5.12) Exhausted

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Ok. Fourth try.
I took Sejal as hostage to make Dr.Gaikwad. But it didn't turn out very well.

Fifth try.
I decided to jump in Aditya's portal, just after he lost his control. But he killed me even before we went to the other side.

Sixth try.
I jumped out of the balcony and evaded the police but Dr.Gaikwad caught Mayuri. Aditya appeared as usual and killed us all afterwards.

Seventh try..
Why am I even counting ?

I literally lost the count after 10-15 respawns I guess.

"Wake up ! Vedant !!"
"Please stop !!", I yelled at Aditya. He looked confused. I was exhausted mentally and emotionally.

He showed me the negative infinity once again.
"Why are you showing me this ?! Take it and shove it up your ass !!", I shouted. He started losing his control and jumped into the portal.

Dr.Gaikwad and Sejal barged in as Mayuri tried to pull me inside the portal. "You and your daughter, both fuck off !!", I yelled as I showed them middle finger as I jumped in the portal. Fuck everything !

I bumped into Mayuri but this time it wasn't exactly intimidating. I went to her window and glanced outside. All I could see was sunflowers in her garden. "Fuck HOPE ! There's no hope left inside me !"

Mayuri kept a hand on my shoulder, "What's with the frustration ? Are you okay ?"
"No I'm not okay.. I'm stuck in a freaking..", I paused but.. "Doesn't matter anyways, somehow or the other Aditya will come again and kill us all."

"You are stuck in a timeloop ??", she asked.
"Yes. Exactly ! I don't know why I thought I shouldn't feel you but- yes ! I'm sick of watching you die !", I said as I sat on the edge of her bed.
"Ok.. so everything happening now has happened already for you..", she asked with curious eyes.
"You even know what's going to happen next ?"
"Yes. You're going to get period cramps in a few minutes. Get hot water ready", I told her.

"Ok.. let's just calm you down first..", she said as she handed over the water bottles to me.
"I'm so sick of being a water heater", I complained.
I saw Mayuri going towards the mirror. "Wait ! No please. Don't do makeup again !", I said. "You look good anyways."

She smiled and she continued to. Was she blushing ?
Yes I'm !

"Stop with the mind reading please", I objected.
"You are telling me stuff that's literally impossible. So I've to double check everytime !"
I explained everything to her. She tried asking me if I'd tried everything I could. "I can't think of anything else. I'm sorry", she said.
"It seems Aditya is invincible. In one try, I even managed to get to him after learning almost all of his moves but then I realised : Both of our infinities have this function of immortality. The user can't die. If by chance he does, the infinity starts a timeloop", I explained.
"So even Aditya experiences a timeloop if you look him. But how can he kill us both ?", she asked.
"Maybe because you have half infinities ?! I don't know-"

ARGHHH!!! - Mayuri screamed.
"We were late it seems", I commented as Mayuri opened the portal to Snigdha. "Any idea what should I do next time to avoid all this talk ?"
"Do something unpredictable", she said as she jumped out.

This time I tried something different. I gave my phoenix bracelet to Mayuri and asked her to put on the phoenix armour. Surprisingly, Aditya went to Mayuri to kill her referring to her as the phoenix fighter. Even when I tried to confront him, he ignored me. He killed her again and turned to me.

"This doesn't make sense, you are trying to kill the phoenix fighter. Not Vedant..", I said.
"Correct. I'm not Aditya anymore. I took over him when I killed Snigdha. He won't come back ! He's dead ! Now handover the positive infinity to me", he ordered.

"I know what I have to do now", I laughed as I retracted the blade out of my positive infinity too. "You are losing this time !", I said as I thrust the infinity blade into my throat.


"Wake up ! Vedant !!"
"Yess Aditya !", I said as I opened my eyes. "Can you give the negative infinity to me ?"
"What ?! Yes sure.. I mean I can't", he stuttered.
"Give it to me. It'll solve all the problems..", I said.
"No.. I won't.. it won't let me..", his eyes changed again as he jumped into the portal.

I heard footsteps. I saw a portal opening. I caught Mayuri's hand and jumped in. I hugged her tightly as I got out.
"What are you doing ? How did you know I was going to -", Mayuri started asking questions as she pushed me away. I didn't have time to explain but she could attack me if I didn't explain.

Do something unpredictable - I recalled her words.

Ok here it goes. I held her waist and pulled her towards me. "Shut up", I said as I landed my lips over hers. She gasped initially but later literally pulled my head towards her.
Her tongue almost wiggled in my mouth.

I pushed myself away as I felt breathless. "Now and shut up and listen. Take me to Snigdha's grandmother's house. She's in danger. What are you looking at ? Quick !"

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