140 - The Enchantress Of Colchis

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...this just got complicated.

" What was that?! Who the hell are you and where am I?!" The woman's voice yelled through my mind.

"Stranger danger! STRANGER DANGER! KEN HELP ME!!!!" Loki begged.

"Who is this Ken?!!!" She demanded.

Alright, give me a moment. I'll be there and I'll explain everything.

"What?!" She gasped.

I laid down on the bed, closing my eyes. I drifted off into my mind scape. It was kind of like falling asleep, except I commanded myself to do it, where falling asleep just kind of happens naturally.

Opening my eyes, I was now in the dark void with the giant, black castle in front of me. It had been quite a while since I had last been here.

I walked inside of the castle to immediately find an interesting sight. Loki was on the ground as the woman was stomping on him with her heeled foot.

She wore a black dress with black heels and arm bands. Her yellow eyes pierced the darkness under her hat which looked similar to the stereotypical witch hat.

"Stop it!" Loki cried out.

"No! Not until you tell me where the hell am I? How did you convince Hades to bring me here?! Huh?! Huh?!" She growled.

"Why are you just letting her kick you?" I sweat dropped.

She turned, looking towards me shocked. "What the...you're the one who's voice I heard earlier..."

"She's at X while I'm at S!" Loki wailed. "This is so unfair!"

"What are you talking about?!" She shouted at him.

"Please calm down." I sighed.

"Who are you?" She replied, looking back at me.

"My name is Ken Kage." I replied. "I'm assuming you are Medea?"

"So you know who I am." Medea narrowed her eyes, pointing her finger at me. "What have you done with me? Where am I?"

"It's...well, you're in my mind." I stated.

"...eh?" She replied, confused.

"This is my mind scape." I restated. "Where you and Loki reside."

"Loki..." She muttered, looking back at him. "Aren't you a Norse God?"

"I am." He replied. "So please get off of me."

"Why haven't you done anything?" She questioned. "A God is more powerful than a Enchantress."

"Not anymore..." He sadly sighed. "Just try using your magic."

She looked at him strangely, before snapping her fingers. Her eyes widened in horror as she realized she couldn't use her magic.

"Yeah, you won't be able to do most of the things you could before." Loki explained.

"What...what happened?" She gasped. "What have you done to me?!"

"You're an Arcana now." I stated. "I didn't do that, though."

"What is an Arcana?" She asked.

"It's a fragment of the past, which is bonded to a human based on their personality. It ends up granting them a portion of the mythical figure's power." I stated.

"I was bonded to Loki when I awakened. After I defeated this guy who was trying to kill me, I bonded his soul to mine so I could acquire his power to save someone close to me." I continued.

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