125 - Prologue

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Volume 2 - Death's Life

(??? POV)

"Ugh..." I groaned. "What is this...?"

I looked over the evidence for the newest case. It was...pretty gruesome. I don't even want to think about what happened to the victim. This is one of the worst things I've seen in quite a while.

I placed the file down, pushing it away. The crime happened a couple days ago, and immediately the news went overdrive. It was a murder made by someone angry.

Someone with a vengeance. A personal grudge.

My phone buzzed. It was Officer Gordon.

"Yeah?" I asked, answering the call.

"You've sent the file?" Gordon asked.

"Yeah. This is pretty bad." I stated.

"Found out anything?" He asked.

"Yeah, well, this crime was made by someone with a grudge." I replied.

"Anyone could have known that with a single glance." He sighed. "This girl was straight-up tortured before they died. I feel sorry for the parents who came back home only to find their daughter in their basement in that state."

"You don't think it's the parents?" I asked.

"Do you?" Gordon replied.

"No." I shook my head. "Not with this evidence. It doesn't match."

"I thought so." Gordon stated. "So, what else did you figure out?"

"The crime was made by someone around the same age." I stated. "It seems the victim had been stalked a couple days before the killer struck. Whoever did this was very thorough."

"Motive?" Gordon asked.

"My best guess is jealousy." I stated.

"Seriously? A murder over jealousy?" Gordon replied, slightly disgusted.

"Well, with multiple broken hearts carved into the skin I think you can understand why I think that." I replied.

"God...I did not need to know that." Gagged Gordon. "This is the worst things that's happened in a long time."

"I've been in the business for a long time." I stated. "And this is still one of the worst cases."

"That bad, huh. Honestly, not too surprised." Gordon sighed. "Well, let us know if you suddenly have an epiphany from this evidence. We're currently finding suspects, and I'll get back to you."

"Alright. Thanks." I replied.

"No problem. Keep up the good work Detective Miles." Gordon stated, hanging up.

I sighed, placing my phone back into my pocket as I took a cigarette. Taking a long draw, I let the smoke float to the ceiling of my room.

What would drive a person so far? While I believe my deductions, I can't piece it all together. Why? Is this person just a psycho who needs some mental therapy?

My phone buzzed once more. I was worried of what may be there. Instead, it was just a text from my wife.

Milly: Want to eat out tonight?

Me: Sure. Needed a distraction from work.

Milly: That bad, huh?

Me: Really bad. One of the worst cases in a long time.

Milly: You can tell me at dinner then. Let's just go with something simple.

Me: McDonalds?

Milly: Yep.

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