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Roland rode nervously with his daughter placed protectively on his lap, his wife sitting next to him, pulled as close to his body as he was physically able to. Since their return they had not left the safety of the castle. Spring had left and summer was in bloom. Few had even seen the new addition to the royal family. a few had visited the castle, including Vito, who came as soon as they sent word, surprising them that he came alone. Inara pleased to see her nephew welcoming her daughter so eagerly. He stayed two days before returning to rebuild Dreconton with his people, the prince sending a handful of men with supplies to help, in a show of unity and their new found peace with each other.

The carriage pulled up in a field, the prince taking a nervous inhale of breath to steady his nerves, checking his blade was where it should be.
"You stay close to me Inara. Promise me." He reminded her, his wife nodding keenly, peeking out of the window, smiling happily at the celebrations in full swing "it is all for you my little Narah. Your people wished to welcome you, formally. They are keen to see your beauty. Your disposition. They will soon see that you outshine expectations in both, you are beautiful, your are smart, you are strong, you are loved. Yes that is right my smiley girl. You are going to grow up strong like your mother."
"Brave like father" Inara added
"Aye" the prince laughed, leaning down for a kiss "I love you. Let's go mingle with our people." He held out his hand for Inara's.

Roland walked his little family over towards the king and his party. Surprised to see Vito standing next to his father.
"Vito! My Roland no say to Inara Vito come!"
"Your Roland did not know. In fact, I see several Drecontonian faces. All wearing red." He pointed out with a light laugh
"Telling you so's" Inara nodded smuggly
"Oh getting spritely with me now are you." He teased the pair smiling and laughing "you will pay for that later" he whispered seductively in her ear, squeezing her backside subtly
"My Roland! Waitings for privacy!" She jested with him
"Yes, I am" he winked giving her another kiss

"Son. Vito and I wished to surprise you. With a joint Erathern and Dreconton celebration. We will come together each year to celebrate peace, together."
"Festival of the the Wolf king." Vito nodded proudly, howling up at the sky, several others joining him
"Also to celebrate your victory against Cedmond apparently." The king laughed "Vito and his people have bought many gifts for the little princess, as well as contributions to the festivities."
"Thank you vito" Roland bowed his head, before being pulled into an embrace. "I am pleased to see you too Vito. Are you well? Vito good?"
"Good yes. Inara Vito have good words bring" he fetched a woman bringing her forward to present her to Inara "Vito wife" he said proudly, fisting his chest in a thump "Vito king Dreconton now"
"Without love no man is king. You should have sent word, we would have come Vito" Roland smiled happily "pleasure to meet you....err name?"
"Laverna" Vito nodded proudly "Vito child, grow." he grabbed her belly showing Inara
"Roland! Good words, good news vito bring! Child grow!"
"It is indeed great news to hear. Congratulations. Inara tell him we are pleased for his good fortune and welcome his new wife."
Inara nodded speaking with her nephew, the pair embracing tightly.

"Vito bring Narah first horse, great honour" Vito waved a white fowl forward taking the rope from a young boy
"She is beautiful. Thank you Vito. She looks as pure white as Netta was."
"Yes my Roland. Narah learn ride." Inara nodded
"Not yet. She is too small but yes she will. You like her Narah?" The prince helped his daughter see her gift, taking her hand to stroke the horses hair "Digory take care of Narah's horse for me."
"Eira" Inara nodded at Digory "meanings, snow. Snow is white. Like Eira"
"Perfect princess. I will take care of her."

The prince watched on as his wife greeted her people, with a wide smile, glancing back into him with a loving look.
"Your mother is very beautiful" he informed his daughter "you see all this. It is for you, for us. We bought peace to our people. My love for your mother and for you. You are both Dracontonian and Erathian."
"You did it my boy" the king joined his son, kissing his granddaughters head "a proud day indeed. Let us hope it lasts a little longer this time."
"It will still not be easy but for the first time I feel it possible. We have many differences but we also have similarities if you look hard enough."
"Very true son. Your wife has taught us plenty in her time with us so far and I have no doubts she has more wisdom to share. As her vocabulary grows it will become easier, now we have a translator even more so" the king laughed

"we have many enemies son. Cedmond's fall may bring trouble with it. We should not let our guard down."
"I agree. It is why this one is not leaving my sight when outside of the castle. Or my wife. I will not risk being parted again." He kept one eye on Inara's movements. "Many of our own people do not accept her or my daughter still, do not think I am not aware of the mumblings still. She also knows. My wife is a strong woman. She is keeping an eye on where I am. Bless her." He gave his wife a little wave.
"It is why I have a heavy guard presence here today. I explained to Vito via the interpreter incase he thought it a sign of mistrust. He still has objection from some over his rule. It is why he married swiftly. In their culture a ruler should be married."
"Without love no man is king" Roland nodded
"Our wives certainly made us better men eh son. His deformity although slight is seen as a weakness. They said he would not bare children, that no woman would marry him. He is keen to prove the neigh sayers wrong. He has a strong loyal following. Thanks to your wife's approval and backing."

"son he has warned me of a plot. A few of Cedmond's men that got away."
"I do not wish to worry you however I felt you should know. Obviously talk of revenge is rife but also....if you seed an heir they will come for him. The rightful heir to Dreconton. If you don't they may come for her" the king rubbed Narah's cheek "to marry her off to one of their own, to rule as a queen under a king of their choosing. I agreed with Vito not to tell Inara. Not yet. She has been through enough. We have his loyalty and I have promised ours to him. He will travel soon and spend time with us, with his new wife. Make a formal alliance."
"I agree. I will protect you and your mother my sweet Narah."

"My Roland!" Inara skipped over into his waiting arms "lovings yous"
"Lovings yous too my Inara" the prince laughed
"Come. We...errr....we shoot! Arrows! I be betters than my Roland!" She giggled flirtatiously
"Probably. I think my wife is challenging me to an archery contest. I am more of a swordsman my Inara, but very well."
"Peace. Is good." She nodded gesturing to their people
"Yes is very good. Proud of my Inara's achievements."
"Proud my Roland. King of wolves" she howled, a chorus echoing her across the field, the prince laughed letting out a loud howl with her, cheers erupting from their Drecontonian guests. Peace however unconventional had been restored, for now at least.

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