136 - The End Of A Rivalry

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(Erica POV)

We rushed through the tunnel. I clutched onto Fenrir's hair, making sure I wouldn't go flying off. We had found a secret tunnel in the cellar and were now quickly running through.

I was riding Fenrir, using him as a mode of transport. And Fenrir was crazy fast. If I wasn't clutching onto his fur for dear life I would have fallen off a long time ago.

The tunnel was quite long, not surprising since it led almost all the way to the airport. But I didn't see them no matter how far we got through the tunnel.

They must have already reached their base. Well, that was part of the plan. Let's hope that Father was able to stop Darien.

Fenrir took a sharp corner as I clutched into his fur. He continued to dash, his feet pounding against the floor. Up ahead, I saw the tunnel ended.

We reached the end, where a ladder led up to a trapdoor above. I got off of Fenrir, allowing him to shrink and jump back onto my shoulder.

I clutched the rungs of the ladder, climbing upwards. As I got closer to the trapdoor the sounds of fighting penetrated my ears.

I thrust open the trapdoor, moving the rug out of the way and clambered to my feet. I was in the living room of a house.

"Erica?!" Someone whisper-yelled. I looked over, seeing Darin's mother Jill. She was hiding in some sort of closet, peeking out.

She gestured for me to come in. I quickly entered the closet. Jill turned to me, looking scared. "What's going on?!" She whispered. "Your father and a bunch of his servants appeared and started fighting Darien!"

"We discovered something horrible." I stated. "Your husband has allowed children Arcana's to forcibly be awoken early."

"That's horrible..." She muttered.

"I know." I replied. "That's why I need to go help Aaron."

"You can't do that." She stated.

"What?" I asked, only to turn around and get a knife stabbed into my chest. I gasped, staring at Jill.

"I'm sorry Erica." She whispered. "I'm sorry it had to be this way. I never wanted to hurt you, but I'm sticking with my husband to the end."

I coughed out some blood, kicking Jill away. I felt myself chuckle as I pulled the knife out, letting it drop to the ground.

I stood up with my shaking legs, feeling the wound in my chest already starting to heal because of Avalon. Thank goodness Ken had given it back to me.

"What?" Jill asked, looking at me scared.

"Don't underestimate an Arthurson. We are the descendants of Arthur Pendragon." I laughed. "Ken's suspicions were right. You did know."

"I did." Jill sadly replied. "But it was for the safety of our family! Our bloodline!"

"Too bad that it's become the end of your bloodline." I scoffed.

"What?" Jill gasped, looking at me, shaking with fear. "Erica...what did you do?"

"I did my job as heir, and killed the heir to the Du Lac's." I stated. "It's time to end this grudge. It's been going on for too long."

"You killed Da-?!" Jill angrily yelled at me.

She never finished her final words, Excalibur stabbing straight through her chest. She gasped, looking at me with angry, wide eyes before they went dead as her body slumped.

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