5.7) Overkill

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"Doctor didi ?", I asked the girl in the white coat as she came out of the ER.
"Don't worry, she's fine. It's odd but your sister just had her menarche", she said as she shook my head.

"She's not my sister !", I objected.
"Woah. Kids nowadays", she said as she sat besides me. "Do you remember your parents'number ? Or hers ? Or maybe-"

"We came here to meet Dr.Gaikwad", I told her. "Only he can help us."
"Ok. That's strange. What do business do you have with Dr.Gaikwad.. he's my dad", she said. "I'm his daughter.. Sejal."
"There's something wrong with us.. he's been trying to help us via calls. But we thought it would be better if we came here by ourselves", I whispered in her ears.

"And what's wrong with you ?", she asked in a low tone too.
"We aren't getting puberty", I whispered.
She looked confused. She stood up and said, "Ok I'll call dad.. but you know your friend just hit puberty if that's what you are concerned about."


"Ok, first of all. Why did you lie ?!", Aai asked me. It seems Dr.Gaikwad had called our parents when we met. I learnt some new things too. Like Mayuri's parents know about their daughters powers and even my parents know about me being the phoenix fighter.

But my parents don't know about Mayuri and same with her parents.

"Aai, I told you na. I was confused. Please forgive me this time", I tried to sound as guilty as possible.
"It's our fault. We couldn't have proper communication with him", Pappa intervened.
"I'm really sorry", I said as I held their hand.

"Is this what's giving you powers ?", Aai asked as she pointed to my Phoenix bracelet.
"Yes I mean-"
Aai pulled it all of a sudden and kept it to herself. "From today onwards, No powers ! No karate", she declared. We went back home. Aai called Master Suraj and told him that I was quiting the class. Somehow, she also came to know about the fights I used to have with Mahesh at school and classes.

She even returned the phoenix bracelet to Master Suraj saying I wouldn't need it anymore. If master gave it to someone else, he would become the phoenix fighter instead of me. I cried and cried.

I went to the balcony and stared at the streets again. I wonder what happened to Mayuri after her parents found out.


I heard someone rush across the road. I couldn't see it though. I suddenly felt something vibrating in my pocket. I couldn't believe it. It was the same thing that I'd absorbed that day. Now that I took a closer look. It's shape was like that of the Infinity.

It was glowing again. I felt something bad was going to happen.


We heard a loud noise. I kept the infinity back in my pocket as my parents came out too. We couldn't see anything clearly. Everyone rushed to the terrace. I could see lots of smoke coming from.. wait it can't be !

I tried to run but Pappa caught me. "It's dangerous!", he warned. "It's my class pappa ! It's my karate class ! There's master Suraj there. There's Aditya !", I shouted. "Let me go !"

Everyone started to look at us. Pappa let me go. I ran downstairs and raced my way to my karate class building. I noticed someone escaping. The same ZOOP sound again.

I saw Master under a broken pillar. I tried to push it away, but I was too weak. That's when I noticed Master's hand. It had the phoenix bracelet. I quickly pulled it away and wore it. I changed into my phoenix armour and broke the pillar into half. I pulled the broken floor pieces away from master's body.

But that's when I realised that his lower body was missing. I glanced back to see Aditya smiling. He had blood in his hands. "Aditya ? Help me get master to hospital !", I said as I noticed people gathering around.

"Aditya ?! Please !", I pleaded as I saw Master's sensitive condition. I tried to pick him up on my own but.. I couldn't feel his breathing now. I checked his pulse. Zero.

Master Suraj.. he was dead.

"Ladies and Gentlemen", Aditya announced all of a sudden. "This here phoenix fighter. He attacked me and my master Suraj all of a sudden. When master refused to give him what he wanted..", Aditya faked his crying.

"Aditya ?! What are you talking about ?", I tried to slap him. But he blocked my attack.
"Like this.. in the same way.. he killed my master. The phoenix fighter killed my master!", he declared.

"Aditya.. why ?", I asked.
"Because..", Aditya's voice changed as the crowd started discussing among themselves.
".. I want you phoenix. With all my heart."

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