3.7) Third World Princess

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[ Dr.Sejal's POV ]

I was there, in our previous home. With Daddy, Mumma, Amruta and me.
"Didi, you know I'm so happy today !", she smiled. It was her first day in her college.

"Is it about a boy ?", I smirked.
"No, not exactly. But why did you think so.."

"What's his name ?"
"I told you na it's nothing", Amruta tried to hide her face as she was blushing. "I just feel there are good people too around us now."

"I'm glad you are finally finding out such individuals. Let's just call them the Positive ones. Welcome them into your life. Don't focus on the negative ones, remove them from your.."

"Do you mean me ?", Amruta's voice suddenly changed. I heard lightnings crash around us. We were not in our room now.

It was the same old REDZ building. Dad's cabin. Amruta was breathing heavily. Something was off with her.

"Please let me live", she pleaded. But soon a boy entered the scene. A familiar face. It's him ?

"Don't !!", I cried but the boy pierced a knife in Amruta's chest.
"Forgive me, it was necessary", his eyes seemed to say.

Amruta's cold body fell down instantaneously. Dad turned into ashes as he saw his daughter die.

It didn't happen like this. It's just a dream !
It's just a dreammmm !!!!!

I opened my eyes. I was in the hospital, my hospital actually. How could I forget this place ? REDZ ICU ?!

I got up from the bed. My head hurt as I couldn't remember what nightmare I had. But whatever it was it was frightening.

"How are you feeling now? my child?", I instantly recognized the voice. Mumma.

"I'm cool, but how did I end up here?", I hushed.
"It's him", she replied.

As confused as ever, "But who?"
Mother said, "He called himself as Satvar. As in FAST."
"You gotta be kidding Dr. Gaikwad..", I said as I tried to pinch myself. Was it really happening ?

"..So he's the next subject ?"
"It seems so."

[ Tejas's POV ]

I raced towards the ICU as soon as I learnt that Sejal (Ok, Dr.Sejal) had regained consciousness.

I was in my regular clothes for now. I opened the ICU door and peeped inside.
I saw her talking with the doctor. They both stared at me as I entered. I'm not gonna name the stare this time.

"Um, I'm sorry for disturbing you", I said.
"No, no. Come inside", She said.

I entered the room as I realised she was the same doctor I'd seen in some advertisement, the wife of the deceased Dr. Gaikwad.

That's when Dr. Sejal spoke again, "Mumma, this is Tejas, you obviously know him.. the protomagnet thing in his back... Fast metabolism.."

Wait a minute. Mumma ?!
"Ya, I remember now. Nice to meet you, young man " - she said.

I gulped. She shook my hands as I saw the don't-mess-with-my-daughter look in her eyes.
"Ok, then. I'm late for an a surgery. Take care beta. Bye", she exited the room as she gave me that look for a second time.

Sejal brought me out of my thoughts. Again.
"You had an appointment, right ? Arey ha.. you know what ? The new fast super hero saved me. He's so cool, He is Satvar!"

Seeing the excitement in her eyes, I couldn't control myself. Satvar huh ? I was finalising it now. I did make a decision that I won't tell anyone that I'm the Satvar but this wasn't happening today.

"Actually, the fast Superhero. Satvar, right ? That happens to be me. You said that fast
"I knew it. Yeah!!!", she exclaimed and screamed.

"Control, Control"-I warned. I was worried more about her mother's return than anyone else.
"Can show me something fast ? Like you know.." She said.

"Ya, whatever you say. Can I bring you some thing?", I said.
"Yes, bring me a flower from the garden."

I rushed out of the room with a handkerchief on my face. I found the large garden, Full of
But why only sunflowers ?

I rushed throughout the campus to find any other flowers. But it seemed Dr.Gaikwad was too obsessed with sunflowers.

That's when I felt something unusual. Something contrasting. I noticed some area being restricted. And alongside the notice board on that gate, was a red rose.

I felt something weird again. As if it was calling me towards itself. I slowly neared the gate as I started to hear some words.

"Hey.. the ruler of time… rescue this third world… princess from… this captivity.."

What was happening ? What's behind that ?
"Tejas !!?", I heard Sejal's call from the window of the upper floors.

"This isn't fast !!", She complained. I snapped of whatever that thing was, as I pluck the rose and hurried for Sejal.

"Well now, that was fast", she smirked.
"What's with your Dad's obsession with sunflowers..", I complained.
"Long story. I'll tell you any other day...", She sighed. "Where's my sunflower ?"

"Well, somehow I did manage to get a rose among these sunflowers for Dr.Sejal", I said as I presented it.
"That's lovely you know", she giggled. "Where did you get it by the way?"
"Some notice board saying- Restricted Area."

Sejal's eyes widened. She wrapped her hands around mine. "Never go there !", she said with a serious look.

"Do not go there.. Promise me."

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