3.E) Disenthral

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I took my medicines and I felt better. My parents have started to believe that my mental issues are starting to return.

The doctors had suggested taking away my mobile for sometime. And also after the hacker showed me the future, I just don't know what to do.

Can I really trust him ?
Can I really trust the Phoenix fighter ?

It was my fourth appointment with Dr.Sejal after the timeline changed. She hardly knows my name, let alone what happened between us. Aai, Pappa waited outside as she checked my vitals.

"Ok so, your check-up is complete. It's still off the charts, but it's stable", she said as she wrote something down.
I smiled in return, but wandered in my thoughts again.

"Are you stressed somehow ?", she asked.
"Dr.Sejal can I ask you something ?", I asked her instead.

"Yeah sure."
"What exactly happened with Amruta ?"

She stared blankly at me. "How.. how..do you know ?", she stuttered as she spoke.
"It's a long story. But was she really killed by.. him ?", I said.

"I.. I can't..", she said as she stood besides the window. I glanced over the scene outside. It was the same restricted area that I had promised not to visit.

The area which had the red rose hanging on its gate, in contrast to the surrounding sunflowers. It was somehow related to her younger sister. Amruta.

"You don't remember something about a promise do you !", I asked as I glanced at her.
"What promise ?"

Say no more.

I rushed outside the examination room. Towards the campus gardens.

But I stopped in my tracks as I heard a voice in my head. It was the same, except the fact that it was more powerful than the last time :

"Hey.. the ruler of time... rescue this third world... princess from... this captivity.."

What is that even supposed to mean ?
Looks like he could answer my questions, I thought as I saw a person sneaking around the gate too.

'He kinda sus though.'

I hid myself behind a tree as I noticed that he tried to open the gate, but failed to do so. Finally he stepped back a few steps, hovered his hands in the air and..

The lock was broken.
WHO IS THIS GUY ??!! But before I could do something guards swarmed over the whole place, and quickly surrounded him.

"Mr.Akshit Jamadar, kindly step back and leave that place. It's private property and is termed 'Not suitable for the general public' by our late REDZ head - Dr.Gaikwad", a man in suit announced.

Akshit Jamadar ? Son of Versatile ??
How's he connected to all of this ??

"THEY WILL NEVER LIVE YOU IN PEACE. WHOEVER OPPOSES YOU, DESTROY HIM", I heard another voice this time, but it wasn't feminine anymore.

It was hoarse. Cursed.

Akshit flipped his arms again. This time the guards were blown away, a mysterious forcefield filled the surrounding.

Whoever's spooky voice it was, Akshit was definitely siding with him, as a strange aura cloaked Akshit from all sides.

I knew who he was. Ofcourse. How could I forget ? The scene I saw in the Infinity Gate chamber..

He's the one who did it..

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