2.10) Devil and his hell

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"Come on, Man, How could you possibly built an AI without a programmer ?", I questioned Jayesh.
"Cool down. Trust me, I have the best man on the job.. Actually the best woman."

"Who?", Neha asked.

We were at our new facility. Encepha Labs - a joint venture of Aspex and Aksh industries. We basically had no work here right now.

As of today, the AI unit was going to start its work.

It was all about some crazy programming, according to Jayesh. The plan was to get this AI which Jayesh will install, in the primary model with the help of Neha. And finally I make it kinda humanoid, stable by adding some organic stuff with help of Neha's help again. HLAs ofcourse.

I know it doesn't make sense. But I don't really think I can make you understand what I do. As always.

So anyways, we'd made Jayesh, the head and he was more than happy because of it. "You've heard about Michael Versolm right ?", Jayesh smiled.

"Are you gonna wake him from his up graveyard ?", I tried to joke. No one laughed. Ok, Neha did smile a bit. I think.

"..His daughter Joyce Versolm. The current - 7th most advanced computer expert in the world".

"Woah. And how much do we pay her millions ? Think about the budget Jayesh", I said.

"Look at the bigger picture, Mr. Omkar. And by the way, she had herself assured us that she won't charge a penny for the work. It's her golden chance. She wants to prove herself. She wants everyone to know that she deserves the first place in the digital experts board."

"Still, I think we should make an agreement or something. Or else you know..?"

"20% of the whole profit. Now that's in our budget right?", Jayesh grinned.

"Let's start the work boys", Neha winced. Hey, the statement was for both of us, but why was Jayesh smiling ? Maybe he was just too excited for the project.


"Hi, this is Omkar, our genetics expert and here is our corespondent, Ms. Prisha from Aksh industries", Jayesh announced. "And this is our new digital expert.. Joyce Versolm !"

She looked rather Indian, judging from her name. Also her accent... Fishy huh ? I decided to test it.

"Ms. Joyce. Are you from India, too ? Well you sound like that", I asked.

Jayesh paused. Neha too stopped in tracks her tracks. Both gave me a weird stare.

"Arey, ha. Mein hu India se he. Aapse milkar achaa lagaa", she said and shook my hands.

Ok.. this was crazy..

Jayesh come running to me. "WTF man. I told you not to mess around. She's from India ofcourse. Don't you know the story ? She's been through a rough past. Don't mess with her old wounds, ok ?"

"Okay Sorry!"



Water dripped down my body, as I opened my eyes. It was pitch black. I couldn't see anyone. Ahead of me, I could see some light - the bars. I was in a cell, but where ?

That's when it happened again. Another, Splash of water. "Could you STOP THAT?!", I screamed. No one answered. Just Silence.

Suddenly, I heard a matchstick being lit. I looked behind - that so-called Ma'am stood besides me. I could only see her face due to the small fire in her hand. "I suppose, I'd told you not to mess around", she began.

"Yeah, but, I wanna get outta here !!", I yelled. "Not so soon. I told you, Do my work and you'll be free. It was that simple. But now..." She paused.
"But what?" I asked.

"Now that you've made me angry.. I guarantee you Mr. Omkar, you won't make it alive out of here. I give my word on that. Ok ?", She hissed.

The match stick went off. The bars in front of me opened. They were close, but it felt like they were miles away. may. Some kinda illusion maybe. I felt like Vestigo. They'd injected me with something..

"Hey wait? what's that?!", I shouted as I saw an officer with a hot red metal rod in his hand. "I told you, you made me angry.. but I can't kill you, so", I heard the Ma'am from the speakers.

"NO, PLEAASSE", I pleaded. But the officers didn't stop. He came behind me.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" My screams filled the cell. The torture was inhumane. They bet me with the hot metal rods. All of my body burnt. My skin melted, some of my ribs broke.

Hell. This was hell.
And there was no way outta hell..

It's been an hour since, they left. But, I was still staring at the ground.
I realised, I was in Cell-II. The big black suit stood before me in its full glory.

I started to realise everything that had happened till now. It made sense now.

This cell was Hell.

And the suit before me was the Devil.
Even Dave had told me once, The Devil isn't a person. It's dead.

The ma'am was the mistress of the Devil. Because she wanted to get access of it..

But what if...

I could somehow get my hands on the suit. If I become the Devil...

I would rule the Hell too.

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