5.5) Ghosts

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"Wait let me get this straight", Aditya said as parked our cycles. "You are going to find this Dr.Gaikwad with Mahesh's sister."
"Yeah, tomorrow's Sunday anyways. I'm going to tell my parents that I'm going with you to Varsoli beach for cricket", I said.

"You are crazy Vedant. You know Master Suraj wants you to keep this whole phoenix fighter thing a secret right ?"
"I know bro. But even she has powers. And she has.. similar issues as mine. I'm just curious that's all", I defended.

"Curiosity kills the cat they say", I heard a hoarse voice. Master Suraj was busy doing knuckle push-ups. "20 knuckle push-ups you too", he ordered.
"We came early today", I complained as he usually punished us with the pushups if we are late.

"Consider it a punishment for coming early then", he smiled as he got up to find something.

Knuckle push-ups are tough. You feel pain when you do it, but the even worse is the numbness that follows. "Arghh", I stopped the pushups at 18. My fists were red already.

Meanwhile, Aditya did 20 and stopped. "It's all about controlling your breathing", he adviced.
"Whatever", I said as I tried it again and completed my set.
"You are too reckless sometimes I feel", he remarked. All the other students came in too. Our regular class started. There were no practice fights today. Hence, it was boring.

During dinner, Aai Pappa tried asking me again about any physical changes I'm noticing. "I told you already. It's nothing !", I complained as I went to sleep early today.

But I couldn't sleep.
I went to the balcony again and stared at the streets. Why is everything becoming awkward all of a sudden ?

'Even I'm confused.' - I heard a voice in my head. It wasn't mine.

Suddenly Mayuri appeared out of nowhere besides me. "Hi, good night", she said sheepishly.
"I think Good night isn't exactly a word to start a conversation.. anyways..

"Shhhh !!", she silenced me.
"Sorry.. sorry..", I said as I realised. "How could you just- You can create earthquake, you can hear my thoughts, you can even teleport. What are you Mayuri ?"
"I don't know. Let's find out", she said. "Let's go to REDZ."
"Now ? It's 3AM now ! They say ghosts roam around at this time", I said as I saw dogs howling.

"Seriously ? That's what you are concerned about. Phoenix fighter and afraid ?? Duffer, we have superpowers", she whispered.
"What if Aai Pappa find out ? They'll kill me", I grumbled. "If you want to go, you can go alone. I won't come."

"Fine then", she said.
"Stop acting like a kid!", I told her when she opened a weird portal.
"I'm a kid till I hit puberty. And I want to become an adult, unlike you", she said as she entered it and it disappeared.

"Whatever", I remarked as I tried to go back to sleep. But I couldn't.


**Knock knock knock**

Still no response. I was going to try again but there wasn't a window to knock this time. Someone caught my arm and pulled it. I fell inside, on the cold floor.
"I knew you would come", Mayuri said as she packed her bag. We were in her room ofcourse.
"How could the phoenix fighter leave a girl to the merciless ghosts ?", I said sarcastically.

"Ha ha funny", she said as she showed me her thumb.
"Something wrong with your thumb ?", I asked.
"It means I'm ready", she looked angry now. "Were you always like this or is it the St. Martin's Higher Secondary school effect ?"

"You are coming with a bagpack ? Like seriously are we going there for picnic ?"
"Stop grumbling!"

Why am I even doing this ?, I asked myself.
Then don't!

"Stop messing with my thoughts !", I yelled.


We both turned our attention to the door. Uh oh. "Mayu, is everything ok ?", it was Mahesh.
"Uh yes dada. I just had a bad dream", Mayuri lied with such a fluency even I was impressed.

"Open the door ! How many times have I told you to keep it unlocked ?!", he ordered.
Mayuri signalled me to hide inside the closet as she opened the door.

I quickly hid inside the closet as I heard the door unlock. I could hear Mahesh's footsteps as they neared me. If he found me hiding inside his sister's cupboard at this hour, I'm damn sure he'll kill me.

"I think I heard someone", I could hear him say.
"No dada, you are just overthinking. Get some sleep", she said.
"Bag ? Where are you going ?", he asked.
"Tomorrow is Sunday na, me and Snigdha were planning to go to Varsoli beach to enjoy", she lied again.

"I'll come along too", he said.
"Actually dada, it's an all girls thing. Pleaseeee.."
"Ok ok. Just call me if you need anything. I'll be around. And be careful from that Vedant", his words faded away as Mayuri shut the door.

We just looked at our terrified faces.
"You look like you've seen a ghost", Mayuri laughed.
"Your dada isn't less than monster", I said as I laughed too. Mayuri hit me lightly on the shoulder and continued laughing. "Ok ok. I guess now is not the time to disappear. Let's go to REDZ tomorrow."

"Cool. See you tomorrow then", I said as I went near the window. "Good night."
"Yeah you too. Phoenix", she winced. I came back without getting noticed and slept peacefully.

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