142 - A New Addition To The Family

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We walked into the Guild Hall. The first floor was where the adventurer registering stations and the board were, along with other things pertaining to helping adventurers. All of the adventurers currently on this floor glanced to us, looking confused on why two teenagers and a kid walked in.

We walked up to the desk. Some of the adventurers lost interest, while many still looked on in curiosity. The receptionist, while confused, still greeted us cheerfully.

"Hello!" She smiled. "How may I help you?"

"I was sent here to obtain the adventurer card which Irene Aegis suggested." I stated.

That caught the rest of the adventurer's attention. While Irene was only a year older than me, now at 18, she was quite a big name in Tokyo.

"I'm sorry, but I'll need some sort of proof." The receptionist stated. "I don't mean to offend you, but I can't give these out like candy."

I understand that, but at the same time how else would I have known about it? I went to show the texts she sent me earlier, only to realize something really bad...

The texts that she sent me were squished inbetween two things; the short talk about the adoption papers that we had and a spicy photo she had sent me before.

The adoption thing was fine, but I definitely couldn't show her that photo. That was my fiancé, and I'm not letting anybody see those photos she intended for my eyes only.

Lily looked towards me strangely, wondering why I hadn't given her evidence and why I was currently sweating.

Shit. How should I-

Everybody suddenly gasped.

"If you don't have proof, then you'll have to leave and obtain it, or else I can't give you the card." She sighed, not believing that the Irene Aegis sent me.

"Don't worry about it Nat." Somebody stated, putting their cold hand on my shoulder. "He's THE fiancé of Irene Aegis. You can trust him."

Everybody stared at us shocked, for two reasons. One, the strongest adventurer in Japan had his hand on the shoulder of a teenager and said he could be trusted. And two, this teenager was apparently Irene Aegis' fiancé.


The receptionist looked at him with wide eyes. Glancing back, my own eyes slightly widened as the smiling face of Brandon Tsuki stood behind me.

Lily looked at him, slightly shocked while Xena just looked confused, wondering why everybody was acting like this with his arrival.

"B-Brandon Tsuki!" She gasped. "I-I see! I'm sorry about that! I'll get right to it!"

She quickly went into the back, grabbing the card.

"Thanks." I nodded to him.

"It's no problem." He replied. "Especially after what you did for me. But why didn't you show her evidence?"

"I had a text, but..." I trailed off, trying to figure out what to say.

"Let me guess." He replied, leaning in to whisper in my ear. "A special photo?"

"Yeah." I sighed. "How'd you know?"

"My own girlfriend." He sweat dropped. "Emi is...quite..."

"I see." I nodded.

The receptionist hurried back, handing me the blank card. "You need to activate the card, right?"

"Yes, we do." I nodded.

"Alright." She replied. "Since it's usually done when the Arcana is first awakened, it'll be a little different than the usual. We have a special machine for unique circumstances like these. Follow me."

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