169 - Tail of a Spar

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"Well this isn't good." Irene noted.

We all stared at Erica, wrapped to a chair with Amber's golden chains. Erica struggled while glaring at us, but was unable to break the chains which held her against the chair.

We were able to successfully bring the caught Erica back to the Aegis Mansion, but she was still very unhappy and still very under the influence of that prick Azeroth.

Xena was currently sleeping upstairs with Isabella, while the rest of us attempted to figure out a way to help Erica.

"Merlin, do you know anything about reversing mind control?" Lily asked.

"No, I don't." Merlin frowned. "Maybe one day I did, but nothing comes to mind. Especially when it comes to magic this powerful."

She stared at Erica intently.

"Azeroth is incredibly adept at magic." Merlin noted. "More than me, Ken, and Erica. More so than any of us."

"Well shit." Yui cursed.

"Honestly...Azeroth is on the level of a god." Merlin grimaced. "I don't know how he compares to Loki in his prime, but..."

"It could be close." I finished.

Loki, what do you think?

Loki stayed silent for a moment, before finally speaking. "In my absolute prime, I was stronger, of course. However, I hate to admit that Azeroth probably isn't too far behind."

"Who knows what magic he knows." Medea added. "I know mind control spells but none of them are to this degree, and none of them could be reverse engineered to fix this."

So what's our best option then? To end Azeroth?

"Likely." Loki replied.

"But there's one problem." Medea stated. "What if it isn't reversed with Azeroth's death?"

Shit. And we don't have a way to know.

"I'll see what our scientists can find out." Irene stated. "But I wouldn't have high hopes."

"I will do what I can." Merlin added. "I'll try a couple things, search around a little. It'd be nice if we had an ancient library around here..."

"Well, we have normal libraries." Iris replied. "I doubt there'd be anything in there to help against god-level power, but I can check."

"I'll ask...Brandon." Bianca added.

"Damn it." I muttered to myself. "We need to have someone watching her at all times. I'll see what I can do, but in the meantime I'll be training."

Everybody nodded at that.

"Aoi, could you keep watch on Erica for now?" Irene requested.

Aoi gave Irene a thumbs up.

"Thank you." Irene smiled. "For now, you can take her over to an empty guest room."

As Aoi went behind the chair to push Erica to another room, Erica finally spoke once again.

"I have pledged eternal servitude to Azeroth." Erica stated. "And soon you all will too."

"And what do you mean by that?" Iris questioned.

"You shall see." Erica cryptically replied. "But know your efforts are useless. I would prepare for the new world."

I tightened my fists and bit my lip as Aoi started to drag Erica away to a guest room.

"I'm going to train." Amber stated.

"Wait, before you do that..." Lily suddenly spoke. "Those gold chains? Are those new?"

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