3.12) Ruler of Time

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I explained the whole thing to him as we rushed through Track -21- what Vedant calls it as.

The place was deserted due to its uneven topography and almost no population around, I wonder why did the government even build a road at such place.

First, he asked me to run as fast as I could and cross the distance of almost 100m in a second.

And yes, I could do it. Now, he asked me to run normally first but while returning back, run in reverse.

"Ok", I replied to this awkward request but I knew if PF had asked for it, then it was worth it. Here it goes..

I crossed the first half easily but when I tried to run backward that is, in reverse, I felt something changing inside me I could see black energy radiating through my body.

I returned and told this to PF but he smiled as if he was expecting it.
"You still haven't mastered your powers. But your opponent- Negative Satvar has mastered it all!", said Vedant.

"See from my experience, Time can be represented with time crystal. See you can see this for relevance", he said as he handed me over a small cheat of paper.

I unfolded it to find a diagram.
( I have kept that paper with me, since then. You can see it below : )

"From my analysis, This Negative one has came from the After-future. During his time travel, he suffered from amnesia due to time parodox..."
"Amnesia ?!", I asked.

"Memory loss", Sejal remarked.

"He met you even today. Isn't it ? And then he went back to 19 December and fought with you that day."
"Wait that means I actually reminded him today to make a mess on 19 December, when today seriously he didn't know anything ! Oh no dude !", I sighed but continued... "How do you know all this by the way?"

"Did you forget about this little thing ? I have the infinity, bro" - He said as he showed us both 'The Infinity', a small piece of metal. It looked like some twisted loop.

A lemniscate.

The shape kept radiating a blue aura through his hands. He slipped it back in his pocket..
"So, can you help us both time travel to this so called origin to stop that Negative Satvar from destroying Tejas ? using your Infinity?" - Sejal interuppted him as she glanced through the paper.

"No, not the Infinity. And why does he even need it ?"
"What do you mean ?"
"You can travel the time by yourself, Satvar. You are the Ruler of Time!", he said.

"Since when did I become the Ruler of Time? I'm only fast. I can't time travel" - I sighed.
"No, you can.. If you revolve around the earth in less than 24 hours. You can change Earth's rotational frequency. After the revolution, each step you take will change the time. Actually, it won't change...

Just seasons will reverse. Humans will also go in reverse due to the brain's non-response to this situation. You just have to revolve around the earth in less than 24 hours."

What ?!

"How can you even expect him to do this ?!", Sejal slammed, "He'll die!!!"
"Well, actually I was initially thinking about him to acquire speed near to Light speed. Then he could time travel definitely. I don't know whether It'll work with this 24 hours pattern or not."

"Listen, Einstein. I did read the theory of relativity..", Sejal snapped again.

"Hey, Science people, just listen to me. I think I'll give it a try. But I seriously don't think I'll get anything close to Light speed. Ok?"
"That's the spirit bro", PF seemed happy.
"So where do we start ?"

"I have to give Versatile a call. He will modify your uh...magnet device."
"Protro-magnet" Sejal corrected. "Wait but isn't he some kind of assassin ? He was on a killing spree back then", I expressed my concern.

"Well things change. And your.. protro-magnet needs to change too."

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