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Inara happily groomed her horse in the stables, she was never happier than when she was in the stables with Netta. Digory did not mind the company and found the more she came the more she softened to him and understood his love for horses was the same as hers, understanding his role in the castle was to care for them.

"There's my beautiful wife. I thought I might find you here" Prince Roland strode into the stables confidently "a flower for my beautiful lady" he bowed offering her a bloom.
"Rose" she held it up
"No. Snowdrop"
"That's right. As white as Netta. Look, white flower, white Netta"
"White" she nodded enthusiastically "Digory! White! Flower! Snow...snowdrop!"
"Beautiful your highness" he smiled at her "here for Netta. Wait....what are they? Word?" He pointed
"Carrot!" She clapped excitably, taking them
"Orange carrot. White Netta. White flower. Orange carrot." The prince explained
"Orange" she nodded

"my Roland?" Inara asked
"Yes my Inara?" He laughed teasingly in response, Digory sniggering in the background
"Go....go..." she pointed outside "Netta....go...." she pointed again
"A ride? You wish to go for a ride?"
"Yes. Yes ride. Inara, Roland ride. Go...." she pointed outside again
"Of course. But first. Warm clothes. Cold" he demonstrated a shiver "shoes" he pointed at her cold blue toes, she tutted him in annoyance going back to her grooming "try! For your Roland?" He teased with a smile holding up some socks and shoes
"No happy" she snuffed not looking at him "pig!"
"Oink" he honked in her ear laughing, she couldn't help but laugh too
"No pig" she shyly smiled, shaking her head, blushing.

"You are making progress at last" Digory smiled at his friend, saddling his horse for him
"A little. Not much."
"Don't be coy. That is the first time I have seen you make her blush. She's looking at you again" he nodded towards Netta, the prince looking to see Inara's curious face peeking over her horse watching him. "She don't look at no one else like that you know. Or flirt like she just did."
"It has been months. We are in full winter. It is a slow paced progress but steady progress none the less."
"Still not sleeping in the same room I take it your highness?"
"No. Definitely not. We have not been in the same bed or intimate with each other since we consummated the marriage. Sometimes she is playful like today, others slapping my face and slamming doors....oh hello Inara. I will fetch our wolf cloaks and return."

"You want to go hunting? Deer?" He made antlers with his hands
"Inara....Inara....errr....cook! Inara cook my roland"
"Inara cook for my Roland" he corrected "if it will make you happy"
"happy yes. " she nodded eagerly "cook make happy my Roland"
"Just speaking to me makes me happy. Smiling at me with that radiant smile that lights up your beautiful face."
"Smiling" she nodded giving him a large overly obvious grin, the prince laughing giving her one in return
"Roland is very proud of my Inara" he rubbed her cheek with his thumb affectionately "you are very brave, very strong, you have learnt many new things. Many new words."
"Yes yes new words" she nodded "nose" she wiggled her cold nose, poking it "nose" she poked his nose playfully "lips" she touched his mouth "eyes.....errrr.....ears!" She grinned happily
"All correct although you knew eyes already." Roland laughed lightly with her, nodding proudly

"My Roland like?" She asked concerned
"Like what? Your new words? Yes I like your new words"
"No. No. Errr my Roland like....like Inara now?"
"Yes" he nodded "I like Inara. Inara like me? Inara like Roland?" He asked hesitantly
"Hmmm" she pulled an adorable thinking face "hmmmm my Roland behave now."
"Yes I will"
"My Roland death witch knife! My Roland like Inara now. Witch gone!" She stated excitedly
"No" he sighed rubbing his head "no, no knife, no hang, no kill, no death but yes I like you, I like Inara."
"No happy!" She stomped away

"Well that was short lived." The prince shook his head, "I will return, make sure she does not leave without me. It's not safe out there for her alone."
"Anyone would think you cared about the little Drecontonian your highness" Digory smirked teasingly "I think you my old friend protest too much as does she. I see a small spark forming, not a raging bonfire yet, but a small flame none the less."
"Either that or she is trying to win me over to persuade me to kill lady you know who or lure me in to kill me in my sleep"
"If she wanted you dead you would be now. Do not flatter yourself."
"I know. I am jesting, well not about the you know who part. It is still a sticking point."
"Well my friend you know what I am going to say"
"You warned me and I told you so. That I should have been more careful. Aye I know old friend. I only have myself to blame. My father was right to try to gain peace, even if it was and still is an unpopular choice."
"You know it only takes one spark to create a raging fire. You have a spark, do not deny it, I know you too well. I see it in your eyes too, not just hers, the way you look at her. You my princely fellow are your own worst enemy sometimes. Stop getting in your own way!"
"If only it were that simple"

"Savage? Oh little savage?" The prince heard a teasing voice calling into the stable "come out and play little savage"
"Not again" Digory shook his head "farmers son. I walked in on him doing this last week. I suspect not for the first time. Inara was hiding from him. Delivery day your highness. They all want a look at your bride. Many are still not happy at your marriage to a Drecontonian. They mock her. Openly. She might not understand all their unkind words but she feels the sentiment behind them, I am sure of it."
"No!" Inara protested, a carrot flying out from behind Netta "my Roland! No! Go! No, no touch!" She let out a scream, her horse bucking up. "No touch!" She let out another scream

"Inara!" The prince ran over "why you little...." he grabbed hold of the boy, pulling him off of his wife, pinning him by the neck against the wall "you dare throw a bucket of ice water over my wife...in the midst of deep winter! Your princess! You dare try to lay your grubby little hands on her! Answer me boy!"
"Forgive me I did not know you was here"
"And what difference would that make? How far would you have gone because believe me she would have a blade to your throat before you got your little maggot worm out!"

"Inara? Are you alright?" He looked behind him at his wet shivering wife, his face becoming angry at her ripped clothes she was attempting to hide with her shaking hands "Digory, fetch a castle guard! Have this worm thrown in the dungeon. I will let my father deal with you!"
"Your highness!" A farmer ran in "please show mercy, what ever my boy did I am sure it is a misunderstanding."
"Are my wife's ripped clothes a misunderstanding? Is her shivering from the bitter cold? Is the sight of your son on top of my wife trying to take advantage a misunderstanding too? Go back to your business or I will throw you in with him! Avert your eyes from the princess!" The prince barked angrily, tossing the boy to the ground, kicking him in the stomach, letting the guards take him away
"Please he is just a boy he...."
"Get.out!" The prince raged like a wild beast, his face flushing crimson red. The horses all rearing up.

"the king will call you back to the castle to deal with this when he's good and ready, now leave" Digory ran over "Roland. Calm yourself and take your wife inside. In this weather she will catch a fever."
"Come Inara. Let me carry you."
"No...no...swive." She shook her head "man no swive" she shivered profusely "only my Roland swive" she chattered
"That's right. He will be punished....Digory cover her over with one of the horse blankets so she is descent then fetch my father to meet me in our marital quarters. I will take her there. Come My Inara. I have you now. Inara safe"
"Safe" she nodded shivering more "no knife. No knife. No knife. No man. No knife." she rambled
"You did not have your knife on you. I understand. It's alright, you are in no trouble. Understand? Man in trouble not Inara. Inara safe."

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