2.11) Anomalies of Past and Present

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I knew it was my only chance to get out of this place, but it couldn't be worn by me. I would die ofcourse.

But did it matter ? I had to die anyways. If not by the suit, then probably by the officers here.

"Get to work now!!", I heard an announce ment. There was a speaker attached to the wall. "Ya ya", I said and inspected the suit.

The suit was much of an armour with some modifications. It was really cool. There were many blades in there. It needed an energy Source too - which was provided by various wires here and there.

I saw some scattered research papers around. Some random nucleotide sequences, many errors. Finally, I got something useful. It was like a blueprint of the suit.

It was so much detailed as compared to others. And was quite old too. It didn't belong here. The person who'd made this, he was way too ahead of these guys. 

Maybe he'd made this suit. There was a faded signature at the edge. I could only read VERS... the rest was smudged.

"Vers.. Versatile? Maybe", I thought.

The paper said that this Suit on its first usage by any host, releases a neurotoxin in trace amounts into the host's body. If the specific gene sequence can make an enzyme to deactivate the neurotoxin, the host doesn't die. The enzyme and the neurotoxin react to make Safyl-nitrogenase which may speed up the host's neural coordination enabling him/her to make use of the suit.

Pretty complicated, but... what the hell is Safyl nitrogenase? I went through all the papers once again. These were many rough figures for the structure of some molecule.One - I was familiar with, the nitrogenase that was common in all. but the "Safyl" thing differed in all.

It kills the host - I thought..
"The Devil huh ?", The name matched it's function too.

The prisoners, there were here for this very reason. I recalled the fact that the officers refer to them as subjects.

They were test subjects. Maybe Dave too died because of this. Suddenly, that suit freaked me out. I got myself away from it. This suit.. It killed Dave and many others. I felt scared.

"SAVE ME KID", I heard Dave's voice somewhere in the corner. There was no one there. I ran to the bars. My mental condition was worsening. I was hallucinating. But my legs didn't feel the ground.

Thud!! I fell down.


Joyce was very talented. I learnt a lot about her father, Michael Versolm. He was a great personality back then, when I was a kid.

The people called him - the Versatile. He was an expert at many things. Right from technology, devices, computers, medicine, genetics almost everything.

But then, some people raises some allegations against him. The consequences are immense. The public had became crazy. They started targetting him. From hurling stones at him, to setting his house in fire. Atlast, they found his dead body - here in India.

Joyce - She had gone through a lot of stuff and I just reminded her of that.

I was going to her cabin to tell her sorry. But there was someone already there taking care of her- Jayesh. They both wese laughing and enjoying.

I knocked. "Mr. Omkar!", Joyce exclaimed. "Come in, friend", Jayesh said. From when did I start taking orders from you Jayesh ?

"Ms. Joyce. I'm really sorry. I reminded you. ah..", I stuttered.

"Arey, na. It's really fine. Jayesh told me about you. You are not so good with conversations, are you Mr. Omkar?", Joyce smiled.

For Joусе now, Mr.Jayesh had become Jayesh.

Woah. Good going Jayesh. That was sarcastic. Me being not good at conversations ? Whatever.

"Ok, then. Hope you guys, enjoy your time", I said she abruptly exited. I had a date with Neha. The kid - Akshit was coming along too. I wonder how am I going to be his "Dad."

We went to a nearby park, spent a whole day there, enjoying. Akshit seems to be a very nice kid. His mind is so creative and fast. After all, he's my son. You know, the best part is when he calls me "Daddy". It just feels so good. Feels like some big achievement.

Days were flying quick, our research was on full speed. The research brought Jayesh And Joyce together. Joyce wanted it all to go slow. But Jayesh just couldn't wait.

So, often Neha and I accompanied them for a double-date. But I knew something was off with them. It felt as if Jayesh was forcing him on her.

"See Omkar and Neha. How happy are they. They even have a kid. And you don't even let me touch you!", he used to shout at her.

Neha was worried about Joyce. I knew Jayesh was unpredictable. He could go to any extent to do what he wants. I just hoped that he won't do something stupid that he'll later on regret.

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