5.0) PROLOGUE - Blast from the Past

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"Yeah I'm good", I sighed. "Kinda missing you. I now think this wasn't a good idea.. to let you wander there alone."

I hummed over the call as I walked towards Track-21. "Anyways, how does it feel to be away from all this superhero shit ?...
Yes, I do understand. Ok then, TTYL. Buh-Bye phoenix !"

I made it to my destination. This abstinence from superpowers was driving me crazy. But, it was my idea afterall. So I had to follow it anyhow. I noticed an old photo of a family on the edge of the railing. The faces looked awfully familiar though.

As I started to near it, something caught my eye and swinged myself sideways. "FREEZE !", I commanded.
"Woah woah woah. Cool down vahini !", someone came in.

"Satvar ?", I gasped.
"And Sejal too", a young woman waved her hand.

"What ?! How's this..", I stuttered. "You changed the timeline Satvar ? Like seriously ?! Why didn't I get a notification ?"
"Umm, I can explain..", he too panicked.

"Let's all sit down and figure it out together. Okay ?", Sejal tried to calm us down. And it worked.
"Ok, so it happened when..", Tejas started.

"I don't get it. Vedant takes one week off from his responsibilities and BOOM. Something new shows up", I complained.
"Mayuri !", Sejal snapped. "Hear him out first !" I shut myself up as I felt like a younger sister being scolded by the elder one.

"Ok so this happened pretty randomly. I was at REDZ. Ok ?", Tejas restarted his narrative again. "..I suck at this. I can't do storytelling", he complained.
"You guys are impossible !", Sejal remarked. "Ok then, I'll tell. You both listen."

I nodded in agreement.

"Be prepared folks. This is going to be a looonnggg story", she smiled.


"And then we came here."
"End of the story !", Tejas remarked happily. ( I promise you Tejas, one more stupid laugh and I'll end your existence from this fucking reality. )

"Ok... Cool..", I said as I tried my best to keep my calm. "You guys just changed a whole timeline and nothing changed.. that's..
That's impossible !"

"Vedant keeps on telling me to believe in the impossible and be the impossible. And by the way, I mean ALMOST nothing changed", he said.
"Guys, I think we are missing the point here. The antagonist of our story repeated this thing several times - Phoenix Fighter himself doesn't know what he is", Sejal pointed out as I tried to recollect whatever story she told a few moments ago.

"Even I agree", Tejas smiled again. I gave him a steady stare. He turned his head down.

"So what do you want to know ?", I finally asked. "About Vedant ?"
"How did he become the phoenix fighter that we see today ?"

"Hmm.. ok cool", I crossed my arms across my chest. "So again. Story time !"

Tejas clapped his hands in excitement but soon regretted it. "You can continue vahini."

"Even I don't know much about how he got the full body Frequenium armour. But I do know how we.. I mean he.. got the lemniscate.

It was the first time we actually met. The first time he revealed his true self..

Let's go back to 2016. Shall we ?"

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