2.9) Creepy coffin

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"What ?!" I exclaimed. Was I the father of a kid all this time ?

"Yes, I have.. I mean we have a kid now - Akshit. And you know what ? He hates you. Because you didn't do anything."

I was speechless...

"You didn't do anything", She sobbed.

"I left my parents, their mansion, their company. Everything just to find you... But I couldn't.

I started this company on my own with help of Jayash. And not with my parent's support."

I held her hand. "Neha, please. Just say that you are Neha. You aren't Prisha. Just once."

She was still crying. I wiped her tears. Her watery eyes gave me a quick flashback of our college life. She still looked cute while making that crying face.

"I'm.. Neha. I'm your Neha", she said as she pulled me closer to her.
"I will never let you go now ", I assured her.


"Hey, You. Newbie boy", some officer barged in. Standing across the bars.
"Me?" I asked.

"Yes you. Come with us!!", another guard ordered. Did I have any other option ? No.

The bars opened. The archers took their positions. Their aim at me. The guard put some electronic cuff around my hands. They lead me to the left cell. The cell was heavily protected as I noticed the bars were thicker here then what we had in our cell.

The lights were dim. There stood a great black metallic cupboard infront of us. I just got some coffin-like vibes from it.

There she was, the ma'am. Again.

She pressed a button and the cupboard opened. Ok I'll call it the coffin. Whatever.

A pitch black Suit like armour on a humanoid mannequin. It was indeed Awesome.

"Is it for me?", I asked the most stupid question I could ask.

"Of course not. It's ours. And you are gonna help us", the ma'am said.

"Why will I even help you?"
"Help us, and we'll get you out of here."

"Why should I trust you?"
"I don't see any other options coming."

I shut my mouth and had a look around.
The cell was basically a laboratory. Chemicals, instruments, machines, wires. The coffin was on complete contrast with its surroundings.

I couldn't touch it. It was still covered by glass. It was pretty good actually. The fibre looked like carbon matte. Some devices here and there. A big arrow. button on the belt. I wonder who made this thing.

"So, what do I do?" I asked
"The man who made this. He was a freak like you. He programmed this thing according to his requirements. His own genes, genetics and stuff like that.

But he was supposed to make this for us. And now unfortunately, we can't use this due to the genetic intrascopic scanner installed in this."

"You are you know the term?", I asked. But she didn't reply.
"Why don't you just remove it?" I said.

"The whole suit is just so complex and well integrated. If we take out one part, the whole thing stops working."

"So, you want to me to make a fake genetic build for the scanner?"
"Yes, exactly" the Maam said.

"So, where's the man ? I'll be requiring him."
"I'm so sorry, but the man isn't alive", she said coldly.

I gulped. "Then, how do you expect me to do this?", I questioned.

"That's the reason you are here. Normally anyone would have made a fake built up with the living subject with them. But what you'll be doing and what we need requires only your skills - Omkar's skills."

"What are you gonna do with this afterall?", I pointed to the suit.
"Someone needs it. Rather badly", Ma'am said.

That's when I saw a gun in the officer's pocket standing to my right I took my pace and got it. "Hey !", I pointed the gun at the Ma'am. "Get me free or she dies", I yelled.

"Everyone put their guns down !!", I yelled.

Soon, all the guns were on the floor. I moved closer to the Ma'am and put her into a head lock as I pointed the gun at her.

"Move back everyone", I warned and made my way out of the cell to the outside. "Open the lock", I said.

"You'll never be able to make it alive out of here!!", She said.

"I don't C..", But before I could say something, an arrow swooshed across my back. In reflex, I pushed the trigger and the bullet hit the Ma'am's shoulder.

"Oww" something overwhelmed me. My vision went.. bright red. I felt myself.. numb..

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