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Prince Roland paced back and forth at speed, it had been hours and the Drecontonian's had not yet emerged from the rooms they were given to reside in.
"That is it. I am going in there!" Roland went to storm out
"The guard has not fetched us. Give it a little more...." the king was cut off by Inara stepping shyly in to the room
"Inara! Are you alright? Did he hurt you?" Roland inspected her face closely "he has left a mark with his strike father! I...I can not defend her honour can I? Not against him."
"No. I'm afraid not and I am as furious as you over it. Keep her close why he is here."

"Inara, come, it is alright." Roland lead her in, gently placing her in a chair, holding both her hands, rubbing them gently "what is this?" He held up her hand, turning it over "father my rage is burning! Look at this! He has cut her hand!"
"Dreconton" Inara said shakily, showing him her quivering hand
"It is some kind of punishment? From home?"
"My Roland....my Roland home." She said timidly "no go back" she shook her head
"Is that what he said that he is here to take you back to Dreconton?"
"Come winter solstice" Inara nodded "no child" she held her stomach "father...angry."
"It's alright." Roland reassured her
"No. No alright." she held his face tearfully "scared."
"I know you are. I will take care of you, as I promised. Now try to tell me. Tell your Roland" he held her face softly

"Father.....child" she pointed at her belly "father....child, Dreconton. Dreconton prince." She pointed at her belly some more
"No" Roland said firmly "look at me! No! I will not let him take our son when God blesses us. Right father?" He looked up at the king "father? You will not let him take my son? Father tell me you did not agree to this!"
"No" the king sighed "it was a sticking point in negotiations. I made no such agreement. I only agreed that Inara would have the opportunity to return to Dreconton and birth the child there, their way, only if she wished. Then return with the child. after your death, the agreement is we keep the first born son, Inara can take any others you have with her. Again only if she wished to leave to raise them in Dreconton."
"I think I get a say in where my children are raised! No child of mine is becoming a ...."
"Do not go backwards and offend her with your words. Choose them wisely." The king warned

"Forgive me but you know what I mean. We have been there! Have seen for ourselves what it is like."
"Inara....darling child, look at me. I will protect your children."
"No peace" she shook her head worriedly
"Then.....no peace" the king shrugged, squeezing his sons shoulder reassuringly
"That is a big promise. What was the point in all this if...."
"You found love. That is more important."
"Is it?" Roland asked confused "we would have blood on our hands. I can not ask that of you."
"I am offering. Look at me. You fell in love with her and that changes the way things play out. We can pin hopes of peace on your love for her. On your children. He may not want peace still, but plenty of his people do, like your wife and her friend did. If they see you loving and caring for their princess and your half Dracontonian children, it will carry favour. We start plans for this to be our new tactic moving forward."

"Inara?" The queen stepped into the room, Inara running into her arms sobbing. Roland watched the interaction with interest. He knew she missed her mother, he felt the same pain, however his mother was gone, hers separated from her.
"My Roland?" Inara asked
"Yes my Inara?" He walked over
"Mother......mother no happy"
"With me?"
"No happy father. King Cedmond."
"Oh I see. I think we have an ally." He smiled, guiding the queen in "now I am not sure how much you understand me. I..." he was cut off by a familiar slap across the face "ow" he rubbed his cheek "now I know where you learnt that from Inara."
The king sniggered trying to not look amused

"I take it she poured her heart out to her mother." The king smirked "told her the truth about her time here so far."
"I am sorry. I love Inara" the prince held Inara's hand.
"No peace" the queen looked at the king directly
"Continue I am listening"
"Inara safe" she pointed "Inara....." the queen smiled at her blushing daughter "Inara happy. Keep Inara safe."
"You have my word"
"Cedmond....no peace" she shook her head
"He does have a plan then." The king rubbed his chin "your daughter is now my daughter also and I will care for her along side my son. They had a troublesome beginning but I assure you he has found love with your daughter and cares greatly for her.....I think I used to many words again."

"Pig!" The queen scowled, pointing an angry finger in the prince's face
"Again I am sorry."
The queen turned to her daughter speaking angrily in Drecontonian, Inara glancing nervously at Roland, shaking her head sadly, bursting into tears, her mother comforting her.
"I feel guilty again" the prince whispered "I have no doubt they are speaking about me and....and what happened."
"You will carry that guilt the rest of your life son. Even more now you have fallen for her. You can never undo that day or eradicate her memories of it. She will always have a tiny amount of doubt regarding your loyalty, even if she grows to trust you again, it will always be there......was your strumpet worth it?"
"If you are blessed with a daughter...."
"I'd have done them both in" the prince did not hesitate. "I know that. It was not planned father. It was a moment of weakness after a difficult week. Faced with an uncertain difficult time ahead. I regret it. Everyday."

Inara flustered after her mother who was angrily approaching the Prince again, pleading in Drecontonian. The prince was startled when the queen grabbed his testicles squeezing tightly, growling angry Drecontonian words into his ear before letting him go. The prince doubling over in pain.
"My Roland!" Inara fell to her knees fussing over him, scolding her mother
"Son?" The king asked
"I will be alright...in a few days" he groaned in pain "blooming heck."
"Be thankful she did not rip them off" Beric helped him up right

"Orsis want Eris help?" Eris asked the king
"I do. I believe we have the same agenda. To keep the prince and princess safe. To keep peace."
"Eris help" she nodded "witch gone. Eris help. Witch live no help. Cedmond find out will kill all!"
"I see" the king nodded "leave it with me. I need to speak to my son and advisors."
"Eris see witch!" She demanded
"Tomorrow. Prince no good!"
"It was a mistake."
"No good! No! No ever! No woman! No witch!
"Never again." The king nodded
"Pig!" The queen spat at the prince. "No love! No respect! No loyal! Weak Pig!" She stormed out.
Inara shyly took the hem of her dress drying the spit off of the prince's face, looking worried.
"It's alright" Roland held her tearful face "Roland is not angry at Inara" he said softly "don't cry. Please don't cry. I still do not have enough words to comfort you with yet." He held her softly.

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