161 - I Hate Demon King Invasions

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Okay, what the hell was that explosion? We were just having a great moment where everything is nicely resolving itself in an almost plot-armourish way, do we really have to do this?

We quickly rushed outside of the building, staring above to see Xernathel in combat with some sort of small object. It was a man coated in full medieval black armor, a black knight. Crimson fire burst from under his feet, elevating him in the air, and from the holes for the eyes glowed a sinister red. In his hands was a large, pure black great sword.

Xernathel roared at the man, scratches littering his skin. Gelinda widened her eyes, quickly shouting at Xernathel. "Retreat! Xernathel! Retreat!"

It was too late. In an instant the dark knight was above Xernathel, sword raised as crimson fire raged around it. Xernathel attempted to move, but wasn't quick enough. The fire engulfed him in a large blast which lit up the sky.

Xernathel's charred body fell down to the ocean far below. This knight killed him in the amount of time it took the S Ranks to take out one of Xernathel's eyes.

"No..." Gelinda gasped. "Xernathel..."

The dark knight then started to fall himself, before twisting in the air and landing onto the island with a large slam. The impact of his feet created a small crater in the ground, one which he climbed out of with threatening ease.

"This is bad." Medea commented. "He's not Lupercio level, but he is at least as strong as Gelinda."

I was able to defeat Lupercio with unlocking all four seals. With Erica, Bianca, Yui, and all the S Ranks here along with Gelinda, don't you think we stand a pretty good chance?

"Oh, you would definitely beat him." Loki replied. "But then why is he approaching all of you, knowing your strength?"

Does he know?

"We don't know." Medea stated. "The pressing issue isn't whether or not you can beat him. It's how long it will take to beat him. Bianca's mom was here for two weeks and lost at least ten years."

Shit, you're right. I don't want what happened to Bianca's mom to happen to me. I'm not going to lose those precious years because of some knight that just randomly appeared.

We either need to finish this quick, or...

I have an idea.

"Why have you come here?" Gelinda growled, hostile glaring at the knight.

"I am Egak. I come here as one of Demon King Azeroth's
Four Heavenly Knights." The man spoke, his voice deep and echoey. "Surrender this world to Azeroth, or there will be casualties."

So he's another minion of Azeroth. Unlike that one guy, seems he won't be as much as a pushover. Likely no murders with books today.

From above, multiple large rifts started to open in the sky, as more demonic creatures started to climb out. Gelinda cursed at the sight.

"This has been my home for eons. I am not going to give it over for whatever sick plans your Demon King has in mind." Gelinda spat.

She looked up at the sky, looking at the thousands of demons coming through.

"I will fight them." She stated. "Along with the other beings of this realm. We will protect our realm. Go back to yours while you still have the chance."

"But Gelinda..." Bryn muttered.

"Go. You finally have your chance. This is my realm, not yours." Gelinda ordered.

"I have an idea." I spoke up. "The S Ranks, along with Yui, take Yui's mother and escape back through the rift. Gelinda and the others will fend off Azeroth's forces here, while Erica, Bianca, and I deal with that Heavenly Knight."

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