3.4) Fastest Fan First

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I had been back home after 8 months, but it felt like only a few hours had passed since I left.

I rang the bell, my father opened the door of our house. The door of our 1 BHK flat opened.
Baba looked at me. I could see his sad face turn into a happy and shocked face.

He started to cry. Tears of joy filled his eyes. He hugged me tightly. Aai came to me. She was overjoyed to see me too. This all also made me feel emotional.

I looked around the house. The walls, my books, P.C. all seemed waiting for me, my parents had also missed me a lot. I guess 8 months seriously meant a lot of time.

But, that's what it feels to be back at home with your parents.

Home sweet home indeed.


2 days have passed since I returned from the coma. I remember what Dr.Sejal had said, something about speeded up-metabolism.
I did a quick search on the internet but couldn't understand a thing.

The thing I could notice though was my increased speed in my thinking, sensing, eating, speaking, and most importantly moving...


At high speeds, my clothes would catch fire and burn off. I would often lose control, fall off and get hurt. But it would get healed before I could notice it.

I was beginning to think that my speed power is a superpower gifted to me by someone I don't know. Maybe it's my Lord Mahadev's blessing, I used to think as I recalled the dream I had when the incident took place. About the opening of the third eye.

Maybe it was my destiny to wield this superpowers and fight against evil, to establish peace and justice.

It sounded so awesome !!!

I was going to post it ASAP on insta. But my fingers froze. What if..

I recalled how the it all started. Year 2016, the year when the world came to know about him..

My idol. The phoenix fighter.

Great superhero, saves people, saves world, etc etc.. You wouldn't probably know him.

[ You are in Timeline-0, I'm in the Timeline-1 ]

In our timeline, the Phoenix Fighter alone has 170 pages of Quickipedia, excluding his achievements, events, and possible shipping with either of the sky warriors.

But that's not everything. My friend Nishanth even writes fanfics about him.

There's a great debate going on what exactly is his motive, but I don't really care. He's my
inspiration, my hero. But the world didn't accept him as a hero. Instead they targetted him.

Some of the political parties claimed that he's a foreign super soldier. There are claims that say he has killed quite a few people too. The media didn't stop at this, they even linked it to a kid and claimed he's the phoenix fighter.

The same way they did to Omkar Jamadar who the media proclaimed to be the Versatile.

But is this how you treat your superheros ?
Its all politics, dad says. But what if I'm a superhero too ?

Will they treat me the same ?

I realised this I saved a small boy from a speeding car, but the police asked me to tell me who I was, instead of chasing that speeding car.

I would save my identity using my G-95 mask. But that wasn't a very good choice as I mentioned earlier, clothes do catch fire, when I run. I need something, I needed a suit.

Like him, the new hero, Versatile.
Should I ask him for it ? Now that I'm like him, a superhero ?

But will he disclose my identity ?

My head would usually be clouded by such thoughts, as Aai didn't allow me to step outside of the house.

Ofcourse, due to the CoV situation.

"Aai, I seriously want to go outside now", I complained.
"Didn't you hear the PM ? Stay home, stay safe", she replied.

"But then why's he roaming around..", I noticed changes in her expressions. "Ok, I'm sorry. But I need to go out. I need a job, Aai."

"Fine, go get some milk and toast from the market", she said.
"That'll do, thank you", I said as I got ready.

"Atleast take your wallet !"
"Na, I'll J-pay them", I said as I rushed outside. I walked some distance until I found no one around me.

I went to a corner, covered my face with my handkerchief, and then,

..and I was running as fast as the air around me. You know the worst part of this fast running ?

You feel the air around and infront of you as a barrier. It just opposes you. Your clothes, they tatter, sometimes even catch fire.

And the best part, people notice you but can't see you. But then something caught my eye.

Phoenix fighter ?
My favourite superhero was being squashed by a huge monster. The monster was landing some severe blows on the PF's stomach.

He looked exhausted, as if he wasn't conscious. I had to do something fast.

I ran even faster, and hit it by a kick. It hurt a lot but this impact-kick threw the monster several metres away.

I tried to wake PF.
He clearly wasn't responding. I decided to take him to REDZ. I even ran a few kilometers away from the location.

But suddenly, PF signalled me to stop as he removed his head-gear as he gasped for air.

I could see teenager's face, a messed up hairstyle and a swollen chin.
He asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Well, I'm your biggest fan!" I removed my handkerchief from my face as I was gonna continue as 'To be more precise, your fastest fan.'

But he cut me short by "Fuck ! Put that back on" pointing to my G-95 mask.
"I'm sorry, I just got carried away..", I masked myself again, embarrassed.

Ok CoV just ruined my introduction.

Hi everyone ! I hope you are doing fine.
Here's your phoenix_fighter7 ready to tell you that there's a next chapter coming tomorrow. Make sure you add this book to your library to get updates before everyone.
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