152 - The Second Kato

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I wasn't surprised that Aoi had joined the school. She had already voiced her thoughts of wanting to become an Adventurer. I also knew that Principal was taking care of her, so I thought eventually she'd come here.

"PRINCIPAL HAS A DAUGHTER?!" A student exclaimed.

"Yeah, I was surprised too." The teacher awkwardly laughed. "Anyways, please give her a warm welcome."

But the fact that Principal ADOPTED her blew my mind.

This explains why Principal wanted my help. Aoi was bound to be clueless about many things in our world. I doubt she's ever done something for fun before.

I'll take her around the city after school, give her one of my good old tours. And during it I'll ask about the adoption. What? I'm curious.

Aoi walked through the aisle, stopping next to me. She looked to me, staring at me blankly before saying, "Hello."

"Hey." I nodded.

"Another one?!" A boy screamed in frustration.

"Leave him alone!" A girl smacked the boy on the head.

"My head!" He yelled.

"Lucky...having a childhood friend..." Another boy jealously muttered, sinking in his chair.

"Boys, I swear..." Sighed another girl from across the room.

Aoi then turned to Kai, who was sitting next to me. He was staring off into space.

"Hello." She greeted him.

"Hm?" He turned towards her.

"I request your seat." She asked. "...please."

"Oh, sure." Kai stated, standing up. He slapped me on the back with a laugh. "Good job, man!" He then moved to the seat behind Aoi.

This brings me flashbacks to when Yui first arrived. Speaking of...

I turned around from looking at Aoi to see Yui sitting backwards in her chair, staring at me with a cute pout on her face. "Ken..." She said.

"Yeah, yeah, calm down." I pat her on the head.

"Hmm..." She hummed, melting into my hand.

"To think that the idol Yui Yosei was tamed just like that..." A girl muttered. "It's so cute!"

"My idol..." Someone whimpered.

Ah, there's always the simp. I'm sorry for your loss. Definitely not a lie.

"Your sarcasm is on point." Loki stated. "I am proud of you."

"What is this 'sarcasm' you speak of?" Medea questioned.

"You poor, unfortunate soul. How uncultured." Loki replied.

"I will castrate you." Medea warned. "Do not test me."

"Suck my di-AHHHHHHH!!!! Get that knife away!" Loki screamed in terror.

"I warned you!" Medea yelled.

I tuned them out. Those two argue at least once every day, I swear. I'm not sure if they hate each other, if it's their dynamic, or if Loki is still salty that a witch is ranked higher than a god.

Probably the third.

The first day back was pretty normal. Nothing eventful happened. Well, at least until lunch happened. I was sitting at a table with Iris, Erica, Lily, Yui, Bianca, Amber, and Aoi. As you can probably tell, it gathers a lot of attention.

And jealousy. Lots of jealousy. I mean, all of the most popular girls in the school sit with me, a singular man.

"You!" A person yelled from behind me.

The Mob Character Shouldn't Have A Yandere Harem?! [Volume 2]Where stories live. Discover now