softly
"No touch!" Inara spun around giving him another slap across the face. "Pig!" She shouting kicking him.
"Alright. Enough." The king pulled her back in "I will take her outside to see her horse, try and calm her down. She appears to trust me. Sit and eat son. Act like everything is alright."
"They have eyes and ears!"
"Well you should have thought about that before getting your end away with that strumpet currently residing in our dungeon!" The king snapped "look at her! You did this! So stop complaining, sit down, put a ruddy smile on your face and eat your meal!"

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